Supreme Chef

Chapter 1042 Exterminating Emperor Sect

Chapter 1042 Exterminating Emperor Sect (3)

Lin Mu and the three of them fought against each other in mid-air, while Beggar God was below, commanding and commanding Fumanlou's allied forces, and launched an attack on the Eastern Emperor Zong.

Because of the containment of the crystal scissors, Fumanlou's coalition forces did not have any worries.And the appearance of the crystal scissors also doubled their confidence.

To be able to destroy an Emperor Sect with one's own hands without any worries, for those who were once oppressed by the Emperor Sect, it was their life's greatest dream.

At this time, Yun Tianhua had changed from full of confidence just now to full of gloom.The appearance of the crystal scissors has already broken his original plan.

At this time, his new four were fighting at high altitude, in Yun Tianhua's view, that was the final battlefield that could determine the trend of the war.

As long as Lin Mu is defeated, no one will be able to control the crystal scissors. At that time, his Great Emperor Magical Artifact can still firmly gain the upper hand.

However, Yun Tianhua had watched Lin Mu and the three elders of Dimai attack each other for nearly a hundred moves. Instead of showing any signs of defeat, Lin Mu attacked more and more fiercely.There is even a faint tendency to suppress the trend of three people at one head.

It is true that Lin Mu is also fighting more and more bravely at this time. Relying on his strong and flawless body, no matter how exquisitely coordinated the three old antiques are, Lin Mu uses the simplest, most brutal, and most direct way to break the attack of the three.

"Three old miscellaneous fish, I have no strength so soon, I haven't started warming up yet!" Lin Mu said contemptuously after breaking a joint attack of the three with his fists again.

At this time, the three elders from the emperor's line became more and more frightened.

This Lin Mu was like a tireless humanoid beast. The three of them had tried their best, but Lin Mu didn't mean to be exhausted at all. Instead, his fighting spirit was getting higher and higher, as if he had infinite strength.


Lin Mu punched out again, breaking through the blockade of the three of them, and then saw a gap exposed by the person on the right, and also shrunk to an inch, and appeared directly in front of that person.

When Lin Mu came in front of that old antique, he also grinned.

Seeing Lin Mu suddenly break through in front of him, he also frightened the old antique into white sweat.




Old Antique continued to take strange steps under his feet, trying to distance himself from the forest.

But no matter how delicate his steps are, how could he be so delicate.

So no matter how much effort he expended to dodge, Lin Shu followed closely, never giving him a chance to open the slightest distance.

And because of Lin Shu's close following, the remaining two people had no angle of attack at all.


Seeing that he couldn't get rid of the trees, Old Antique also gritted his teeth and threw out a palm.

When Lin Mu saw the opponent's palm, he also secretly said that it was a good time.

Lin Mu is just waiting for him to strike, so that his flaws will be exposed more clearly, and Lin Mu can better use this flaw to perform lore.


Lin Mu hit his palm with a fist, and the immortal energy fluctuated violently. The scattered immortal energy directly destroyed all the vegetation on a mountain below, and even cut off most of the mountain top.

That old antique and Lin Mu met each other's palms, and he also felt that his hand bones were broken directly, and most of his body was paralyzed, and [-]% of his veins were instantly blocked.

"Open it for me!"

Lin Mu let out a low cry, and violently exerted force with his arm, knocking the old antique out of the air.


A mouthful of old blood spurted out, and Old Antique also felt that all the bones in his body were falling apart.

Lin Mu was obviously not going to let it go, he took a step forward, caught up again, and then there was a continuous stream of backhands.

The battle with Bai Yan and the others had already allowed Lin Mu to master the tactics of using less against many.The cooperation of the three of them was indeed exquisite, and even caused a lot of trouble for themselves.

But if he can kill one of them first, then the power of this exquisite coordination will be greatly reduced in an instant, and it will be much easier for him to deal with the remaining two.



Lin Mu's backhands exploded all over Old Antique's body. Although Old Antique had tried his best to resist, he was still vomiting blood from the beating.

The other two old antiques also guessed Lin Mu's intention when they saw their old friend vomiting blood after being beaten.


The two exhaled at the same time, and they also attacked Lin Mu's back.


Lin Mu snorted coldly, opened his domain, and then took advantage of the moment when his domain restrained the two old antiques, he also rushed in front of the seriously injured person.

"Witch Emperor Fist!"

Lin Mu also launched a lore to the seriously injured person.


The billowing immortal essence exploded in an instant, oppressing the seriously injured Old Antique.

Looking at the fists that kept enlarging in front of his eyes, this old antique also knew that his life had come to an end.


Although he knew that his life had come to an end, he still let out a roar of unwillingness, and at the same time his body was struggling hard, trying to grab the last bit of life.

But since Lin Mu launched a lore, how could he be easily dodged by him.


In the end, the Wuhuangquan completely tore his body apart, including his sea of ​​consciousness and dantian, and now he had no way out.

"court death!"

The other two old antiques, when they saw their old friends who had been with them for thousands of years, were killed by Lin Mu's punch like this, their eyes were bloodshot, and the power of the instant burst also opened up Lin Muyu's control.

When the two opened up the control of their own domain, Lin Shu had already started to shrink into an inch, and in an instant, he had already opened a distance of tens of miles from the two of them.

"You two don't need to worry, I will send you two on the road later, so that the three of you can be reunited!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he still didn't forget to take a look at the crystal dragon and the blue-fronted tiger who were fighting together in mid-air.

The Crystal Dragon obviously had the absolute upper hand, and the Qing-fronted Tiger was already in jeopardy at this time, and it was only a matter of time before he lost.

Seeing that the crystal dragon had the absolute upper hand, Lin Mu also smiled slightly.This old mermaid is indeed much stronger than the emperor. If you look at the scissors used by others, they are much stronger than the magic weapon specially refined by your emperor.

The two old antiques naturally also noticed the change in midair, and seeing that the Emperor's Magical Artifact was about to be defeated, they were also very anxious.

If Lin Mu hadn't been killed by the two of them, and their magic weapon had been defeated first, then the Emperor Sect, including the Emperor Line they belonged to, would probably be doomed.

The two looked at each other, seeing a trace of determination in each other's eyes.

And the next moment, the two of them directly started to burn their life essence, launching a frenzied counter-kill against Lin Mu.

Seeing that the two old antiques were really desperate, Lin Mu's eyes could not help but tighten.

The burning of life essence by the two old antiques more than doubled their fighting power in an instant.

Of course, the side effect is that after this battle, no matter whether they win or lose, both of them will take their lives.

Now that they have chosen to go all out, the two old antiques also directly chose to give up defense and attack in an all-round way, killing the trees with the fastest speed.

Of course, Lin Mu is not stupid. Seeing the two old antiques desperately trying to dodge, he also used his speed advantage to keep dodging.

"Junior, do you only know how to dodge? If you only know how to dodge, then the two of us can only go down and go to your camp." The two old antiques also stopped and came first, looking at Lin Mu with a ferocious smile. .

(End of this chapter)

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