Supreme Chef

Chapter 1037

Chapter 1037

"Beyond the strength of the four families." Lin Mu muttered softly.

Beggar God said: "In fact, it is not difficult to surpass the four of them."

Lin Mu's eyes lit up when he heard Beggar God's words, and said, "Senior, what can I do?"

Beggar God said: "Actually, the method is very simple, but you have to work hard."

Lin Mu said: "I'm not afraid of hard work, as long as I can destroy the Eastern Emperor Sect."

Beggar God said: "As long as we write a letter of rebellion, there are many people in the cultivation world who have enmity with Emperor Zong. It's just that no one dares to really hold up the banner of righteousness. Now as long as we hold up the banner of righteousness, everyone may respond."

Lin Mu's eyes lit up when he heard Beggar God's words, how could he forget such a simple truth.

Emperor Zong has dominated the cultivation world for tens of thousands of years, and there are many masters and sects persecuted by Emperor Zong.In the past, the Immortal World was connected to the Emperor Sect, so even if they wanted to take revenge, they still didn't have the strength.

But now it is different, the fairy world and the cultivation world have been completely separated, and there is no connection between the two sides.The Immortal World couldn't intervene at all, so this gave everyone who wanted revenge a chance.

Beggar Shenhua turned around and said, "Responding doesn't mean they'll come back to help. If you want them to help, you need to do it yourself."

Lin Mudao: "Suppress by force?"

Beggar God shook his head and said: "Of course not. Apart from your profound strength, you are still a ninth-rank alchemist. Now that the rules of the world have changed, those who dared not try to break through before now need it most. Breakthrough, how can it be done without the assistance of elixir. As long as you take out this, it is not a problem at all to attract people to surrender."

Fighting with people every day recently, Lin Mu has forgotten that he still has what he is best at.

Lin Mudao: "Alchemy is not a problem, seniors should be in charge of the matter of negotiating the rebellion."

Beggar God said: "When the time comes, I will send out this call to action in conjunction with Soul City, Qidu, and some of my old friends. You just need to be ready for alchemy."

Lin Mudao: "This is easy to handle, and I feel that Fumanlou, now that it has grown up, lacks some alchemists. I can recruit some alchemists for Fumanlou by the way."

The Beggar God laughed and said, "Wonderful! Wonderful!"

Now that it has been decided that everyone has taken active actions, the crimes committed by Emperor Zong are too numerous to write down, and a petition against rebellion has already been formed without any wording.

After completing the call to action, the Beggar God also contacted Chen Yunkai and the great elders of Qidu, including several old friends of his, and sent it directly in the name of Fumanlou.

This call for rebellion had just been issued, and it triggered a major earthquake.

Emperor Zong's position in the realm of comprehension has not been shaken for tens of thousands of years.

Today someone finally challenged Emperor Zong's authority. This is like dropping a drop of water into a boiling oil pan.

Yun Tianhua looked at the call for rebellion in his hand, and angrily crushed the chair he was sitting on.

There were three families besieging Fumanlou at the same time, but Lin Mu chose his East Emperor Emperor Sect.

Is this clearly picking up soft persimmons?

His majestic Emperor Zong turned into a soft persimmon, which is too fucking hot.

"Sect Leader Lin Mu, this little bastard, is determined to fight us this time. How should we treat him?" asked the elder below.

Yun Tianhua was also furious at this time, and said directly: "If he dares to challenge the authority of my Emperor Sect, then I will let him die without a burial. Tell me the entire cultivation world, as long as anyone who dares to become an enemy of Fumanlou is me Enemies of the Eastern Emperor Emperor Sect, kill without pardon!"


Before Yun Tianhua's news was delivered, another explosive news came out.

Lin Mu widely recruits alchemist disciples, and is willing to pass on the secrets of becoming a ninth-rank alchemist to everyone.At the same time, Lin Mu was also willing to make a shot, refining a furnace of elixir for all the monks who were willing to fight against Fumanlou.

