Supreme Chef

Chapter 1036 Surpassing the strength of 4 companies

Chapter 1036 Surpassing the Strength of the Four Families

Now that you have a set goal, the next step is to put it into action.

However, Lin Mu was not in a hurry to act immediately. After all, it was a huge monster, so it still needed a long-term plan.

Lin Mu and Beggar God returned to Fumanlou. Under the leadership of Lu Jun and Wu De, all the losses in Fumanlou have been counted.

In fact, Fumanlou didn't suffer any damage at all this time. Except for the damage to the outer mountain gate, the main body inside was basically unscathed.

As for casualties, except for a few seriously injured, no one was injured.

Of course, the main credit for this is that the mountain defense array arranged by trees is more powerful.

In addition to the elixir and panacea, there are also some top-level materials and a few good-quality spiritual veins.Lin Mu handed over all the storage rings he got from Bai Yan and the others to Wu De to take care of them.

Although Wu De didn't like to take care of the affairs of the sect, Wu De was very happy to let him face such a lot of treasures every day.

In Wu De's words, the purpose of robbing the tomb is to be able to get along with the treasures every day. Now that there is no need to rob the tomb, I can get along with these treasures every day. Why not do it.

After everything was handled properly, Lin Mu also sent the army to lead people to monitor the situation around Fumanlou.

The army's trees can already be completely trusted, so for this kind of deadly monitoring, the trees can also be safely handed over to the army.

After sending Lu Jun out, Lin Mu and Gu Meiru talked about Gu Xuan's situation. Gu Meiru was also very happy that Gu Xuan was accepted as a disciple by the mermaid ancestor, and it was only five years, not long Time, besides, I can still visit once a year.

After solving these trivial matters, Lin Mu also called people together and said that he was going to deal with the Eastern Emperor Emperor Sect.

Regarding Lin Mu's bold idea, the elders of Fumanlou were silent at first, and then they all had some expectations.

Emperor Zong is an insurmountable mountain that weighs on everyone's hearts in the realm of comprehension.But almost everyone wants to overthrow this mountain, but they don't have the ability or strength.

But now that Lin Mu gave them this chance, how could they not be moved.

As for how to prepare for the attack, Lin Mu did not participate in it, but let Wu De and Beggar God discuss it.

Lin Mu came directly to the top of Fumanlou, ready to rearrange the formation of guarding the mountain.

When the trees were arranged back then, it was because of the cultivation base and materials that this formation could not be turned into a top-level formation, but now it is different, the trees have top-level materials, and the cultivation base of the formation has long been Beyond the limits of the realm of comprehension
What Lin Mu has to do now is to work hard to turn this heaven-locking formation into a fairy formation, making Fumanlou truly unbreakable.

Immortal formations and forests have been arranged in the fairy world, but those are ordinary formations, compared with this ancient strange formation, it is nothing worth mentioning.

Lin Mu took a deep breath, and then began to follow what he had imagined before, and began to continuously invest top-level materials into the formation, using top-level materials to replace some of his regrets back then.

After robbing Bai Yan and the others, there is no shortage of top-level materials for forest trees, and the collection of forest trees has been very rich in recent years.

Soon all the things that were not top-level materials in the formation were replaced.

However, even though all of them were replaced, the formation has only reached the peak of level nine, and has not stepped into the ranks of the immortal formation.

Lin Mu was not in a hurry, but took out a small box, and then opened up a little, and the 99 drops of crystal clear spring water directly irrigated the 99 main peaks.

This spring water is the spring water of Huazhen Spring. As for the source, it was naturally found from the genius ring of Situ's family.

I was a little surprised to be able to get Lin Mu from Huazhen Spring. Originally, Lin Mu was planning to go to Situ's house to ask for it. I didn't expect this genius from Situ's family to bring so much, which saved Lin Mu a lot of trouble.

Although there are not many Huazhen springs brought by this genius of the Situ family, there is still a small half pot.

And if you want to wash away those vows, you don't need so much at all, every drop of each Buddha treasure is enough.

The 99-drop Huazhenquan is also a Buddha treasure that has accurately entered the main peak.

Under the washing of Huazhen Spring, the vows on the Buddha Treasure were all disintegrated one after another.

Although the level of these Buddha treasures is lowered by one level when the wish force disintegrates, it is not a problem at all for the trees with sky fire.

After resolving the wish power on the Buddha treasures, Lin Mu also divided the sky fire into 99 shares, and began to help these Buddha treasures to upgrade again.

A celestial fire is divided into 99 shares, and only Lin Mu's spiritual consciousness, who is already comparable to a fairy, dares to do so.

With 99 flames, all the Buddha treasures were re-sacrificed.

After the last Buddha treasure was sacrificed, the 99 mountain peaks burst out with dazzling green light.

All the green awns gathered together and finally merged into the array of trees.

And after these green awns gathered into the formation, the strongest ground vein made by the forest also let out a low whistle, and a thick vitality gushed out from the ground, which was also integrated into the formation.


As the vitality of the earth veins entered the formation, the formation finally underwent a qualitative change, directly changing from a ninth-level formation to a first-level immortal formation.

The formation is shrouded in fairy light, and just looking at it from a distance is already frightening.The defensive formation of the Immortal Array is basically synonymous with invincibility in the cultivation world, and it cannot be broken at all unless it is smashed with an immortal weapon, but there are several immortal weapons in the entire cultivation world.

Besides, even if there is a fairy weapon, it may not be able to smash this ancient strange formation. It can be said that the current Fumanlou is really impenetrable.

After completing all this, Lin Mu also re-refined all the jade tokens that entered and exited the formation.

When Lin Mu returned to the main hall, Beggar God and others were all watching, the mountain guarding formation of this immortal formation.

"You can set up a fairy formation in the cultivation world, Lin Mu, you can be regarded as No. 1 in the cultivation world." Beggar God also said with emotion.

Lin Mu said humbly: "Senior, the award is appreciated. The cultivation world is boundless. There must be people who are better than me. It's just that they don't want to come out."

Beggar God said: "There must be people like you said, but I'm afraid they are no longer in the cultivation world, so it is not too much to say that you are No. 1."

Lin Mu didn't refuse any more, and there was nothing to be humble about this kind of thing.

"How did everyone discuss, senior?" Lin Mu asked.

Beggar God said: "Everyone agrees that if we want to take action against the Eastern Emperor Sect, we must first ensure that the other three do not do so. To ensure that the other three do not do so, we have only two ways. The first is to negotiate with the other three. The second is that we have the strength to deal with four at the same time. The first is impossible to achieve, so we can only work hard on the second. "

Lin Mu frowned after listening to Beggar God's words. With his current strength, he can compete with one family and surpass the strength of four families, which is really difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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