Supreme Chef

Chapter 1048 Star Beast

Chapter 1048 Star Beast

Lin Mu and Xiaoyi walked in this forbidden space, their speed was very fast. Although the void looked safe now, Lin Mu still carefully released his consciousness to prevent the star beast from suddenly attacking.

Suddenly Lin Mu's divine sense moved, and then he moved out with a smile, and at the same time he slashed out with his backhand. Suddenly, a blue blood splashed directly, dyeing the void in blue.


Blood splattered, and there was a crackling sound in the void, and then a huge monster whose head was somewhat similar to a pangolin, but thousands of times bigger, fell out of the split void.

"This is the star beast?"

Xiao Yi looked at this behemoth with surprise in his eyes.

Lin Mu said: "It can devour space, so it should be a star beast."

Xiao Yi said: "But it doesn't look very strong? How can this place become a forbidden space?"

Just after Xiao Yi finished speaking, Lin Mu's face changed drastically before he could answer, and then Lin Mu pulled Xiao Yi up, and he didn't even dare to stop, so he rushed out directly.

There is no other reason for Lin Mu's hurricane, because at this time behind Lin Mu and Xiaoyi, a large number of star beasts are falling behind.

There are hundreds of these star beasts, each of which is like a hill, obviously much stronger than this dead one.

The star beasts travel very fast, and each time they cross is several thousand feet, and after each time they cross, thousands of feet of space will disappear.

If someone accidentally appeared in this space, they would either be killed by space debris and space cracks, or they would be buried in the stomach of this star beast.

Xiao Yi looked at the hundreds of starry sky beasts that appeared behind him, and his face couldn't help but change.

I just said that these star beasts are not dangerous, but now I can only run for my life.

The threat of a single star beast is indeed not great, but if hundreds of them gather together and go first, a large area of ​​space will disappear, and it is difficult not to run away.

"These star beasts seem to not only be able to devour space, but also use space to attack casually. Be careful not to be hurt by the space debris it emits." Lin Mu also quickly sent a sound transmission to Xiaoyi.

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Xiao Yi was also fully alert.

While waiting for Xiao Yi to fly, Lin Mu's mind turned sharply. Lin Mu was thinking about how to get rid of these star beasts.

These star beasts are not only fast, but also surprisingly full of physical strength, and they escaped with a smile.I'm afraid the starry sky beast was not exhausted, so he died first.

"No! The Blood Building also lives in this void, how do they avoid the star beast's attack?" Lin Mu also quickly thought of the Blood Building, because the Blood Building is also here.

These starry sky beasts are all ninth-level spirit beasts. Lin Mu doesn't believe that with the current ability of the blood building, the people in the blood building can safely pass through the void of this forbidden area without the help of the person behind it.

Thinking of the blood building, Lin Mu's mind also had a flash of inspiration.

"Xiaoyi took out the invisibility cloak and put it on." Lin Mu also quickly said to Xiaoyi.

When Xiao Yi heard Lin Mu's words, he also understood Lin Mu's intention, and quickly took out the invisibility cloak, and put it on himself.

Lin Mu also took out the invisibility cloak and put it on, and the two of them put on the invisibility cloak, and immediately abandoned all auras, and the two of them were completely invisible at this time.

And at the moment when the two were invisible, all the star beasts panicked because they lost their target.

The panic of the star beasts lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and then all the star beasts quickly dispersed.

"follow me!"

Lin Mu took Xiao Yi's hand, and also spotted a star beast, and sneaked past it quietly.

Lin Mu has been staring at this star beast for a long time, it is the smallest of all star beasts.

But its body can emit a faint starlight, and it swallows the most space every time, almost twice as much as other star beasts.

"What are we going to do?" Xiao Yi also didn't know what Lin Mu was going to do.

Lin Mu said: "That star beast may be the king of all star beasts. If we can subdue it and let him command these star beasts to help us, our pressure will be much less."

Xiao Yi followed Lin Shu's fingers, and also saw this starry sky beast that was obviously different.

"But how do we subdue it?" Xiao Yi asked.

Lin Mu said: "Don't worry, I have a solution for this matter."

Lin Mu had already communicated with the Blood Spirit Dragon just now, and these starry sky beasts indeed still have a trace of Taotie's blood.

However, the blood power in their bodies is too weak, and the blood spirit dragon can completely suppress them and coerce them to surrender with their own dragon blood.

Lin Mu and Xiao Yihe soon approached, and this could only be the side of the star beast king.

The two had just approached, and the king of starry sky beasts seemed to have noticed something.

After pausing for a while, the speed of advancing suddenly more than doubled.

However, Lin Shu, who had been prepared for a long time, could just watch it slip away from his hands.

Lin Mu spread his five fingers, and a large net composed entirely of immortal essence completely enveloped the starry sky beast.

The starry sky beast can let the trees catch it in the net, and with one huge mouth, it is about to tear the fairy net.

However, Lin Mu had expected it a long time ago. As soon as the Starry Sky Beast opened its mouth, Lin Mu had let the sky fire cover the Xianyuan net, causing the entire Xianyuan net to burn.

Seeing Tianhuo, the starry sky beast's mouth also froze in mid-air.Although the intelligence of the star beasts is not very good, they still have a sense of danger.

This sky fire is obviously something that can bring them danger.So they opened their mouths wide, but they didn't dare to open their mouths.

"Blood Spirit Dragon, do it!" Lin Mu also directly transmitted the voice to the Blood Spirit Dragon.

Then Lin Mu's spiritual consciousness directly turned into a divine consciousness knife, forcibly breaking through the starry sky beast's sea of ​​consciousness.

The moment Lin Mu broke through the sea of ​​consciousness of the starry sky beast, the blood spirit dragon also imprinted his soul in the sea of ​​consciousness collected by the starry sky, completely making the starry sky beast surrender.

"Gather all your people here, and I will take you to a place. If you complete the task well, I will give you back your freedom," Lin Mu said.

These star beasts feed on space, but Lin Mu didn't intend to bring them back to Fumanlou.

If you bring them back to Fumanlou, within a few days, your own Fumanlou will probably be eaten by them, so use it and let them go.

Although the Star Beast was controlled, it was still unwilling to surrender, but just as it was about to resist, the Blood Spirit Dragon used some tricks on it to make it submit obediently immediately.


This starry sky beast is indeed the king among the starry sky beasts. After making a sound similar to a cow's cry, the starry sky beasts that had been scattered just now also gathered quickly.

Lin Mu continued to use his spiritual sense to communicate with the king of the starry sky beast, saying: "Let them follow you, and I will take you to a place, and when you get there, you only need to eat, and you don't need to do anything else. "

Although the Star Beast's spiritual intelligence is not high, it can also hear the request of Lin Shu, which seems a bit too simple.

Lin Mudao: "Don't doubt, my request is that simple, I only need you to eat, and there is no difference."

"Okay!" The star beast also sent out a short answer, and with its wisdom, it could only make such a simple answer.

(End of this chapter)

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