Supreme Chef

Chapter 1041 Exterminating Emperor Sect

Chapter 1041 Exterminating Emperor Sect (2)

A pair of crystal scissors can neutralize the power of the Great Emperor's magic weapon, and this crystal scissors is almost against the sky.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are fixed on the crystal scissors.

It looks like a very ordinary pair of scissors, and no one can see its origin, but it actually offsets the power of the Great Emperor's magic weapon.

Yun Tianhua and the three elders from the emperor's vein stared at the crystal scissors, their faces changed several times, especially the three elders from the emperor's vein.They sacrificed the magic weapon of the emperor together, and felt the horror of the crystal scissors even more deeply.

The emperor's magic weapon was suppressed, this was the only feeling they had at this moment.

"Could it be that it is also a magic weapon of the great emperor!"

Someone finally woke up and made a bold guess.

All of a sudden, with such speculation, Lin Mu's Fumanlou was favored by everyone again.

Everyone thought that Lin Mu was about to lose, but at the most critical moment, Lin Mu took out a magic weapon that was completely comparable to the emperor's magic weapon.

"Ling Mu is really miraculous. It turns out that everything is under his control. I am blind!" This is a sigh from the heart of a strong man who has withdrawn from Fumanlou.

Now that Lin Mu also took out a powerful magic weapon comparable to the Great Emperor, the advantage of Fumanlou naturally returned again.

The situation is reversed, that is, if Lin wins, they will get all the benefits promised by Lin.

But at the most critical moment, they chose to withdraw and choose not to trust, which undoubtedly caused them to lose a big opportunity.

Those who chose to keep their hands were very excited when they saw the crystal scissors in Lin Mu's hands.

They were all ready to die, but who would have guessed that the situation would be reversed in an instant. Not only would they not have to die, but they might even be rewarded handsomely.

There is a saying, happiness came too suddenly, that's how they feel now, happiness came too suddenly, which made them feel a little unprepared.


The three elders from Dimai, who were in mid-air, looked at the crystal scissors in Lin Mu's hands, their eyes fluttered, and finally chose to make a move to try the quality of the crystal scissors.

With the roar of the three of them, the sword light that was tens of thousands of feet long, like a moat, fell directly from the nine heavens.

No one can describe how powerful this kind of sword light is. In the eyes of outsiders, this is not a sword light. It is completely crushed by a mountain range outside the sky.

That powerful oppression, even if it wasn't there, already made it difficult to breathe.

When Yun Tianhua saw the three elders from the emperor's line make a move, a sliver of expectation arose in his heart.

He hoped that Lin Shu's scissors were just a bluff, and he hoped that this sword could end this battle.

Even many people who quit Fumanlou also hoped that the Eastern Emperor Sect would win.

Human nature is dark, and there are many people who can't eat grapes and say that grapes are sour.What they can't get, so they want everyone else not to have.

But obviously their darkness this time was a bit outrageous, and they miscalculated.

Lin Mu just lifted the scissors lightly, and then poured the immortal essence into the scissors, and saw that the scissors rose against the wind, and soon expanded a million times.

A pair of crystal scissors shining with dazzling colorful light appeared in front of everyone.


Lin Shu waved the scissors, opened them directly, and interrupted the flying mountains above everyone's heads.


As soon as the scissors went down, the mountain range suddenly collapsed, and the long sword light disintegrated directly, and all attacks turned into nothingness.


The three elders of the emperor's veins, being backlashed by the attack, all snorted coldly, and took a step back involuntarily.

In such a blow, Lin Mu alone controlled the crystal scissors to fight against the elders of the three emperors. Instead of being at a disadvantage, he repelled all three of them. The power of the crystal scissors and the magic weapon of the great emperor can be seen at a glance.


Seeing how powerful the crystal scissors were, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

But Yun Tianhua's face at this moment turned ashen ashes in an instant.He never dreamed that there would be such a powerful pair of scissors in Lin Mu's hands.He didn't know where the scissors came from, but its power had already exceeded Yun Tianhua's estimation.

"I'm going to deal with those three immortals, you attack the Emperor Sect!" Lin Mu left a word, and flew into the air directly to fight against the three powerful emperors.

"Let me help you!" Beggar God said to Lin Mu via voice transmission.

Lin Mu smiled slightly, and said: "The three old miscellaneous fish don't need you to take action, but the next one needs you to take command. I will do this kind of contribution."

Beggar God knows Lin Mu's strength, even though the opponent is three old antiques, but with Lin Mu's strength, it is not so difficult to win.

"court death!"

Seeing Lin Mu alone, he was going to deal with the three of them, and the three of them roared angrily, manipulating the fairy sword to kill Lin Mu.

Lin Mu directly raised his hand, and threw the crystal scissors up. The crystal scissors immediately turned into a crystal dragon, and rushed towards the fairy sword.


With a high-pitched dragon chant, the wandering dragon formed by crystal scissors also opened its mouth to bite the three elders of Dimai.

The three elders of Dimai saw this crystal dragon rushing towards them.They were also scared and sacrificed the magic weapon of the emperor together to resist the crystal dragon.


Immortal Realm turned into a big blue-fronted tiger in mid-air, and instantly fought with You Long.

A dragon and a tiger fought in mid-air, and Lin Mu also stepped out in one step, appearing in front of the elders of the three emperors, and said proudly: "Three old miscellaneous fishes, let's fight the magic weapon battle too. You three go together, don't be shy if you have any skills!" It's over. After finishing you, I have to go get your emperor's veins."

"Junior looking for death!" The three roared at the same time, and then slapped Lin Shu at the same time.

The three palm prints pressed down, like a cage, trying to imprison the trees.


Lin Mu snorted coldly, and was shocked all over, Peng Bai's immortal essence rolled out, and Lin Mu punched out.

Directly forcibly broke, the joint imprisonment of the three.

"Three old miscellaneous fish, if you haven't heard of it, you are afraid of being young. You are old, although you cooperate well. But you are still old." Lin Mu said sarcastically.


The three old antiques snorted coldly, and directly attacked Lin Shu again without saying a word.

Obviously, this is not the first time the three of them have cooperated, and the cooperation between the three is very tacit.They don't even need to look at each other to know where each other is going to attack.

The continuous attack did not give Lin Mu a chance to breathe. Lin Mu also felt that he was a bit overbearing at this time. These three old antiques are really not easy to deal with.

However, Lin Mu didn't plan to ask someone to help. If he can restrain the three people, he can give the God of Beggars more time to attack. It can be said that the God of Beggars will attack below. Fish will do.

In fact, the three old antiques were even more shocked. Lin Mu fought three against one, and the three of them did not let Lin Mu fall into the disadvantaged.In the eyes of the three, this is completely impossible.

Because the three of them had fought against the emperor of the East before, and the three joined forces, even the emperor would not dare to take the lead, but Lin Mu was completely head-to-head.

The three of them didn't quite believe before that Lin Mu could kill the emperor with his own strength, but now they know that Lin Mu's strength is beyond their imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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