Supreme Chef

Chapter 1038

Chapter 1038
Contrary to Fumanlou's call for rebellion, it is the tranquility of the Eastern Emperor Emperorzong.

In other words, the Eastern Emperor Sect also published something before, but no one remembered it anymore. Now that Fumanlou has become a big trend, it is only waiting for Lin Mu to swing his sword to rebel.

Inside the mountain gate of the Eastern Emperor Sect, there was a dead silence.This is something that hasn't happened in tens of thousands of years.

They have always been aloof, but today they were provoked and came to ask for rebellion.

"Master, today there are three more eight-star sects announcing that they have drawn a clear line with our Emperor Sect!"

A piece of bad news kept coming to Yun Tianhua's place. Trees fell and monkeys scattered, walls fell and everyone pushed them away.

In the eyes of those who belonged to them in the past, the Eastern Emperor Sect is a big tree that is about to collapse.

Without the aura of protection from the fairy world, what is left of the Eastern Emperor Sect.

What they have now is only a few times more Ascension Realm masters than the average big sect.

But Lin Mu's Fumanlou has no shortage of masters. Based on the statistics of the past few days, the number of Ascension Realm experts joining Fumanlou has reached an astonishing 1000 people.

No one can tell how many Ascension-level experts there are in the entire cultivation world, but what is certain is that a thousand Ascension-level experts are absolutely huge.

Even if such a number is the sum of all the Ascension Realm powerhouses of the Four Great Emperor Sects, and even the sum of those hidden in the Emperor Vein, it is probably only half of others.

Without the deterrence of the absolute number of masters, Emperor Zong still has immortal weapons.But there are trees, too, and more than one.

The number of magic weapons and masters has fallen into a disadvantage, and no one is optimistic about the Eastern Emperor Sect.

Yun Tianhua gritted his teeth angrily when he heard the people below report.Such betrayal was unacceptable to him.


This time, without waiting for the man to speak, Yun Tianhua directly exploded: "If there is still news of the betrayal, then don't tell me."

The elder didn't seem to hear Yun Tianhua's cold words, but said excitedly: "The head of the sect is not a matter of betrayal, the elder Dimai brought the magic weapon of the great emperor."


When Yun Tianhua heard this, he also jumped up from his chair.

This is the best news in so many days.

Yun Tianhua hastily went out to greet him, the elders in the emperor's lineage had a slightly higher status than him, the head of the sect.

When Yun Tianhua came outside, he saw three old men whose cultivation levels he couldn't see through at all came to the emperor's sect holding a fairy sword.

"Yun Tianhua has met the three elders!" Yun Tianhua hurriedly bowed his hands.

"Master Yun doesn't need to be too polite. This is the emperor's magic weapon given by the emperor. It can launch the emperor's blow." In order to distinguish the head of the emperor's sect from the master of the emperor's veins, Yun Tianhua is called the head of the sect, but the one of the emperor's veins , but is called the emperor.

When Yun Tianhua heard the words of the three elders from Dimai, he couldn't help being shocked.

A powerful magic weapon capable of sending out the Great Emperor's Strike, this is an absolute killer that can overturn the situation of the battle.

Once something like this comes out, I still worry about the so-called masters over there.

"I also ask the three elders to take action to wipe out the rebellion, so as to suppress the morale of the army." Yun Tianhua also said directly, asking the three elders to take action directly to wipe out those defectors, so as to stabilize the precarious East Emperor Sect.

The three elders also nodded in agreement directly, and then the three of them left directly with the Great Emperor's Magical Artifact.

It didn't take long for the news to come back. The three eight-star sects who defected today were all wiped out with a single sword, and no one survived.

When Yun Tianhua heard such news, he finally burst into laughter.

And this kind of news can't be concealed. The fact that the Eastern Emperor Sect took out the great emperor's magic weapon and wiped out the defectors quickly spread throughout the entire cultivation world like a glance with wings.

It wasn't until this time that everyone seemed to remember that Emperor Zong had produced such a powerful figure as the Great Emperor.

They once ruled the cultivation world, and they looked down on the powerhouses of an entire era.What they left behind was quite terrifying.

The sudden awakening is also to make people soberly understand that the Emperor Sect's background is terrifying, and let them understand what the Emperor Sect cannot be insulted.

And this kind of three swords completely stabilized the shaken military spirit, and there was no defection, and even many defectors took the initiative to plead guilty.

For these returned people, Yun Tianhua showed unprecedented generosity, because he needed these people as cannon fodder.

For Yun Tianhua, the Great Emperor's Magical Artifact was good news, but for Fu Manlou, it was not good news.

After everyone in Fumanlou heard that the Great Emperor's Magical Artifact was born, there was also a violent turmoil.Many masters who joined Fumanlou chose to retreat silently.

The Great Emperor's Magical Artifact is not a joke, if one is not handled properly, one's own life will be lost.

Originally, it was thriving, and even began to predict that the 99 main peaks have masters living in Fumanlou. It is absolutely devastating to encounter such a blow.

At this time, in the main hall of Fumanlou, the clouds were gloomy, and Lin Shu also frowned. He had never heard of the Great Emperor's Magical Artifact, Lin Shu, let alone what it was.

"Senior, do you know what's going on with the Great Emperor's Artifact?" Lin Mu looked at the Beggar God and asked.

However, if he wants to continue to fight the Eastern Emperor Sect, or not to fight the Eastern Emperor Sect, he must at least figure out what the Great Emperor's Magical Artifact is.

Beggar God frowned, and said: "It was just a legend before that the emperor sent the magic weapon he sacrificed in the fairy world to the cultivation world to suppress the emperor's luck, and at the same time, it was also used as the last trump card of the emperor sect in the cultivation world. Because it is said that this magic weapon that has been refined by the emperor can deliver the emperor's blow. Although I think it is a bit exaggerated, the strength it can exert will definitely exceed the strongest blow of any spirit treasure or anyone in the cultivation world Dozens of times that's it."

After listening to the beggar god's words, Lin Mu didn't expect that the emperor was still in the realm of comprehension, leaving behind such a backhand.

However, Lin Mu also felt that the Great Emperor's Magical Artifact could not have the full strength of the Great Emperor. Lin Mu knew too well how powerful the Great Emperor was.

If the magic weapon can really play the emperor's blow, let alone three swords destroy three eight-star sects.

Even if half of Dongxuan Continent was overturned with a single sword, Lin Mu didn't think it was strange at all.

But even if there is no blow from the real emperor, the power of the magic weapon will definitely pose a huge obstacle to his plan.

But if Lin Mu is allowed to give up at this point, Lin Mu is really not reconciled.Lin Mu was really not reconciled to giving up on such a big trend after he finally had it.Moreover, such an opportunity can only come once, and if this opportunity is lost, it is impossible for Lin Mu to have such an opportunity again.

"The patriarch of Lin Mu's clan is here, and he wants to see you alone." Xiao Yi walked to Lin Mu's side and said in a low voice.

Lin Mu didn't expect the patriarch of the mermaid clan to come at this time, so he couldn't help being surprised, but he nodded calmly and said, "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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