Supreme Chef

Chapter 1026 Hiding the Extremely Deep Baiyan

Chapter 1026 Hiding the Extremely Deep Baiyan

Bai Yan's strength is indeed extremely strong, and his celestial essence is also strong enough, with Bai Yan's celestial essence cultivation base, even if it is comparable to Lin Shu.

Lin Mu's eyes froze, and he also bullied him, wanting to try Bai Yan's best.

When Bai Yan saw Lin Mu bullying him, wanting to fight him head on, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Bai Yan's sneer, Lin Mu's eyes twitched fiercely.


The fists of the two collided without any fancy, and the powerful energy fluctuations made the catacomb tremble.

Lin Shu's flawless body glows, and his body becomes almost transparent, revealing the strength of his flawless body at this moment.

However, in Lin Mu's imagination, Bai Yan's being knocked into the air by him did not appear. On the contrary, Bai Yan's body became almost transparent, and the powerful fluctuations of power were clearly visible.

"Flawless body is complete!" Everyone couldn't help being shocked when they saw the changes in Bai Yan's body.

Even Lin Mu couldn't help being shocked when he saw Bai Yan's body.

Being able to cultivate a flawless body by oneself is already extremely against the sky.From Lin Mu's point of view, he is the only one in this realm of comprehension, and he may be able to cultivate the flawless body that no longer appears in ancient times.

But Lin Mu didn't expect that Bai Yan also cultivated into the flawless body, and also the Dzogchen of the flawless body.

This was absolutely shocking, and at this moment everyone realized that Bai Yan had been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Only then did everyone truly know how terrifying Bai Yan was, and even Lin Mu felt a little lingering fear at this moment.

Fortunately, I am flawless and perfect, otherwise, I am afraid that I will really suffer a big loss just now.

This Bai Yan's trump card is really unfathomable, and his scheming is even more terrifying.Bai Yan knew almost all of his hole cards, but he knew almost nothing about Bai Yan.

"I'll hold back Lin Shu, everyone will go and stop Nan Shuang first, and then we will kill Lin Shu together." Bai Yan also took the initiative to take on the task of blocking Lin Shu.

As soon as Lin Mu raised his hand, he summoned the wolf king and his pack of wolves, and directly directed the pack of wolves to help Nanshuang.

"Senior Sister Nanshuang asked the Wolf King to help you, I will deal with Bai Yan first, and then help you." Lin Mu also quickly transmitted voice to Lin Mu.

"You come here too!" Lin Mu waved his hand, and a thunderous fire also stopped Jiang Shili and relieved Nanshuang's pressure.

"court death!"

When Jiang Shili saw that Lin Mu was fighting one against two, his eyes immediately turned cold.

This tree seems to think that he is the weakest, and he is targeting himself everywhere.

"Brother Jiang, you and I join forces and kill Lin Mu?" Bai Yan said to Jiang Shili.

"it is good!"

Jiang Shili also responded, and then directly joined the battle group, preparing to join hands with Bai Yan to kill Lin Shu together.

In fact, everyone had thought of killing Lin Mu long ago, but Lin Mu himself had pushed this time forward, but it was definitely worth it for a shocking thunder method.

Lin Mu is one against two, although it is a bit difficult, but with his flawless body cultivation which is slightly higher than Bai Yan's, he can barely do it.What's more, Lin Shu has the help of Tianhuo, Bai Yan doesn't have such a thing that surpasses heaven and earth.

Lin Mu seems to have identified Jiang Shili, and has always put the experience of the main medicine on Jiang Shili.

Jiang Shili was already depressed enough without the furnace, but now Lin Mu is still targeting him everywhere, which makes Jiang Shili almost go crazy.


Jiang Shili roared, his beard and hair were all stretched out, his long hair was flying around, and he almost fell into a state of madness.

And Jiang Shili's moves, also when he was insane, became open and closed, completely reckless.



Lin Mu and Jiang Shili exchanged hundreds of punches continuously, although Jiang Shili's arm spurted blood, but Lin Mu didn't feel well, the key was that there was a hungry wolf like Bai Yan staring behind him.

"Give me death!"

Jiang Shili let out a loud roar, showing his Zhou Tian Fist to the extreme.After this punch, it seems that Zhou Tian has really evolved.

Seeing such a punch, Lin Mu's eyes also shivered. It is indeed extraordinary that Zhou Tianquan can be regarded as the most powerful boxing technique in ancient times.

Lin Mu even felt that if Zhou Tianquan could be evolved to the extreme, it should not be much worse than the boxing technique evolved from his "Witch God Body Refining Technique".

"Witch Emperor Fist!"

Lin Mu snorted coldly, and also punched out.

Lin Mu punched out, as if he also saw an indomitable witch god appear.


Lin Mu let out a low shout, and the edge of his fist soared, tearing Zhou Tian apart in an instant, and turned into an indomitable giant standing between the sky and the earth.


Zhou Tianquan was broken, Jiang Shili also spurted blood, and his body flew upside down.

"Death to me!"

Lin Mu's punch was just when the old power had gone and the new power was not born, and the empty door behind him opened, so Bai Yan naturally seized this opportunity and punched out directly, wanting to tear Lin Mu apart.

Lin Mu had been on guard against this move for a long time, so he turned around and punched directly, relying on the remaining power of the Wuhuang Fist, he went directly to meet Bai Yan's punch.

Bai Yan didn't expect that Lin Mu still had more strength, and his heart suddenly jumped, and the strength of his subordinates also weakened a little.


The fists of the two also fought hard, but this time it was Lin Shu who flew out.


Lin Mu's body hit the stone wall behind him, causing the entire cave to shake again, but there was no sign of collapse here.


Seeing the blood dripping from the corner of Lin Mu's mouth, Bai Yan also cursed secretly in his heart, he knew that he was overwhelmed by Lin Mu's aura.

Originally, my punch just now should have caused Lin Mu to suffer more serious injuries, but because of my negligence just now, the strength was weakened a little, which allowed Lin Mu to escape.

Lin Mu stood up, his flawless body running crazily, repairing his damaged tendons and bones.

"Damn it, you haven't finished digesting it yet, I'll be beaten to death later." This is what Lin Mu and Yao Wang Ding said.

Facing two geniuses alone, Lin Mu was indeed under great pressure, and had been waiting for Yao Wang Ding to come to help.

Although the Medicine King Cauldron cannot be used for fighting, it is perfectly fine for defending.

"Wait for another half stick of incense, and I can completely refine it." Yao Wangding also echoed back to Lin Mu.

After listening to Yao Wang Ding's words, Lin Mu almost vomited blood in depression, and said, "Banzhuxiang, I'm going to be beaten to death."

Yao Wang Ding said: "Then I can't help it."

Lin Mu also rolled his eyes after hearing Yao Wang Ding's words.

"Remember, just stay here!" Lin Mu snorted coldly, and then a ball of thunder flames directly wrapped the seriously injured Jiang Shili.

"Ah! Ah!"

Surrounded by thunder and flames, Jiang Shili also screamed.

Jiang Shili was already seriously injured, but now that he was surrounded by thunder and flames, he immediately screamed, making his injuries worse.

"You are already injured, you are no longer my opponent. Hand over the Thunderbolt method, and I will let you go!" Bai Yanyin said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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