Supreme Chef

1051 Chapter 1 Starts on the Road

Chapter 1051 On the road together (2)

When Tuoba Sheng heard Lin Mu's words, he subconsciously glanced at his son.

Although his son claimed to be invincible in his generation, but facing the girl across from him, his son was always being suppressed.

In fact, Lin Mu was also very surprised by Xiao Yi's explosive fighting power at this time.

Lin Mu didn't expect that Xiao Yi, who had awakened the supreme blood, would have such a powerful fighting power.

According to Xiaoyi's strength at this time, even if Lin Mu is conceited, he and Xiaoyi can't tell the winner within a hundred moves.

In the current cultivation world, apart from those who are in the land of perishing immortals, people who do not belong to the cultivation world at all, and the remaining people who can fight against Lin Shu are definitely very few.

However, Xiao Yi's explosive combat power at this time was extremely powerful.Moreover, Lin Mu felt that Xiao Yi's potential had not been brought into play at all. If he further stimulated his potential, it would be hard to say who would win between himself and Xiao Yi.

However, Xiaoyi's strength is strong, which is at least a good thing for Lin Mu.At least Lin Mu doesn't have to bother to pay attention to Xiao Yi now.Judging from the battle between Xiaoyi and Mr. Tuoba, within three hundred moves, Xiaoyi would definitely be able to take the life of Mr. Tuoba.

"Lin Mu, let my son go, and I can tell you a big secret of the blood building?" Tuoba Sheng also saw that his son was about to lose, so he gritted his teeth and said.

Lin Mu looked at Tuoba Sheng calmly, and said, "I'm not interested in the secrets of your blood building, I don't like those secrets that only play with the dark."

Tuoba Sheng said: "The secret of Lin Mu can save your life, as long as you let my son go."

Lin Mu said calmly: "If your secret is about the person behind your blood building, then I don't think I need to know it, and you don't need to say it either."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Tuoba Sheng's eyes changed suddenly, and he said, "You know!"

Lin Mu said: "There is no impenetrable wall in this world. I am not the only one who knows the secret of your blood building, so now you can go on the road with your son with peace of mind."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he raised his knife and attacked directly.

Tuoba Sheng was talking nonsense to himself, obviously not just to give his son a chance to escape, but also to give the remaining nine a chance to kill more star beasts.

Although the number of starry sky beasts is huge, their spiritual intelligence is too low. Even with the wisdom of the blood spirit dragon, their combat effectiveness is not worth mentioning.

In just a short while, more than a dozen heads were killed.If one or two of these old guys are taken out to deal with him, the pressure on Lin Mu will increase several times, and it may even be impossible to destroy the blood building.

When Tuoba Sheng saw Lin Mu rushing up with a knife, he had no choice but to greet him.

Tuoba Sheng used the same big knife, and what Tuoba Sheng used turned out to be a semi-celestial weapon.


The Wuying Knife collided with the Nine Sons Serial Knife in Tuoba Sheng's hand, sparking sparks all over the sky.

Although these sparks may not be seen as big, they are extremely powerful, and each one can shatter a small piece of the void.



The two took a step back each, and Tuoba Sheng looked at Lin Mu's Shadowless Knife with a slightly dignified expression.

Lin Mu's weapon, Tuoba Sheng, has known about it for a long time, and originally he wanted to take advantage of the weapon and give Lin Mu a blow.

But what he didn't expect was that the Shadowless Knife in Lin Mu's hand was no worse than the half-immortal weapon in his own hand.

"The weapon is good. I can finally meet someone who can practice swords with me! Come again!" Seeing that Tuoba Sheng was using a sword, Lin Mu was actually looking forward to it.

Lin Mu encountered masters who used various weapons, but very few used knives.

After all, a weapon like a knife is definitely a good weapon for attacking.But it's not enough for defense.

Cultivators not only want to kill, but also protect themselves, so more people choose flying swords and the like, which are both offensive and defensive.

Tuoba Sheng saw Lin Mu rushing towards him again, and raised his saber to greet him again.




Lin Mu and Tuoba Sheng fought dozens of swords in a row, and a large area of ​​the void was shattered, and the battlefield between the two became a forbidden area for all warring parties.

After dozens of knives, Lin Shu's fighting spirit became more and more high.And Tuoba Sheng was a little bit, hard to tell.

Lin Shu's physique is too strong, and his strength advantage is also very obvious.After these dozens of knives, Tuoba Sheng felt that his arm was about to be broken.

If you continue to fight blindly like this, it will be a matter of time before you lose, but if you don't want to fight like this, it seems that it is not an easy task. Lin Mu not only has an absolute advantage in body, but also in speed. It also has an absolute advantage.

Shrinking the ground into an inch, no one in the world dares to compete with trees for speed.

"Come again!"

Lin Mu, who was on the top of his head, let out a low drink, and once again bullied him.

After finally meeting a master with a knife, Lin Shu naturally had to do it.

Lin Mu simply gave up his defense, and all his moves were opened and closed, extremely brave.

Tuoba Sheng also groaned secretly in his heart when he saw the trees rushing forward again.


There was a scream, and Tuoba Sheng saw that his son was hit by Xiaoyi's palm, and his body flew out.

Seeing that his son was injured, Tuoba Sheng's heart couldn't help but tighten suddenly.

But in the next moment, he felt that the sharp blade was coming directly.

The sharp blade made the hairs on Tuoba Sheng's body stand on end.

Although Tuoba Sheng tried his best to dodge, he was still hit by a tree in the shoulder.


Immediately, a blood arrow flew into the air, and Tuoba Sheng's body reacted quickly, with a wonderful step under his feet, instantly distanced himself from Lin Mu.

Lin Mu looked at the blood-stained Tuoba Sheng, and said, "Be more focused, otherwise, you may be on the road before your son."

When Tuoba Sheng heard Lin Mu's words, he also gritted his teeth, and decided to do his best.He had to force Lin Shu back first, and only then would he have a chance to save his son.

With a decision in his mind, Tuoba Sheng's moves also became fiercer, and he completely gave up defense, opening and closing his moves, completely desperate.

Lin Mu looked at Tuoba Sheng's continuous knife attack, gritted his teeth, and his eyes were red. He also nodded and said, "Are you thinking about it? Let's keep going!"

Tuoba Sheng was really desperate. He even didn't hesitate to burn his life essence and blood, trying to force Lin Shu back in the shortest possible time, so that he could save his son, because he saw his son, At this time, it has been completely suppressed and can only defend passively.If this trend continues, let alone three hundred moves, even if it is a hundred moves, my son may not be able to hold on.

(End of this chapter)

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