Supreme Chef

Chapter 1025 Help you reduce staff

Chapter 1025 Help you reduce staff (2)

Jiang Shili's eyelids twitched violently when he saw the purple thunder flame rising from Lin Mu's hand.

Jiang Shili would never doubt the power of this purple thunder flame.If this kind of thunderous fire really entered his sky-refining furnace, his own sky-refining furnace would probably be blown away in an instant.


Lin Mu leaped with the Thunder Spear with thunderous flames, and immediately threw it out of his hand, heading straight for Jiang Shili.

Bai Yan and the others were terrified when they saw the Thunder Gun with lightning flames and endless thunder fire.

Such a thunderous flame, they would not doubt its power in the slightest.Being able to compress thunder into flames, this might is something even immortals don't have.

Lei Jiegun had already locked on to Jiang Shili, and he had nowhere to hide even if he wanted to.

For the current plan, he can only grit his teeth, hoping that the sky refining furnace in his hand can block Lin Shu's thunder spear.


Jiang Shili gritted his steel teeth, and placed his big hand heavily on the refining furnace, and then saw the refining furnace turning up and down, and instantly magnified dozens of times, directly filling the entire hole .


Lin Mu let out a cold snort, and then drew the tactic, and the thunder robbery spear directly hit the furnace.

This is indeed an imitation of the ancient treasure, although it is only an imitation, but Lin Shu's thunder gun just split the sky refining furnace and did not destroy it at all.

"Here you are!" Lin Mu threw the medicine king cauldron, and then a ball of sky fire shot into the medicine king cauldron.

With the help of Tianhuo, Yaowangding immediately turned back the tongue of fire and swallowed the Tianfu furnace into his stomach.

"Give me back the refining furnace!" Jiang Shili saw that the Yaowang Ding had swallowed his own refining furnace, and his eyes were about to burst with anger, and he roared to smash the Yaowangding.

Lin Mu looked at the furious Jiang Shili, and had no intention of stopping him at all.

The Immortal Thunder can't do anything to the Yao Wang Ding, so what can Jiang Shili do to the Yao Wang Ding.


Jiang Shili's surging immortal energy blasted down, and all of it hit the Yaowang Ding, and the Yaowang Ding didn't react at all except for a few slight shakes.

Lin Mu raised his hand, made a gesture to continue, and then looked at Jiang Shili like a monkey.

Jiang Shili gritted his steel teeth, and directly blasted out the Zhou Tianquan, and immediately, the billowing immortal energy landed on the body of the medicine king cauldron like a dragon.


Facing Jiang Shili's attack, Yao Wang Ding also spit out a tongue of fire.

Facing the Frost Skyfire at the peak of the third level, Jiang Shili didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. He also tapped his feet at the same time with both palms, and the billowing immortal energy resisted the skyfire.

But no matter how fast Jiang Shili was, it was not as fast as the tongue of fire.


Tongues of flames swept across Jiang Shili's whole body, and the smell of roasted pig hair wafted in the air.

"Jiang's Roasted Suckling Pig." Lin Mu said with a faint smile.

At this time, Jiang Shili's hair and eyebrows were all burned off, and his body was protected by fairy clothes, but there was no injury.

"Aren't you ready to make a move?" Jiang Shili also looked stern at this time, and he could see that it was impossible for him to do anything to Lin Mu by himself, and he was easily killed by Lin Mu.

So now he can only ask to join forces with everyone.

Bai Yan and the others looked at each other, and then they also shot one after another, targeting Lin Shu and Nanshuang.

"Why do you want to die too?" Lin Mu said lightly.

Bai Yan said: "Brother Lin, as long as you hand over what you got in the bronze coffin, I will leave immediately and will never interfere with your affairs with the Jiang family."

When Jiang Shili heard Bai Yan's words, he couldn't help feeling hatred in his heart.This Bai Yan is definitely hiding a knife in his smile, he is very not a person.If Lin Mu wasn't here, Jiang Shili would have to do the math with Bai Yan.

After hearing Jiang Shili's words, Lin Mu also took out a thin piece of gold paper, waved it around in front of everyone, and said, "This is what I got in the bronze coffin, and it recorded a section of the law of thunder."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, the eyes of Bai Yan and others were extremely fiery.

They saw the thunder flame that Lin Mu cast just now, such a thunder flame, let alone them, I am afraid that even ordinary immortals will suffer a lot if they don't check it for a while.

"Brother Lin, as long as you hand over this piece of gold paper to us, we promise to leave immediately, and we will never stay for a while." Bai Yan said with fiery eyes.

Lin Mu smiled indifferently, and said: "It's nothing to give this piece of Thunder Law to you, but if you just retreat, the temptation is not enough. Why don't you kill Jiang Shili, I will give this piece of Thunder Law to whoever, by the way You can teach that person how to open it."

When Jiang Shili heard Lin Mu's words, his face turned pale, and he said, "Everyone, don't fall into his tricks, he clearly wants us to fight among ourselves, and then we will reap the benefits."

There were no idiots present, so they naturally understood their intentions, but facing such a storm of thunder, they still couldn't help looking at Jiang Shili, with a lot of murderous intent in their eyes.

Jiang Shili's heart skipped a beat when he saw this, he could feel that some people had murderous intentions towards him.

Jiang Shili involuntarily took half a step back, ready to escape at any time, and said: "We will join hands together, and we can still take him down. When the time comes, we will all understand the Thunder Technique together, it will be different."

Bai Yan smiled at Lin Mu after hearing Jiang Shili's words, and said, "Brother Lin, I think what Brother Jiang said is right. If we fight together and capture you, the Thunderbolt will still be ours."

Lin Mu looked at Bai Yan with a cold smile, and said, "I've changed my mind now, if any of them can kill you, I can still offer the Thunderbolt method and the opening method with both hands."

When Bai Yan heard Lin Mu's words, his heart couldn't help beating wildly.This time I really lifted a rock and shot myself in the foot.

Jiang Shili heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Lin Mu's words, and then stared at Bai Yan viciously.

Bai Yan couldn't help being shocked when he saw the murderous intent shown by everyone, but he still pretended to be calm, looked at Lin Mu with a smile, and said, "Brother Lin, do you think such a low-level method of sowing discord is really good for us?" is that useful?"

Lin Mu smiled lightly, and said, "I don't know if it's useful or not, but it seems you were the one who said you took the Thunderbolt method and left."


Bai Yan was also speechless, and indeed he was the one who said that just now.

Jiang Shili also said calmly at this time: "Is what you said true?"

Lin Mu looked at Jiang Shili with a playful smile and said, "You can choose to kill yourself or kill him."

Upon hearing this, Bai Yan quickly said: "Brother Jiang, don't fall into his tricks. I just said that because I didn't check Lin Mu's tricks for a while."

Lin Mu said: "I didn't say anything just now, it seems that you made the request on your own initiative."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Bai Yan couldn't help shouting loudly, and then directly slapped Lin Mu with his palm.

The first time Lin Mu saw Bai Yan making a move, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

Lin Mu had always thought that Bai Yan was an old fritter before, and he was mixing up among the crowd. It was only after Bai Yan made a move that Lin Mu discovered that Bai Yan had been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and Bai Yan's cultivation was definitely ranked among the crowd. front row.

When the others saw Bai Yan's attack, they couldn't help being slightly surprised.

"Let's go up together, kill him, and let's share the Thunder method!" Bai Yan shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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