Supreme Chef

Chapter 1047 Returning to the Land of Perishing Immortals

Chapter 1047 Returning to the Land of Perishing Immortals (2)

The mermaid clan's ancestral land has a teleportation array directly leading to Xijizhou. After Lin Mu stepped on the teleportation array, he arrived in Xijizhou very quickly.

Xijizhou has experienced the last demon raid, and instead of declining, it feels thriving.

The Land of Perishing Immortals is very easy to find. When Lin Mu arrived at the Land of Perishing Immortals, he looked at the gray and dead air inside, and he also felt uncertain.

Although Lin Mu's cultivation has improved hundreds of times compared to when he entered the Land of Immortals, Lin Mu has an instinctive fear in the face of the place where the mermaid ancestor said that immortals have fallen.

Lin Shu did not enter the Land of Perishing Immortals, but used the most primitive and direct method.

Lin Mu stood on a peak overlooking the land of perishing immortals, and shouted loudly: "Senior, I am Lin Mu, I have something to ask, please come out and meet me!"

The sound of the trees rolling down was like thunder, rolling down from the top of the peak, it was also shaking and the whole field was startled.

Some monks who were exploring the secrets in the Land of Perishing Immortals were too frightened to move when they heard the roar of the trees.

Lin Mu's voice could be heard far away, and Lin Mu believed that the one in the Land of Perishing Immortals would definitely be able to hear his words.

Lin Shu stood on the mountain peak, waiting for the forbidden figure deep in the land of perishing immortals to reply to him.

Lin Mu didn't wait long, and the voice of the person in the Land of Perishing Immortals sounded in his mind.

"Boy, what do you want to see me for?"

Lin Mu didn't waste any time, and said directly: "I hope that senior can help me deal with the one behind the blood building."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, the people in the Land of Perishing Immortals fell silent.

After a while, the man spoke again, and said, "It's really tricky. I even counted the old man into it. These little guys are really getting smarter."

After listening to the words of the person in the Land of Perishing Immortals, Lin Mu also understood that he was talking about the ancestor of the Mermaid Clan.

In fact, Lin Mu also knew that the ancestor of the mermaid tribe had deliberately mentioned this, and there must be her calculations.

But no matter what they plan, what Lin Mu has to do is revenge.

"Senior, I'm willing to pay any price." Lin Mu said, clasping his hands.

After another moment, the person in the Land of Perishing Immortals said: "You are the one I chose, and I will not put you in danger. And the calculations of these little guys are really interesting, I also want to To see what they are planning, I will play with them."

When Lin Mu heard this, he couldn't help but feel happy, and said, "Senior, are you willing to make a move?"

The people in the Land of Perishing Immortals asked back, "What do you think?"

Lin Mu hurriedly cupped his hands, bowed deeply, and said, "Thank you, senior."

The people in the Land of Perishing Immortals said: "Okay, you go back, you just shoot, I won't let anyone deal with you."

Lin Mu nodded, and also turned around and left directly. The one in the Land of Perishing Immortals has been dealt with, and the rest is to go to the Blood Tower for revenge.

The blood building targeted him again and again, and Lin Mu had long wanted to attack the blood building, so he would kill him quickly.

Now that someone has taken action for him to deal with the person behind the blood building, Lin Mu can finally let go of his hands and feet.

Lin Mu soon returned to the ancestral land of the mermaid tribe. The ancestor of the mermaid tribe smiled slightly when he saw Lin Mu come back. The ancestor of the mermaid tribe did not ask, because he understood everything from Lin Mu's expression.

"This is the map of the Blood Building, you take it. Take Xiaoyi with you. Lin Mu, you must protect Haoxiaoyi's safety." The ancestor of the mermaid tribe instructed Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Don't worry senior, I will definitely protect Hao Xiaoyi's safety."

Xiao Yi did not speak, she was still immersed in the pain of the patriarch's death.

The patriarch treats Xiaoyi just like his own grandfather. Xiaoyi is sadder than anyone else when the patriarch dies. At this moment, there is only hatred in Xiaoyi's heart.

Lin Mu looked at Xiaoyi, and was also a little worried. It was a good thing that Xiaoyi could change.But the sudden change was so fast, Lin Mu didn't think it was a good thing.

Lin Mu reached out to hold Xiaoyi's hand, and then sent two pure yin and yang qi to help Xiaoyi calm down the hatred in his heart.


The yin and yang energy entered the body, Xiao Yi also felt a burst of coolness, and at the same time, the hatred in his heart was also diluted a lot in an instant.

Xiao Yi looked at Lin Mu who was holding his hand, blushing slightly, and said, "Brother Lin, thank you!"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "You're welcome. Although I hope you change, I hope that when you treat my own people, you will still be that cute and kind Xiaoyi sister."

Xiao Yi knew that Lin Mu was trying to enlighten him, so he nodded and said, "Brother Lin, I know."

The ancestor of the mermaid clan said: "You two must be careful, if you lose, don't try to be brave."

Lin Mu said: "Don't worry, I won't act recklessly."

Lin Mu left the ancestral land of the Mermaid Clan with Xiao Yi, and went straight to the residence of the Blood Building.

The blood building is also built in the void, but the void where the blood building is located is somewhat special.

That piece of void is a forbidden area, where there is a very powerful star beast.

The starry sky beast there is said to contain a trace of gluttonous blood, it can devour space, and it is an extremely powerful spirit beast.

But for Lin Mu, let alone any star beasts there, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, Lin Mu will break in without hesitation.

Chi Hong quickly approached the fabled starry sky forbidden land. Putting away Chi Hong, Lin Mu also smiled at him, saying: "Xiao Yi, you will follow behind me later. Brother Lin is in no danger."

Xiaoyi stubbornly walked side by side with Lin Mu, and said, "No! Xiaoyi has grown up, and Xiaoyi can fight side by side with Big Brother Lin."

Lin Mu looked at the stubborn Xiao Yi, nodded his head, and said, "Okay!"

Lin Mu handed a piece of jade slip to Xiao Yi, and said, "Xiao Yi, take a closer look at all the introductions to the Blood House in this jade slip. These things will be useful when we fight against the Blood House."

In fact, Lin Mu didn't intend to let Xiaoyi make a move at all, but seeing Xiaoyi's current stubborn performance, it was obviously impossible for him not to let Xiaoyi make a move.

Xiao Yi took the jade slip and began to study it seriously.

The history of the blood building is indeed long enough, but there are not many people in the blood building.Adding up all the people on and off the blood building, there are only 99 people in total.

This number will not change, each generation, there are only 99 people.

But regardless of the small number of people in the blood building, these people are all elites among the elites, and they are real experts in murder and assassination.Of course, these 99 people are not all powerful Ascension Realm Consummation experts.

Because if they all use the strong, it would be an insult in the eyes of the blood building.Because in Xuelou's view, their assassination elites are invincible in any realm.This is the confidence of the blood building, and also the pride of the blood building.

If anyone dies, the blood building will spend a long time looking for a replacement.

Lin Mu has killed nearly ten people from Xuelou in total. Lin Mu doesn't know whether Xuelou has replenished these killers.

(End of this chapter)

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