Supreme Chef

Chapter 1062 Chaos Fire

Chapter 1062 Chaos Fire

The huge body of the dragon turtle took a step back, and said: "As long as Lin Mu is willing to leave, I am willing to offer all my collections and the biggest secret of Nanyan Prefecture."

Long Gui still doesn't want to give up, the idea of ​​persuading Lin Mu to leave, after all, Lin Mu is really too powerful, his own Wan Yaomen has been breached at this time, if he can't save it in time, then only Wan Yao can wait for him. The demise of the door.

Lin Mudao: "I've said it before, what you say, an old turtle, is not trustworthy at all. There is a saying that is good, if it is not my race, its heart must be different."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Long Gui's eyes became firmer, and he said, "Okay! If that's the case, Tang, let's fight to the death!"

Lin Mu Wuying Dao stood upside down, grasped it in his hand, and said, "What I'm waiting for is your words!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu was also impolite, and directly slashed down with a knife.


The shadowless knife slashed on the turtle's shell, making a loud noise, like thunder, and everyone's eardrums were tingling.


The two stood in a stalemate for ten seconds. Many people with low cultivation had already had their eardrums pierced, and their ears were bleeding, looking miserable.

And Lin Shu and Dragon Turtle also took a step back. Apart from leaving a shallow knife mark on the dragon tortoise's shell with the knife, Lin Shu didn't split the dragon tortoise's shell.

His Shadowless Knife is not afraid of even a fairy weapon, but the shell of this dragon turtle is so hard.

Although the tortoise's shell was not broken, the body of the dragon tortoise was also taken a step back by the shock.

The huge dragon tortoise moved a foot across, and the momentum it caused was more terrifying than the collapse of a mountain range.

At this time, no one dared to approach the place where Lin Mu and the dragon tortoise were fighting within a radius of five thousand miles.

If the dragon tortoise's tortoise claws are like Optimus Prime, if it steps on a human body, it doesn't matter how high your cultivation level is, it will definitely end in a pulp.




Lin Shu and the dragon tortoise shook dozens of times, but there were only dozens of white marks, large and small, on the dragon tortoise's shell, and there was no sign of damage at all.

Lin Mu is now confirmed. The tortoise shell of this dragon tortoise is three points harder than the defensive armor of the fairy level.

Not to mention that my Shadowless Knife is a ninth-grade spiritual treasure, even if it is promoted to become a semi-immortal weapon, or even a fairy weapon, it may not be able to blast through this turtle shell.


Lin Mu put away the Shadowless Knife, raised his hand and punched the Flame Wave, since he couldn't cut it through, he would use the sky fire to burn it through.

Seeing the fire rolling down from the forest, everyone had to withdraw from Baili again.

Skyfire is not a joke, any contamination will kill people.

Facing the sky fire, the dragon tortoise did not dare to be negligent, and the thick blue water column spewed out again when it opened its mouth.

What Lin Mu didn't expect was that the dragon turtle's blue water column was not only effective against his own thunder flame, but also able to block his own sky fire.

Although Skyfire still had an obvious advantage over the blue water column, the blue water column still blocked some Skyfire's footsteps after all.


In the end, the sky fire still burned on the old ghost, but the old ghost shrank his head and limbs and hid in the turtle shell. It was useless to let the sky fire burn.

"Have you ever thought about this old turtle's weakness? If you don't think about it, you don't even want to eat its meat!" Lin Mu urged Xue Linglong to say.

This old turtle can't cut it with a knife, it can't be burned through by fire, and it's very depressing to beat the trees.

In fact, this old turtle's attack power is not strong, but this perverted defense power is simply incomprehensible.

If this drags on, once Wan Yaomen's backup arrives, then this matter will become very troublesome.

In fact, the blood spirit dragon is also anxious now, for it, the value of the old turtle is infinite.This is a tonic that can reduce its cultivation by 1 years.

"Meat! Meat! Yes! It's meat. I remembered its weakness!" Thinking of the old turtle's meat, the blood spirit dragon also had a flash of inspiration.

Lin Mu said: "What weakness!"

The blood spirit dragon swallowed, and said: "The exposed shell and scales of the dragon turtle are indeed amazing in defense. But the meat hidden under the shell is totally defenseless, as long as you If you can think of a way to directly apply power to its flesh, then it will definitely die."

Lin Mu heard the words of the blood spirit dragon, but also wished to catch the blood spirit dragon and give it a few chestnuts.

"The shell of this old tortoise is thousands of feet thick, and the force cannot directly act on its flesh. This is also a weakness!" Luo Tian said angrily.

Taoist Guang pondered for a moment and said, "It may not be impossible. The killing pattern you have mastered can be directly applied to its flesh."

"That's right! Why did I forget!" Lin Mu also slapped his head and said suddenly.

The Dao of Slaughter has no fixed form in the first place, so there is no problem at all in piercing through the thousands of feet of tortoise shell, and it is perfect for dealing with this old tortoise.

As soon as he thought of it, he did it. Immediately, Lin Mu raised his hand, and a killing pattern twisted out.

The people below saw the Dao of Slaughter flowing out of Lin Mu's hand, but they couldn't see anything about it.After all, their cultivation bases are too low, only those who have truly advanced cultivation bases can realize the frightening nature of this pattern.

The old tortoise obviously also saw the horror of the killing pattern, and directly shrank his neck, hiding his head and limbs inside the tortoise shell.

But this time it was obviously going to be disappointed, because although its tortoise shell was very powerful, it was a pity that the killing pattern had no fixed shape, and it actually entered its tortoise shell directly from the gap.



As the blood spirit dragon said, although the old turtle's shell is unparalleled in defense, its body wrapped in the shell is too fragile, basically equal to zero defense.

Just one Dao pattern of killing has already made its weak body feel like it was crushed by a huge meat grinder. Countless flesh and blood have been cut off, like a spring of blood, left from its turtle shell Five holes were sprayed out.

The bloody water directly turned into a rain of blood, dyeing everything within a radius of a thousand miles red with blood.


The killing pattern continued to wreak havoc, and the old turtle rolled on the ground in pain, raining blood.

"Put away his blood quickly, these are treasures!" Xue Linglong shouted.

Lin Mu listened to the words of the blood spirit dragon, and directly took out a jade bottle to store the spirit treasure, and pinched a trick against the blood rain all over the sky.

Immediately, the blood rain like spring water was directly received into the jade bottle.

"I have news about Chaos Fire, which ranks No. [-] in Tianhuo! As long as you let me go, I will tell you right away!" The old turtle rolled on the ground in pain, while spreading rumors to Lin Mu, hoping to get a chance to live.

Lin Mu's heart skipped a beat when he heard the old turtle say the chaotic fire. The chaotic fire is a legendary flame.Known as the existence of the king of fire.

(End of this chapter)

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