Supreme Chef

Chapter 1064 Competition Space Rules

Chapter 1064 Competition Space Rules
After finishing this dragon turtle, the remaining two elders turned around and were about to flee, but how could Lin Mu give them a chance.

These elders are all top-level spirit beasts comparable to flesh and blood treasures, and it would be a great loss to let any one go.

Lin Mu directly raised his hand, and a killing pattern came over with a curved killing pattern.



Without any suspense, the two elders were immediately beheaded by the Killing Daowen.

Putting away the corpses of the two big monsters, Lin Mu's trip to South Yanzhou was considered complete this time.

As for things like Chaos Fire, although Lin Mu felt itchy, this thing was about an opportunity, and you can't force it. I'll try to contact the Guardian Clan later to see if there's any reaction.

Lin Mu killed the three old monsters, and Liu Jun, with the help of his Taoist companion and those who escaped, also beheaded the last old monster.

When Liu Jun brought his Taoist companion to Lin Mu's side and looked at the empty place, he felt a little unresponsive.

With so many people, it took so much effort to behead an old demon.But on Lin Mu's side, four old demons were eliminated by three strikes, five divisions and two divisions, including a demon king.This gap in strength is probably too big.

"Mei Jiao Niang has been rescued, let's go." Lin Mu looked at Liu Jun and said.

"Little friend wants to leave like this, isn't it too irresponsible?" Just as Lin Mu was about to leave, a faint voice came, and then an old man appeared in front of everyone with a young boy .

The old man's beard and hair are all white, and he looks like a fairy, and he can't tell his age at all.But what can be confirmed is that the old man is already very, very old.

One more thing everyone can confirm is that the old man's cultivation is already very, very high.

Because just now, none of the crowd sensed the arrival of the old man.No one even saw how the old man appeared, as if he should have been here in the first place.

Lin Mu was not surprised by the appearance of the old man.

Trees have spatial rules and are extremely sensitive to spatial fluctuations.When the old man didn't appear just now, Lin Mu already knew where the old man was hiding.

And when Lin Mu told Liu Jun that he was going to leave, he just wanted to lure the old man out.

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "If the junior's guess is right, the senior should be the guardian clan of Nan Yanzhou, right?"

The old man nodded and said, "Exactly!"

Liu Jun and the others couldn't help being surprised when they heard the old man's words.Regarding the guardian clan of Nanyanzhou, it has always been a secret or a legend.

Many people have said that they have seen the Guardian Clan, but there are very few who can really tell who the Guardian Clan is.

But today is different, the strong guard of the clan is standing in front of them, and seems to be smiling at them.

The old man paused for a moment, and said: "It seems that the little friend has long known that the old man is coming, and the little friend should be doing this to lure the old man out."

This old man has a beard and a lot of gray hair, and he has long been the master of aging. If he said that he didn't know what Lin Mu was thinking, no ghost would believe it.

But it just so happens that the boy next to the old man doesn't believe this.

The boy curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Grandpa, how could he understand the rules of space? I think he just wanted to get away."

Lin Mu looked at the little boy, smiled slightly, and said, "I just want to run away, so hit me."

"You!" The little boy gritted his teeth angrily at Lin Mu's words, and punched him out without even thinking about it.

Regardless of the young age of this little boy, Liu Jun is ashamed of his cultivation.

Such a little Douding is already on the sixth level of the Ascension Realm, and it seems that he, who is on the seventh level of the Ascension Realm, may not be sure of winning against others.


Immortal Yuan is overwhelming, Xiao Douding's punch is indeed extremely astonishing, and its power is also very vast.

But no matter how strong his immortal essence was, his fists couldn't reach Lin Shu's clothes.

This made this little Douding extremely depressed. He is a genius, a so-called invincible genius, and now he can't even touch a piece of his clothes. It's a shame to die.

Lin Mu stood where he was, with a faint smile on his face, and he didn't pay attention to this little Douding at all.

Lin Mu could be calm, but Liu Jun and the others couldn't.

If you look at the strength shown by a little Douding, he can almost kill all the adults here in an instant.

Looking at the trees, the old man couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and at the same time his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Xiao Douding continued to be furious, the immortal energy all over his body swelled, and the sound of thunder came from his body, but Lin Mu still had no intention of making a move, completely calm and calm.

"Okay, you are not his opponent." The old man clapped his hands and pulled back Xiaodouding who was doing his best.

Seeing that the old man was able to pull Xiao Douding back from the rage so calmly, Lin Mu's heart shuddered.

"Grandpa, what are you pulling me for? Give me some more time, and I will definitely teach you a good lesson, you coward." Xiao Douding was pulled back by his grandfather, but he still refused to accept it.

The old man smiled slightly, and said: "You should not use that little space control to make it embarrassing. Just now, the one used by people is the legendary shrinking ground. Let alone you, even if it is grandpa, it may not be able to hurt others. A piece of clothing."


Xiao Douding's expression changed suddenly after hearing what his grandfather said, and when he looked at Lin Shu, there was already a trace of awe in his eyes.

Lin Mu still smiled calmly, and said, "Old man, if you show up, you should let me clean up the current mess, right?"

The old man nodded and said: "You can kill the demon king and destroy the Wanyaomen, which is considered a good deed for me in Nanyanzhou, but such a mess must be cleaned up. Otherwise, these beasts will go crazy, and Nanyan The monks in Yanzhou will be unlucky again for no reason.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he also dodged directly into the beast tide below.

Lin Shu didn't cause too many murders, but pulled out all the nails that the Wanyao Gate had placed in the beast tide.Then he used the inner alchemy of the demon king to frighten all the leading spirit beasts, and led him away from Wanwan Yaomen.

Everything was completed very smoothly. It took only half a stick of incense before and after. A beast horde that could cause boundless slaughter was easily settled by Lin Shu.

(End of this chapter)

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