Supreme Chef

Chapter 1063 Take Your Life

Chapter 1063 Take Your Life
In fact, the grades of sky fires are only clearly divided at the first level of sky fires.And after the sky fire reaches the second level, it can be continuously upgraded by devouring different sky fires, so the clear division of levels becomes very blurred.

To put it simply, if the Frost Skyfire in Lin Mu's hands at this time, it would swallow the second-ranked Skyfire.Even if the Liushuang Tianhuo is still a second-level Tianhuo, its ranking and power will jump to the second place.

However, there is a kind of sky fire among the sky fires, which is always the first, and it is the king of fire.Known as the mother of all fires, it is the only one that devours other sky fires, and other sky fires will never be able to swallow it.It is Chaos Fire, a kind of sky fire that only exists in legends.

Chaos fire is always the first day fire, even if it is just a legend, it is still always the first.

No one would be moved by hearing Chaos Fire, especially for an alchemist like Lin Mu.

In fact, there have always been two ways to become a ninth-rank alchemist, one is to understand the Dao, like Lin Shu, and capture the luck in the elixir.And the other is the legend, as long as you can get the Chaos Fire, you can refine the ninth-grade elixir.

The old turtle finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Lin Shu was no longer attacking.


Lin Mu had already found a way to kill the old turtle, so naturally he didn't mind waiting for him.

The old turtle transmitted his voice and said, "If I tell you, can you let me go?"

The killing pattern loomed in Lin Mu's hand, and said: "You are not qualified to negotiate now, you can only survive if you choose to speak out."

"Good! I said!"

After Long Gui's face changed a few times, he finally chose to compromise.

Just like what Lin Mu said, it has no bargaining chips at all now.With the Dao of Slaughter in Lin Mu's hand, it is easy to take its life.

"Do you know why Nanyan Prefecture is so hot?" Long Gui didn't tell the news about Chaos Fire first, but asked first.

Lin Mu said indifferently: "I don't want to hear you talking nonsense to delay time, I just want to know about Chaos Fire."

Ever since Long Gui uttered the Chaos Fire, Lin Mu already knew the reason for the hot weather in Nanyan Prefecture.

If there is a flame in the world that can change the weather of a continent, it must be Chaos Fire.And only Chaos Fire can have such power.

In fact, Lin Mu should have thought of the reason for the change in the weather from the first moment he set foot in Nanyanzhou.

It's just that the chaotic fire is too illusory, it only exists in legends, so Lin Mu dare not judge, the cause here is because of the chaotic fire.

Long Gui didn't expect that Lin Mu would not be on the road at all, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Since you know the reasons for the climate change in Nanyan Prefecture, then I won't talk nonsense. The Chaos Fire is indeed in Nanyan Prefecture, and the place where the Chaos Fire is located The place is near my Ten Thousand Demon Gate!"

Long Gui finally threw out a big news, a big news that surprised Lin Mu.

The Chaos Fire is actually near the Wanyao Gate, but the temperature here is not any different from other places.

If the Chaos Fire is really here, I'm afraid the place is already full of magma, how could it be so peaceful.It even became the best paradise in Yanzhou in the south of the country.

"Are you wondering why this place has become the best paradise in Yanzhou in the south of the country? It has not turned into a land of magma!" Longgui is indeed the master of aging, and any emotional changes in the forest will be affected by it. See it in the eyes and become an inducement to lure Lin Shu to talk deeply.

But no matter how mature the dragon tortoise is, it's useless, because Lin Mu fully understands its thoughts, and Lin Mu won't let it procrastinate.

Lin Mu said coldly: "I don't want to know these things, I just want to know, where is the Chaos Fire? Otherwise, I don't mind killing you directly, and then I will find it slowly!"

Now it's the old turtle's turn to be extremely depressed, the trees are basically the ones who don't get in.In any case, Lin Mu is unmoved at all, no matter how many temptations are thrown out, Lin Mu remains unmoved.

Take why my place has become the largest cave in Nanyanzhou, such a secret.If it was placed in Nanyan State, it would definitely cause an unexpected sensation, but Lin Mu didn't even ask.

Seeing that his plan of delaying time didn't work, Lao Gui could only talk dry stuff.

"Chaos Fire is guarded by the guardians of Nanyan State! They are here not only to guard Nanyan State, but also to guard Chaos Fire!" The old tortoise gritted his teeth and revealed the biggest secret in his heart.

This is similar to Lin Mu's guess, Lin Mu was guessing just now.If the Chaos Fire is here, there must be someone guarding it.Otherwise, with the character of the old turtle, the chaotic fire would have been taken away long ago.

"Tell me the route you know, including how to contact the Guardian Clan!" Lin Mu said.

The old turtle gritted his teeth, and also spat out a jade slip, saying: "Everything is on this jade slip."

Lin Mu took the jade slip and glanced at it, and also received it in his own ring.

And just as Lin Mu put away the jade slips, a rumbling sound came from behind Lin Mu, the ground began to tremble violently, continuous cracks appeared, a large number of hot air waves spewed out, and there were even tongues of fire Rewind, directly devouring the monk's life.

"Haha! Lin Mu, you can't run now, the beast tide has come, you just wait to die!" Old Gui also laughed wildly.

The reinforcements of the old turtle and others are this huge beast horde. As long as they have them, the old turtle can completely turn the situation around.

Lin Mu looked at the old turtle and said coldly: "I never thought of running, now you can die!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he directly raised his hand and made a killing streak.


After the old turtle finished speaking, he also regretted it. With Lin Shu's cultivation, he still needed to escape.

No one could stop Lin Mu from leaving here.

"I still have the secret of Wanlingtong! I am willing to use Wanlingtong's secret to continue exchanging with you!" Long Gui cried out in pain, hoping to use Wanlingtong's secret to continue exchanging with Lin Mu.

"No need!" Lin Mu said coldly.

For Lin Mu, it is indeed unnecessary, because the one who knows Wan Lingtong best in this world is definitely not this old turtle.

Now that Gu Xuan has the best teacher, the secret that the old turtle said is naturally superfluous.



There were bursts of screams, and the old turtle's body was completely turned into a rain of flesh and blood.

And Lin Mu was not polite, absorbing all the meat paste and blood rain into his bottle magic weapon.

In the end, the old turtle died completely. Of course, it is not that there is nothing left.

One is the inner alchemy that has gathered the old turtle's tens of thousands of years of cultivation, and the other is the old turtle's extremely hard shell.

Regarding these two things, Lin Mu would naturally not be polite.He directly raised his hand and put the two things into the ring.

The inner alchemy is naturally for the blood spirit dragon, but the turtle shell and forest wood can refine many top-level defensive magic weapons, and each of them will give one to Xu Mei.

(End of this chapter)

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