All the alchemists in the world gathered in Fumanlou almost immediately.

There is no alchemist who does not want to become a ninth-rank alchemist, just like there is no cultivator who does not want to become a supreme being.

In just a few days, Fumanlou gathered tens of thousands of alchemists, and for the alchemists who came, Lin Mu didn't have no choice but to refuse all comers.

Basically, Lin Mu accepts people who have the potential to become ninth-rank alchemists, and the rest who are willing to stay can stay in the outer sect.Although you can't become a ninth-rank alchemist, you can still stay in the outer sect. It is a great honor to be taught by a ninth-rank alchemist.

For a while, Fumanlou seemed to have the tendency to become Dancheng.

Hundreds of people who had the potential to become ninth-rank alchemists were arranged by Lin Shu in a main peak.

Seeing such a large number of alchemists moving in, many monks who had enmity with the Eastern Emperor Sect have already begun to move.

But this is just the beginning. After the alchemists gathered together, Qidu also announced that it will join forces with Fumanlou to fight against the enemy. Anyone who is willing to join forces with Fumanlou will have the opportunity to obtain Qidu's two great artifacts, Mi This is the opportunity for Ye and Cao Xiu to refine Lingbao for free.

The two things that cultivators need most, one is elixir and the other is magic weapon, and now Fumanlou can provide them, so what are they waiting for.

The Eastern Emperor Sect is scary, but the reason why the Emperor Sect is really scary is because they can communicate with the fairy world and get the support of the fairy world.

But now they can't. It's like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out. Although it's still a tiger, it's okay to scare people, but it's not good to kill people.

The continuous news made Yun Tianhua gradually return to calmness from the initial rage.

He had already guessed Lin Mu's intention, but he was powerless to stop it.Because the general trend has been achieved, now Fumanlou is the aspiration of the people in the cultivation world.

Yun Tianhua frowned tightly. At this time, he had long since lost the pride and excitement of taking over as the head.

He always thought that the head of the emperor's sect possessed supreme glory and was also an immortal throne for thousands of years.

But now this throne has begun to feel a little hot.Lin Mu is now a big trend, and according to the information he has received so far, in just a few days, the number of monks who have joined Fumanlou has reached one million.

And among the millions, there are nearly a hundred of them are Ascension Realm powerhouses, and he also knows that some people in Soul City, Ghost City, and Qidu are contacting many old antiques to join.

With the addition of such a tough team, he might be really in danger of the Eastern Emperor Sect.

"Damn it, if our Emperor Sect can still get in touch with the Immortal Realm now, let alone them, even if there are ten times more people, they are nothing more than chickens and dogs." An elder of the Eastern Emperor Sect sighed.

Yun Tianhua was annoyed when he heard such remarks, if he could still contact the fairy world, then there was no need to talk about anything else.

"It's useless to say these things now, how are the other three contacts?"

"Reporting to the head, the other three families have not given any response so far. I have contacted the elder Dimai, and the elder Dimai said that he will communicate with the Dimai of the other three families." Someone replied.

After hearing this, Yun Tianhua smashed the chair he was sitting on again.It is not known how many chairs Yun Tianhua smashed, but only in this way can Yun Tianhua feel that his breath is a little smoother.

"Master, should we prepare for the worst?" an elder tentatively suggested.


When Yun Tianhua heard the elder's words, he couldn't help but stare angrily, which made the elder immediately silent, and he didn't dare to say a word.

Yun Tianhua just stared at him, and didn't make a move. Now this is not the time to take action to punish people, and doing it at this time will only chill people's hearts.

However, the elder's words entered Yun Tianhua's heart.Indeed, that time is no longer there, it is more critical than now, Yun Tianhua doesn't know if he should make the worst plan.

Judging from the current general signs, it is obviously impossible for the other three companies to help themselves, and even if they help themselves, they must not work hard.

In other words, the only ones who really have to face Fumanlou are their own family.But there are more and more masters on Lin Mu's side, and he is really not sure whether his family can resist.

(End of this chapter)

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