Supreme Chef

Chapter 1049 The Lost Ancestor

Chapter 1049 The Lost Ancestor

With these star beasts opening the way, the road ahead is smooth.

This place is called the Void Forbidden Land only because there are so many starry sky beasts here, and the others are not too dangerous.

Now there is such a star beast leading the way, how dare that star beast come over to make trouble without opening its eyes.

The speed of the star beast was very fast, Lin Mu and Xiaoyi sat on the star beast, but they were very stable.

"Boss, I have already discovered the mystery of the bloodline of this starry sky beast. Next time I meet that Taotie, I must let him know why the flowers are so red!" Xue Linglong said to Lin Mu through sound transmission.

Taotie can be regarded as the old enemy of the Dragon Clan. The last time he was chased by that Taotie, the Blood Spirit Dragon was also extremely depressed.But now that I have discovered the mystery of Taotie's bloodline, I don't have to be so ashamed when I meet him next time.

Lin Mu also didn't expect that the blood spirit dragon could be so brave after knowing its shame, but if the blood spirit dragon is stronger, it will be of great help to him in the future.

The Star Beast quickly approached the location of the Blood Building, and from a long distance away, Lin Shu and Xiao Yi could smell a pungent smell of blood.

This made Lin Mu frowned. Looking at the three-storey building on the opposite side, which was only piled up with the bones of various monks, and the blood building that would never dry up, Lin Mu also had a boundless killing intent in his heart.

Although the blood building is only three stories high, its area is very large. The number of skeletons on it is at least hundreds of millions. It can be seen how many people the blood building has to kill to build such a bone building.

The stimulating smell of blood made all the star beasts very uneasy, and the whole team tended to be messy.

"What's going on?" Lin Mu also frowned and asked the Blood Spirit Dragon.

The blood spirit dragon said: "They said that the blood contained their emperor's blood, and they dare not approach it."

Lin Mu told Xue Linglong, "Tell them, we are here to avenge their emperor. They just eat and leave the rest to us."

The blood spirit dragon soon had sex with the starry sky, and after hearing what the blood spirit dragon said, the king of the starry sky beasts took the initiative to convey a little kindness to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu said: "Just let your stomachs go and eat, whoever dares to stop you, I'll chop him up and feed you!"


The king of the starry sky beast roared again, and then all the starry sky beasts started to move, and started to swallow the space here.

Soon, most of the space here was swallowed up, and it quickly approached the vicinity of the blood building.

The star beast suddenly rioted, and the blood building responded immediately. Twenty masters rushed out of the blood building.

Seeing these vulnerable elite killers in front of him, Lin Mu directly slashed at them, and immediately all the killers turned into fly ash.

The Star Beast was also very excited to see that Lin Mu did what he said, and those humans who were stained with the blood of the Star Beast Emperor disappeared in smoke.


There was another growl, and then all the star beasts began to eat harder.

Twenty people who didn't even reach the Ascension Realm dared to come out, they were simply sending themselves to death.

After a short effort, another 50 people rushed out of the blood building. This time, there were quite a few strong people from the Ascension Realm, but most of them were under the Consummation of the Ascension Realm.

Seeing these people, Lin Mu knew that he had killed the people in the blood building, and the blood building didn't have time to replenish it.

There were twenty people just now, and now there are fifty people, that is to say, there should be less than twenty people left in the blood building at this time, and there are only fourteen or five people at most.

As soon as Lin Mu raised his hand to summon the blood spirit dragon, Xiao Yi was slightly surprised to see the sudden increase of the blood spirit dragon around him, because she didn't even see where the blood spirit dragon came from.

"Take your little brothers to practice, let them have revenge." Lin Mu said lightly.

The blood spirit dragon agreed excitedly, and also exchanged a few words with the king of the starry sky beast, and then rushed forward with all the starry sky beasts.

The star beast itself is actually very powerful, but because of the blood on the blood building, there is their emperor's blood, this time it made them afraid.But now led by the blood spirit dragon, these starry sky beasts are fearless, and eat directly, it is really revenge.

Lin Mu looked at the massacre in front of him, and he didn't feel a little relaxed in his heart.

Because Lin Mu knew that the real war had not yet begun.

The real battlefield will not really begin until the remaining dozen or so people come out.

The blood building as a whole reveals a kind of weirdness, Lin Mu will not take a smile and rush in to take risks.

The blood building was also full of anxiety at this time, because they found that they could not contact the supreme ancestor in their hearts.

They tried everything, but there was no answer.

The starry sky beasts outside are not to be feared, even Lin Shu and Xiaoyi are not to be feared by them.But if their ancestors lost contact with them, it would be a big deal.

Whether the blood building can rise depends on their ancestors. If the ancestors are gone, then the blood building really has no need to exist.

Of course they didn't know that their ancestors were trapped in an unknown starry sky at this time.

The ancestor of the blood building was an extremely terrifying murderer.But the breath on his body is enough to make a continent in the cultivation world fall, but it is useless to let him roar at this time.

He was trapped in the so-called first trapped formation since the beginning of the world. It was powerful, but after going through the ancient times, his vitality was also severely damaged. Moreover, at the peak, he might not be able to break out of the formation.



The ancestor of the blood building roared again and again, but no one answered him.

Outside the blood building, those 50 people had been completely slaughtered unilaterally under the leadership of the blood spirit dragon.

From the fear of the star beast at the beginning to the feasting now, it only took half a stick of incense time for the star beast to rush in.

"Master, the star beasts outside have approached the periphery of the blood building, and the loss may engulf the void here." The spies of the blood building came in and reported.

At first glance, the person who is called the head of the sect looks seventy percent similar to Young Master Tuoba, obviously he is the father of Young Master Tuoba.

Young Master Tuoba and his father could enter the Blood Building at the same time due to the strictness of the selection of people in the Blood Building. This is definitely a miracle in the history of the Blood Building. Otherwise, Young Master Tuoba's father would not be able to sit in Take the position of master.

But at this time, he also felt that the position of head is not so easy to do.

The face of the leader of Tuoba changed a few times, and finally became strict, saying: "Although the ancestor lost contact, but those who violated my blood building will be killed without mercy, everyone will go out with me to meet the enemy and wipe out the powerful enemy , Show off my mighty blood tower."

"Yes!" The remaining 12 people got the order at the same time, and rushed out of the blood building first.

"In case of losing the enemy later, you run away immediately, don't stay!" Just as Mr. Tuoba was about to turn around, his father's words suddenly sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Young Master Tuoba turned to look at his father, but was severely stopped by his father.

"The inheritance of the blood building cannot be stopped, and the bloodline of our Tuoba family cannot be interrupted. As long as you are alive, the ancestors will definitely find you." The head of Tuoba said to his son.

"En!" Young Master Tuoba nodded heavily, and left with everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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