Supreme Chef

Chapter 1066 Respect is not given by people

Chapter 1066 Respect is not given by people
The heat here really surprised Lin Mu, and Lin Mu didn't know what kind of place he was.

Lin Mu looked at the bubbling magma under his feet, and thought to himself, how could he be down-to-earth, obviously he was stepping on magma.

The temperature here is hundreds of times higher than outside.Otherwise, the land here would not completely melt into magma.

Lin Mu didn't know how the guardian clan lived here, although the monks were not afraid of cold and heat.But such a temperature is not good for monks' cultivation.

And with such a high temperature, even the spiritual energy has already been burned, so how could it be of any benefit.

The old man who was walking in front also stretched out his protective qi and protected his grandson inside.

"It wasn't like this in the past. Although the temperature here is higher than outside, it's not so ridiculously high." The old man seemed to see through what Lin Mu was thinking, and said to Lin Mu while leading the way.

Lin Mu followed behind, looking at the magma constantly tumbling underground, his brows were also frowned, and said: "Senior Dragon Turtle told me that the Chaos Fire is here. Could it be that the strange phenomenon here is caused by the Chaos Fire?"

The old man didn't hide anything, he just nodded and said: "This place will become like this, it's all because of a problem with the space formation that seals the chaotic fire. I invite you here, just hope that you can use your space rules to help us rebuild Seal the Chaos Fire. Otherwise, once the seal of the Chaos Fire is released, the entire South Yanzhou will probably become a sea of ​​flames. This is definitely an unprecedented disaster for the South Yanzhou. We must not let such a thing happen .”

Lin Mu's heart moved, and he said: "Senior, since the Chaos Fire is so dangerous, why didn't the Senior let people subdue the Chaos Fire, but chose to strengthen the seal?"

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Xiao Douding finally found a chance to attack Lin Mu.

Xiao Douding looked at Lin Mu contemptuously, and said, "Don't think that you have a Frost Skyfire, and you think that Skyfire is so easy to subdue. It's not like I protect the clan without Skyfire.

But facing the only real fire in the sky and the earth, the mother of all fires.Other sky fires are simply not enough to watch, and the experience of subduing other sky fires is even more useless.Not to mention subduing Chaos Skyfire here, just wanting to get close is an extravagant thing.

If the chaotic skyfire hadn't been covered by a seal arranged by a powerful senior, Nan Yanzhou at this time would probably have ceased to exist. "

Lin Mu didn't refute Xiao Douding's words. After all, he had never seen Chaos Fire, and Xiao Douding said a little more, which made Lin Mu understand Chaos Fire better.

The old man said without turning his head: "Little friend Lin, I know what you're thinking. If you can really subdue the Chaos Fire, I won't mind if you take it away. I protect the clan, although I am here willingly. I have lost too much. My family seems to be beautiful, but in fact it is firmly tied here.

If someone can really subdue the Chaos Fire, I won't stop it.After all, this is also a relief for our family. "

This is what Lin Mu wanted. Although Lin Mu didn't know how to subdue the Chaos Fire, Lin Mu believed that he could succeed.

"Are you sure, if I subdue the Chaos Fire, no one will stop me?" Some things still need to be confirmed.

If at that time, if he subdues himself, but these people want to force him, Lin Mu has nothing to do.

The old man walking in front stood still and turned around to look at the trees, and solemnly said: "I swear to the sky on behalf of my Nalan guardian clan, if anyone can subdue the Chaos Fire, my Nalan clan will not interfere or disturb you." , otherwise the catastrophe will add to the body, and there will be no burial place for death."

Xiao Douding looked at his grandfather and made such a solemn oath, his little face was almost huddled together.

Seeing the old man swear a heavy oath, Lin Mu heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "If that's the case, I'm relieved. Now take me to see the Chaos Fire."

Xiao Douding looked at Lin Mu's appearance, but he just wanted to rush up and bite Lin Mu.This Lin Mu took advantage of it completely, and he even felt that Lin Mu had already started to pay attention to Chaos Fire after he first knew about Chaos Fire.

But this time, Xiao Douding really guessed right. Lin Mu had indeed been plotting against Chaos Fire from the very beginning.

In the face of the world's number one flame, the mother of all fires, if you say you can't be moved, no ghost will believe it.But this flame is not unowned, but someone is watching, so Lin Mu must get the promise of the person who guards it.

Otherwise, don't get a Chaos Fire by yourself at that time, but have to face the pursuit of the whole Nanyan State, it will be too much for the loss.

Obviously, with the old man's promise, Lin Mu can really let go of his hands and feet to collect Chaos Fire.

Xiao Douding looked at Lin Shu, curled his lips, and said, "You don't have to be so confident. It's not like no one has tried here before you, but they all failed. And they lost their lives. You'd better think about it." How to escape when the time comes."

Lin Mu smiled slightly, and said, "I won't bother you little Douding about this."

Xiao Douding is indeed small, but what he taboos the most is that others call him Xiao Douding, but Lin Mu touches his taboo.

"I am going to kill you!"

Xiaodouding immediately exploded, and was about to kill Lin Shu with a raised hand.

But before Xiaodouding could make a move, he was stopped by his grandfather.

"Don't make trouble!"

Seeing that his grandfather turned towards an outsider, Xiaodouding immediately became angry.

After stopping Xiao Douding, the old man also said to Lin Mu: "Little friend Lin, although my grandson hasn't grown up yet, but I also hate others to say that he is young, so I ask Xiaoyou Lin to take care of him."

Lin Mu smiled slightly, looked at Xiaodouding and said, "Good little Douding, I promise I will never call you Xiaodouding again!"


Xiao Douding was almost pissed off, Lin Mu was trying to piss him off on purpose, which made Xiao Douding, who was already hot-tempered, unbearable.

A small fist the size of a small steamed bun aimed at Lin Shu's Dantian Hong.

Seeing that Xiao Douding was quite powerful, Lin Mu also shook his head slightly, then looked at Xiao Douding and said, "You are still on fire. It is not because you have a powerful grandpa, but because you want others to admit that you are strong." Your own strength. Respect is not given to you by others, but earned by yourself.

They looked at your grandfather's face and gave you respect. Do you think such an aura looks good?Although you have power, have you ever thought about who provided you with these conveniences? "

(End of this chapter)

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