Supreme Chef

1050 Chapter 1 Starts on the Road

Chapter 1050 On the road together (1)

The Starry Sky Beast, which was roaring outside the blood building and was about to swallow the blood building in one fell swoop, became surprisingly quiet when it saw another group of people coming out of it.

Although the intelligence of star beasts is very low, they are still very sensitive to danger.

Although there were only thirteen people who came out, they felt a very dangerous smell from these thirteen people, which could threaten their life and death.

When Lin Mu saw the thirteen people coming out, he couldn't help but shudder.

Lin Mu could tell that, except for Mr. Tuoba, each of the thirteen people was equivalent to the existence of antiques from Emperor Zong or the ancient aristocratic family.

There are thirteen antique-level existences, no wonder the Blood Building dares to be so arrogant, claiming that no one in the cultivation world dares to kill.

"Let that star beast call more helpers." Facing the thirteen old antiques, Lin Mu didn't dare to push him too hard, so he quickly asked the star beast to call more helpers.

After the Star Beast got the order, it also neighed twice, one long and two short.

What Lin Mu didn't expect was that as soon as the neighing of the star beast fell, hundreds of star beasts jumped out from around the blood building.

Obviously, this is the result of the rise of other star beasts, ready to let their own kind come together to take revenge.

The thirteen people who came out saw the starry sky beasts like hills surrounding the blood building, and their eyelids twitched.

There are no less than five hundred starry sky beasts surrounding the Blood Building, some of them are powerful, even these old antiques are frowning.

Mr. Tuoba's father took a step forward, looked at Lin Mu and said, "How about I want to make a deal with you, Lin Mu?"

Lin Mu curled his lips and said, "I'm not interested, you either hit him or you commit suicide."

Mr. Tuoba's father didn't expect Lin Mu to be so arrogant, he didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and his expression changed slightly, but now he is obviously in a weak position.

If the old ancestor could be contacted, let alone a tree, even if there were ten or a hundred, he wouldn't give the slightest bit of face.

"Lin Mu, my blood building chased and killed you and the people around you, but neither you nor the people around you were injured. On the contrary, it was my blood building that lost troops. There is no insoluble enmity between us. Now you take people away, my blood Lou can promise to help you do three things for free. Even if you say let us help you destroy Emperor Zong, it's fine." Mr. Tuoba's father said patiently.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "Okay! Then I will take people away now, and the first thing I want you to do is to abolish all of your cultivation."

Hearing that Lin Mu was willing to leave, Mr. Tuoba's father still couldn't help being overjoyed.But after hearing Lin Mu's request, his expression suddenly darkened.

"Lin Mu, don't go too far. Although you have a lot of people now, these beasts are all brainless mobs. If you fight recklessly, you may not be able to survive." Mr. Tuoba's father said with a gloomy face.

Lin Mu drew out the Shadowless Knife and said, "Then let's see, who might survive."

Now that things have come to this point, there is naturally no need to continue talking.Since sooner or later it will be resolved by force, don't waste time.

"Ling Shu suffers!"

The two antique-level assassins from the Blood Building suddenly attacked Lin Mu.

The speed of the two of them is very fast, and the activation is also very sudden. If they were other people, they would not be able to react at all, and I am afraid that they would have been killed in one blow.

But Lin Mu had been on guard for a long time, these killers from the blood building, when these two antique-level killers just showed their killing intent, Lin Mu was already one step ahead of them.

The blow that the two old antiques thought would kill them, just when they rushed in front of Lin Mu, they suddenly felt as if they were in a quagmire, and their bodies couldn't help but stop abruptly.

"Oops! It's a domain!"

The two reacted at the same time, but it was too late.

Because they saw that the trees were cut down very simply with a single blow.But in the face of this knife, the two of them couldn't raise any resistance at all.

Sky Splitting Fourth Slash!
After experiencing the battle to wipe out the Emperor Sect of the Eastern Emperor, Lin Mu also had a deeper understanding of the fourth slash.

At this time, the power of a knife is even greater than before.

It's a pity that the two extremely confident old antiques, under the joint attack they thought would kill, not only did not take Lin Mu's life, but lost their own life in vain.

With one blow, the blood building lost two more fighters, and the blood building was also dead.

Originally, the number of people on my side did not have any advantage, but now it was just a face-to-face, and two lives were harvested by Lin Shu, which undoubtedly made the situation worse.

"Everyone, try your best to break through!" At this time, there is really nothing to say, there is really no way but to break through desperately.

Lin Mu held the Shadowless Knife, took a step forward, and said, "Don't even try to run away today!"

After finishing speaking, an inexplicable space blocking force firmly imprisoned the void where the blood building is located.

In addition to devouring the void, the star beasts can also imprison the void, which is also an ability from the Taotie bloodline.

Of course, the ability of a star beast to confine the void is definitely not enough, but what if there are hundreds of them.

That is obviously not a question of one plus one equals two.

At this time, Lin Mu felt that even if he wanted to break free from the void that these star beasts were imprisoning, he would have to spend a lot of effort.

However, if he took the time to break the emptiness here, Lin Mu believed that he would have died dozens of times with that time.

The remaining 11 people in the blood building felt the space around them being firmly imprisoned, and their faces were also pale.

They know that there can only be two outcomes today, either Lin Mu kills them all, or they kill Lin Shu and these star beasts, there is absolutely no possibility of a third outcome.

"Xiaoyi, you go and deal with that little boy, and leave these old antiques to me and the starry sky beast!" Lin Mu gave Xiaoyi an order, and immediately set off to attack.

Compared to those old antiques, Mr. Tuoba is obviously weak.It is perfect for Xiaoyi who has awakened the supreme blood to deal with Mr. Tuoba.


Lin Mu took the lead in attacking, and his attack was also a group attack move-flame waves.

Facing the falling sky fire, the ten people who were enveloped did not dare to neglect at all.

They all tried their best to avoid the heavenly fire that wanted to choose someone to eat.

The ten old antiques are worthy of being masters who have matured from time to time. Although they use different methods, the final results are all the same.They all successfully avoided the flames of the sky.

The ten people looked at Lin Shu with an unconcealable anger in their eyes.

Any one of them, taken out, is a powerhouse at the level of the head of the Emperor Sect on the Megatron side.

But Lin Mu despises them so much that he wants to fight ten against one, which is simply an insult.

"Join us!"

The head of Tuoba was also decisive, directly deciding ten people to join forces and kill Lin Shu first.


However, they just made some moves. Under the signal of the blood spirit dragon, the star beast king also organized all the star beasts to attack these old antiques.


Facing the besieged Starry Beast, those old antiques were also annoyed. They slapped out with a direct palm, and immediately sent a hill-like Starry Beast flying. Suddenly, the blue blood dyed the void here in blue.

Of course Lin Mu would not stand aside and watch the fun, so Lin Mu directly approached Mr. Tuoba, the owner of the blood building, his father.

"Looking at you, you should be the old man of that brat. I'll let you go on the road with your son today. I'll save you from sending a white-haired man to a black-haired man!" Lin Mu said with a grin.

(End of this chapter)

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