Supreme Chef

Chapter 1068 Conquering Chaos Fire

Chapter 1068 Conquering Chaos Fire (2)

"The fire of chaos can only appear in the chaos. It kills people invisible. It deserves to be called the mother of all fires!" Taoist Guang couldn't help but sigh at this time.

Lin Mu said: "Senior, how can I subdue this chaotic fire?"

Dao Guang said: "It's very simple to say. And besides you, there is probably no other person in the world who can subdue this chaotic fire."

"Oh?" Lin Mu couldn't help being surprised when he heard Taoist Guang's words.

Guang Dao said: "Chaos fire is born with spirit, and it wants to grow. Devouring other sky fires is only one of the ways. The only thing that can make it grow quickly is the chaotic energy in the chaotic things. You have the chaotic world, and the chaotic energy is infinite. Endless, this is the best temptation for it, you can try to communicate with it and make an agreement with it."

"It's that simple?" It seemed too simple, even Lin Mu himself didn't quite believe it.

Daoist Guang said: "It's really that simple."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Okay! Then I'll try."

Although Taoist Guang said that there was no danger, Lin Mu still stood where he was and adjusted his condition to the best.

Half an hour later, Lin Mu also opened his eyes suddenly, and the immortal energy on his body was full. Obviously, Lin Mu is in the best state now.

There is already a strong atmosphere of chaos here, so Lin Mu is not worried that his chaotic world will be exposed.

After laying down several layers of invisibility restrictions, Lin Shu also released a breath of chaotic world, seducing the chaotic fire like a wolf grandmother.

Sure enough, as soon as the breath of the chaotic world on Lin Mu's side was released, he felt an idea of ​​excitement coming from the front.

"it works!"

Sensing this exciting idea, Lin Mu was also delighted.

Continuing to release the breath of the chaotic world, the idea of ​​excitement became more and more intense, and at the same time, the temperature here suddenly more than doubled.

Even if the trees were covered with immortal energy, they still couldn't stop the scorching heat.

"I want I want!"

Just in front of the forest at this moment, came a somewhat immature will.This will is like a newborn baby's instinct to find food.

"Very good! This chaotic fire, I don't know why it has nirvana, it is now in its infancy, you can take this opportunity to subdue it, and even make a master-servant agreement." Taoist Guang is also excited.

Lin Mu nodded, and also began to lure Chaos Fire.

"I can give you what you want, but you are too hot, I can't even get close to you, unless you are willing to leave your mark on me, so that I can let you enter chaos without hurting myself In the world." Lin Mu also quickly responded with an idea.

"it is good!"

Chaos Fire agreed almost without thinking, and then a thought belonging to Chaos Fire appeared in Lin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness.

"This is too smooth!" Lin Mu looked at a thought in the sea of ​​consciousness, and felt a little unreal.

This matter developed so smoothly, completely beyond Lin Mu's expectations.In Lin Mu's prediction, even if he released the breath of the chaotic world, he would probably have to fight the chaotic fire for hundreds of rounds, and sacrifice his life several times for righteousness, but all this seemed to go too smoothly.

Lin Mu looked at his sea of ​​consciousness and hesitated for this thought.It didn't know whether it should just subdue Chaos Fire, or make a master-servant agreement with Chaos Fire.

If it is subdued, when the Chaos Fire becomes stronger, it may be out of its control.But if a master-servant agreement is signed, Lin Mu subconsciously feels that this will not only not be able to truly control the Chaos Fire, but will affect its power.

"Conquer it! As long as my strength grows faster, I can suppress it forever." Lin Mu gritted his teeth and made the final decision.

Several consecutive imprints of spiritual consciousness entered into this period of chaotic fire thoughts, and Lin Mu also gained an unprecedentedly powerful help for himself in the future for his decision today.

After the Chaos Fire was subdued, he also showed a strong desire to enter the Chaos World, and because of the Chaos Fire subdued, Lin Shu no longer felt the heat in the slightest.

Lin Shu took a few steps forward, but also encountered a space barrier.

"So there is still a layer of protection." Lin Mu also murmured as he touched the space barrier in front of him.

However, Lin Mu also knew that such a layer of spatial barriers was actually almost non-existent.

Because of the flame power of the chaotic fire, even through the space barrier, it is enough to turn a monk into fly ash.If he hadn't subdued the Chaos Fire by himself, he probably wouldn't have been able to get close to here at all.

The space barrier here has been loosened because of the incident in the Bronze Palace last time.

So Lin Mu only spent a little effort to break through the space barrier here.

The space barrier has just been cracked, and Lin Shu also feels a hot mass, directly drilling into his own chaotic world.

Such a hot mass entered his own chaotic world.

Sure enough, as soon as the chaotic fire entered the chaotic world, it immediately appeared.

This is a very weak flame, but although it is weak, no one can doubt its power.Even if it is just such a mass of flames, if it is allowed to erupt, it can completely burn through a continent.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

The Chaos Fire stopped next to the Tianlong Bow, constantly absorbing the Chaos breath here, and using it to strengthen itself.


Tianlong Bow was obviously very dissatisfied with the Chaos Fire being absorbed by him, so he flicked the tail of the dragon directly to pull the Chaos Fire away.

It is also very wronged that the Chaos Fire was pulled away by a dragon's tail, but in the Chaos World, there is a lot of Chaos breath, it also ignored it, and continued to absorb the Chaos here, and the Chaos World of the trees also expanded rapidly.

In a full hour, the chaotic world was expanded by a third, and the chaotic fire seemed to be full once, and it was also very satisfied. The flames also danced happily, as if to express their gratitude to the trees.

Lin Mu felt a little unbelievable watching this dreamlike hour.Everything seems to have been preordained in the dark, and this chaotic fire seems to be waiting for him.

Taoist Guang looked at the Chaos Fire, and couldn't help being amazed, saying: "This Chaos Fire seems to belong to you. You didn't sign a master-servant contract, and it can be so obedient. It's really strange."

Originally, Daoist Guang was worried that because Lin Mu had not signed a master-servant agreement, Chaos Fire would make a fuss after eating.

But what I didn't expect was that Chaos Fire was so quiet, as if the two knew each other before.

Lin Mu is also amazed in his heart, but since the goal has been achieved, there is no need for Lin Mu to stay here.

With a flash, Lin Shu also left the space here and returned to the down-to-earth ground.

As soon as Lin Mu returned, he saw nearly a hundred people, old and young, surrounding the gate of space.

Lin Mu naturally knew why, he subdued the Chaos Fire, and the temperature here dropped instantly. Even Lin Mu didn't know that the Southern Yanzhou outside was experiencing an unprecedented 10 years. Rain fell from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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