Supreme Chef

Chapter 1067 Conquering Chaos Fire

Chapter 1067 Conquering Chaos Fire (1)

When Xiao Douding heard Lin Mu's words, he was so angry that he was about to explode, and the strength of his hands suddenly doubled.

Lin Mu looked at Xiaodouding's fist, and just blocked it lightly with his hand, and an invisible air wave immediately blocked Xiaodouding back.


Xiao Douding was blocked by Lin Shu, and was forced to take half a step back, staggering under his feet.

Xiao Douding looked at Lin Shu, and his expression changed a few times in an instant.

Xiaodouding knew that Lin Mu was very strong, but he didn't expect that Lin Mu was so strong that he couldn't do a single move under Lin Mu's hands.No, or to be more precise, he couldn't even make half a move.

At this time, Xiao Douding also understood what Lin Mu meant by what he just said.

He understood that he was a genius in the eyes of others, but most of those were because of his grandfather.

In the eyes of a real master, he is nothing, a real master, there is no one like him at all.

Respect is not given by others, it seems to be earned by oneself.

Xiao Douding finally understood what Lin Mu said just now.

Xiao Douding turned his head directly, and said to his grandfather, "Grandpa, I'm going to retreat."

After saying that, Xiao Douding left without even looking back.

Seeing his grandson disappear, the old man smiled slightly, then cupped his hands and said, "Thank you Lin Xiaoyou for being merciful and helping me educate my grandson."

Lin Mu said with a smile: "I'm not a person who sells out when I get a bargain. If you let me try to collect Chaos Fire, I won't be stingy."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the old man couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed and said, "Little friend Lin is indeed an interesting person. I'm really glad that I just showed up and invited Xiaoyou Lin here."

Lin Mudao: "Actually, I really came here for the Chaos Fire, but I didn't expect that you would let me collect it so smoothly."

Since some things have already been made clear, there is no need to continue to hide them.

Especially when facing a shrewd old man with empty hair, Lin Mu has nothing to hide.

The old man nodded and said, "If we hadn't missed the Chaos Fire, perhaps the Chaos Fire would have been taken away long ago."

The subject changed, and the old man said: "But Xiaoyou Lin, I only have one thing to explain. The collection of Chaos Fire is no different than others. If it fails, it will only be smashed to pieces. Therefore, Xiaoyou Lin, please think carefully about this matter before making a decision." .”

Lin Mu said: "I've already arrived here, if I just go back home like this, I'm really not reconciled."

Lin Mu paused and said with a smile: "Besides, if I can collect Chaos Fire, it can be considered as a time bomb for Nan Yanzhou. It is also a good thing with infinite merit."

The old man smiled and said: "If Xiaoyou Lin can really collect the Chaos Fire, it will definitely be a good thing with immeasurable merit, but it depends on whether you are destined, little friend."

Lin Mu said: "I've always had good luck, I believe I must have a destiny with it, please senior take me to have a look."

The old man nodded, and also raised his hand, a space portal appeared, and then the old man pushed open the portal.

As soon as the door was pushed open, a violent heat wave rushed out.

With such a terrible heat wave, the body that blows the forest trees can't help but tremble.

Such a terrible heat wave was caused by blocking a space door, which is really too scary.

Chaos Fire is indeed worthy of being called the Patriarch of Ten Thousand Fires, and perhaps only the Patriarch of Ten Thousand Fires can have such power.

"This space portal was left over from ancient times, and it is precisely because of it that the chaos fire has been extinguished like this. It did not destroy Nanyan State, but the last change in the rules of heaven and earth caused this place to be affected. Vibration. At this time, the space portal has already experienced flaws.

If you can't collect it, it is very likely that Nanyan State will become full of red flames, and the casualties in Nanyan State will be an absolute astronomical figure.

Lin Mu knew that this was the last time the old man warned himself about the danger of Chaos Fire.

Lin Mu arched his hands and said: "Remember this junior, this junior will not be brave. If Chaos Fire hadn't chosen this junior, this junior would have given up immediately and would never have stayed here. I will do my best to help senior cultivate It is responsible for the cracks on the portal of this space."

The old man was willing to let Lin Mu try, so he naturally wanted to hear what he wanted to hear.

Obviously, what Lin Mu said was what he was willing to hear, and what he also wanted to hear.

"Since that's the case, then let's have a try, little friend Lin, but I still want to advise you one last time, the chaotic fire is not a joke, so be careful." The old man said.

Lin Mu nodded vigorously, and said, "Senior, don't worry, this junior will definitely not show off.

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu stepped into this space portal with great difficulty.

After crossing this space portal, Lin Mu also realized that the temperature he grasped outside just now is not a temperature at all.

The temperature inside the portal of this space is a real horror.

The temperature here not only completely burns the aura, but also completely distorts the space.

A kind of sky fire distorts and even melts the space, which requires a huge amount of heat.

Lin Mu densely covered his body with the immortal essence to block the erosion of the heat.

But it has little effect, but fortunately, Lin Mu is flawless and perfect, and this persistence can be better than others.

The space here has been distorted, and standing here, Lin Mu couldn't see the appearance of Chaos Fire at all.

Forcibly running the exercises, Lin Shu walked forward with difficulty.

After walking about fifty feet, Lin Mu finally saw this legendary flame.

"Nothing at all?"

But what puzzled Lin Mu was the space here.It was empty, not to mention the chaotic fire, even if it was other things, it was the same.

"No! It is absolutely impossible for the chaotic fire to disappear. If the chaotic fire disappears, how can the temperature here be so high?" Lin Mu's heart immediately became active.

However, Lin Mu's consciousness fired continuously, but the results were the same, and he did not find any news about Chaos Fire.

Lin Mu just stood where he was and didn't rush forward. Lin Mu believed that the Chaos Fire was ahead.Even Lin Mu had a deep intuition that if he took even half a step forward, he might be directly burned to ashes.

Looking at the empty eyes, Lin Mu also guessed that the reason why everyone had no way out back then was probably because the damn fire was completely invisible.

After arriving here, everyone must have come here for Hu Huo.But they will continue to explore the secrets without seeing the chaotic fire, but once they explore the secrets, they will naturally touch the chaotic fire.

Without any precautions, let alone a cultivator in the realm of comprehension, even if an immortal came, I am afraid that he would not get the slightest benefit.

(End of this chapter)

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