Supreme Chef

Chapter 1027 Killing the Genius

Chapter 1027 Killing the Genius
Lin Mu looked at Bai Yan and said, "Do you think anyone will believe what you say now? What you say now may be less thoughtful than the farts of the wolves I raised."

"Looking for death!" Bai Yan's face turned cold when he heard Lin Mu's words, and then he bullied him again, showing his flawless body to the extreme.

Although he was seriously injured now, Lin Mu still felt very happy to be able to fight with someone who was also flawless.


Since both of them have flawless bodies, naturally they don't need to put on any airs, just confront each other head-on.

However, Lin Mu was injured after all, so Lin Mu would vomit two mouthfuls of blood almost every hundred moves.

But Bai Yan was attacking more and more fiercely, as if he was about to see the dawn of victory.

"Let your two wolf kings help you, I can handle it alone." Nan Shuang said to Lin Mu via voice transmission.

Lin Mu shook his head resolutely, and said, "No, I'm enough to deal with these bastards by myself. You can concentrate on dealing with them."

The pressure on Nanshuang's side was actually no less than that on Lin Mu's side, although there were wolves holding back the remaining ten people.

But these ten people are all geniuses, and the wolves can only hold back, but there is no possibility of going further. Although Nanshuang cooperates with the wolves to attack, he can't really be seriously injured. After all, everyone The strength is too close.

Seeing that Lin Mu rejected Nan Shuang's suggestion, he also smiled ferociously, and said, "Since you want to persist, then you can go and die for me."

After speaking, two fairy-level gloves appeared on Bai Yan's fist.

Although Lin Mu didn't know what was special about this glove, but Lin Mu knew that this glove was definitely not ordinary, otherwise Bai Yan would not have sacrificed it at such a critical moment.


Bai Yan's punch fell, as if it was about to tear this place apart.

One must know that this is the place where Lei Zun fights with experts of the Immortal King level, and there is no need to verify the strength of this place, but Bai Yan's punch has the feeling of tearing this place apart, which shows how powerful this punch is. .

Lin Mu looked at the enlarged fist in front of him, and his expression was extremely solemn, and he had to admit that Bai Yan was indeed hiding too deeply.Bai Yan's combat strength displayed at this time is not only ranked in the forefront, he is simply No.12 among the 1 people.

This kind of fighting power is so low-key, this Bai Yan is definitely a veteran of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

And it can also be predicted that this Bai Yan is hiding such a deep secret, there must be some ulterior secret. As for what it is, Lin Mu doesn't know, but it is definitely not plotting something good.

If he hadn't been tempted by the true solution, Bai Yan might not have shown his true strength at this time.

"Give me death!"

Seeing that Lin Mu wanted to resist, Bai Yan let out a roar of excitement.


But at the critical moment, Yao Wangding finally digested the refining furnace, and immediately came back to block the forest.


Bai Yan's punch hit the top of the Yaowang Ding.

The huge impact force also caused the Yaowangding Ding to emit bursts of trembling sounds, causing the earth and rocks in the cave to rustle and fall.

However, Bai Yan's punch only had this point, and the Yaowangding Ding only shook, leaving no trace at all.


Bai Yan didn't seem to believe in evil, and the second punch was also thrown out, but the medicine king tripod seemed to be stronger than before, and he didn't even shake it.

After devouring two Heavenly Refining Furnaces of the Immortal Artifact level in a row, the Medicine King Cauldron also recovered a lot of vitality, and its defensive power also went up to a higher level.


Seeing Bai Yanlin directly blasted a blast of sky fire into the medicine king cauldron, a huge fire dragon swept out and was about to devour Bai Yan.

Although Bai Yan was not flawlessly perfect, he still didn't dare to try the third-level Skyfire lightly, so he just connected his feet and quickly avoided it.

"Damn it, I want to run! I want to run like that because I vomited blood. It's cheap for you!" Lin Mu also saw that Bai Yan was about to run away, and Lin Mu was willing to let Bai Yan go, and directly took out the Tianlong bow and Tianlong bone arrow.

People like Bai Yan are too dangerous to stay, so the best way is to kill him.

"Dragon Bow!" Bai Yan saw the Dragon Bow that Lin Mu took out, and called out its name.

"As expected of an old-fashioned ancient family, you can even recognize this kind of thing, so you can recognize it the best, so you won't be treated as an unknown ghost." Lin Mu drew the Tianlong Bow while talking.

Bai Yan's legs felt numb when he saw the momentum that he couldn't resist condensed on the celestial dragon bone arrow.

"Ling Mu, listen to me, the two of us can join forces to wipe out everyone here, and then I will tell you a big..."

Before Bai Yan finished speaking, Lin Mu had already let go of the bowstring, and the Houtian Dragon Bone Arrow completely swallowed Bai Yan in the blink of an eye.

When an arrow is shot, Lin Mu also feels empty all over his body, and this is why Lin Mu didn't take out the Heavenly Dragon Bow before.

Although Lin Mu's cultivation has become stronger, but the Heavenly Dragon Bow has become stronger, Lin Mu still can only shoot one arrow.


This was the last word Bai Yan uttered, and then his body turned into light rain and dissipated.

Lin Mu took the opportunity to take a breath, and then with a big move, he directly took a puppet and storage ring that fell from Bai Yan's ground.

This puppet is the puppet that Bai Yan is going to use, if Taoist Guang hadn't reminded him, Lin Mu didn't know that the Bai family is best at making puppets.

Lin Mu looked at the puppet repeatedly, and found that the puppet was really powerful.Even under the ravages of the Heavenly Dragon Bow, it was not completely damaged.

Such a thing is definitely a life at a critical moment, and Lin Mu also directly received it in his ring.

Of course, what interested Lin Mu the most was Bai Yan's remaining glove, which could match his flawless body, it was definitely a killer weapon.

Then Lin Mu broke the restriction on Baiyan's ring three times, five times and two times. When Lin Mu saw in Baiyan's ring, there were spirit stones like mountains, piles of ninth-grade elixir, and more than ten bottles of ninth-grade elixir. The pill still has ten high-grade spirit veins, Lin Mu finally knows what it means to be rich.

The contents of Bai Yan's ring are almost equal to all of Fumanlou's current background.In other words, when Lin Mu killed Bai Yan, Fumanlou's resources had doubled in an instant.

Thinking of this, Lin Mu couldn't wait to see what was in the ring of the genius of the Jiang family.

Jiang Shili was still being burned by the thunder, and there was no good place on his body, and the fairy armor on his body had already been wiped out.

"If you dare to touch me, my Jiang family will definitely destroy your Fumanlou." Jiang Shili yelled hoarsely when he saw Lin Mu walking towards him.

Lin Mu showed his snow-white teeth, and said: "You misunderstood, I'm not going to touch you, I'm going to kill you!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu also directly took out the Shadowless Knife, chopped off Jiang Shili's head with one knife, then directly shredded his sea of ​​consciousness, and finally burned it completely with the thunder fire.

Lin Mu picked up Jiang Shili's ring and was shocked again.Only by killing two people, Fumanlou's resources doubled. If the rest of the people were killed, then Fumanlou's resources could be doubled by twelve times.

Seeing Lin Mu looking towards them, the remaining ten people also said at the same time: "Let's go!

Lin Mu is an absolutely dangerous person, they are not willing to throw their lives here.

(End of this chapter)

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