Supreme Chef

Chapter 1069 Full Deduction

Chapter 1069 Full Deduction (1)

Seeing Lin Mu coming out, the old man hurriedly stepped forward and asked excitedly: "Little friend Lin, have you really subdued the Chaos Fire?"

There is nothing to hide about this matter, Lin Mu also nodded, and said: "Take it in."

"Okay! Great! The biggest crisis in Nanyan Prefecture is finally lifted, and my Guardian Clan no longer needs to be bound by shackles!" The old man clapped his hands excitedly.

Lin Mudao: "Senior's business here is over, I still have important matters to go back to Dong Xuan Continent, so I won't stay here anymore."

With the matter in Nanyan Province resolved, Lin Mu is also preparing to go back to Dongxuanzhou for retreat, preparing to reach the completion of the Ascension Realm, and then looking for opportunities to break the big formation that blocks the realm of self-cultivation.

"You can go, but you must leave the Chaos Skyfire behind, it belongs to my Nalan clan!" A young man said arrogantly.

"Retire, I have already promised Lin Xiaoyou, as long as Lin Xiaoyou can subdue Chaos Skyfire, this Chaos Skyfire will be his." The old man also frowned, and sternly reprimanded.

"The patriarch, Chaos Tianhuo, has been the guardian of our clan for generations. I don't accept that he was taken away by an outsider like this!" the young man said with a thorn in his neck.

As soon as he said this, many clansmen immediately responded.

"Shut up, everyone. Whoever can subdue the Chaos Skyfire will own it. This is the rule set by the ancestors. Are you going to break the rules of the ancestors!" The old man also yelled loudly.

"The rules set by our ancestors can't be broken, but we can't just watch others take away the painstaking efforts of more than ten generations of our Nalan clan."

Obviously, the guardian clan is not monolithic, but this also proves that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Lin Mu smiled slightly, looked around at the group of dissatisfied people, and said: "You are not convinced, are you? Okay! I will take out the Chaos Sky Fire now, and whoever can subdue her will take it away!"

"Okay!" Hearing that Lin Mu was going to take out the Skyfire that he got, those who expressed dissatisfaction all had fiery eyes.

Chaos Skyfire has existed in the Nalan clan for at least ten thousand years, and no one knows better than them the power of Chaos Skyfire.If he could really get Chaos Skyfire, then the strength of his Nalan clan would definitely be multiplied several times.

Lin Mu smiled calmly, and waved directly, Chaos Skyfire suddenly appeared in front of that group of people.

But before they could feel the excitement, they were almost roasted to the bone by a huge scorching heat.

Although he has tried his best to defend himself, the water on his body is still passing away quickly.Almost in an instant, many people have shrunk by two-thirds in size.

"Little friend Lin and the others are ignorant, please don't blame me, little friend Lin, and show your hand high!" Seeing that his clansmen were about to be tested to death, the old man hurriedly stood up and begged for mercy.

Hearing the old man's words, Lin Mu also put away the Chaos Fire, and looked at the group of people who had almost turned into human beings, and said lightly: "People have self-knowledge, otherwise, it will only bring destruction."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu directly handed over his hand and said goodbye.

This time, no one opened their mouths to leave Lin Shu. Lin Mu was already powerful, and now with the help of Chaos Fire, it is not impossible to destroy their clan.

After leaving the guardian clan, Lin Mu returned directly to the Fenglin Sect.

After arriving at Fenglin Sect, Lin Mu spent a month helping Fenglin Sect reorganize the guardian formation.

For Lin Mu's kindness, both Fenglin Sect Master and Liu Jun are grateful.

Before Lin Mu left Nanyanzhou, he also called Liu Jun to a place alone, and said to Liu Jun, "Brother Liu will be able to ascend normally in a hundred years or so. If you don't want to ascend, Brother Liu, you'd better suppress it." If you want to ascend, if you want to ascend, you should improve your cultivation as soon as possible in the past hundred years."

"What! The world of comprehension can ascend!" Liu Jun was shocked when he heard Lin Mu's words, as if he had heard something incredible.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Brother Liu doesn't know much about this matter, so you can prepare in advance."

Liu Jun spent a cup of tea digesting what Lin Mu said, and then Liu Jun made his own choice.

Liu Jun did not choose to ascend, since he can ascend, there is no need to rush, Liu Jun is going to suppress his cultivation.

Liu Jun took out a jade slip from his bosom, and said: "Brother Lin, this jade slip is said to be the ancestor of my Fenglin clan, and if it was left by the ancestor Feisheng of my Liu family, this jade slip is tens of thousands of years ago. It's been more than ten years, and I don't know if the ancestors of my Liu family are still in the fairyland.

But this piece of jade slip is given to you, brother Lin, maybe it will be of some use in the fairy world. "

Lin Mu took the jade slips and felt that he had seen such a shape before in the fairy world, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Lin Mu was not polite either, and said, "Thank you Brother Liu for your kindness. If I see the ancestors of the Liu family, I will tell him about your situation in the cultivation world."

Liu Jun nodded and said, "Brother Lin, go slowly, I believe we will meet again in the fairy world."

Lin Mu also nodded emphatically, and said, "I will definitely."

Lin Mu finally returned to Dongxuan Continent, and after returning to Dongxuan Continent, Lin Mu also returned directly to Fumanlou.

After finishing everything, Lin Mu announced again that Fumanlou would be closed for a hundred years.

Fumanlou is now a supreme overlord in the entire cultivation world.At this time, the mountain was suddenly closed, and many people looked at it in a daze, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of this forest.

Lin Mu's plan is very simple, he is going to use the shortest time to reach the completion of the Ascension Realm, and at the same time deduce the unknown formation.

On the main peak of Lin Mu, Lin Mu used the Time Tower to practice with the girls.

Cultivation has no time, the time in the time tower will soon pass a hundred years, but outside it has just passed less than a year.

Lin Mu's cultivation has almost reached the Ascension Realm without any obstacles, and the true energy in Lin Mu's body has also been completely transformed into immortal energy. At this time, Lin Mu's immortal energy reserve is even greater than that of ordinary immortals who have been ascending for many years. full-bodied.

Another hundred years passed, and Lin Mu finally opened his eyes.Looking at the immortal essence in his body that has been slightly atomized, Lin Mu also said: "It should have the strength of a Sanxian."

In the fairy world, the level of immortals is [-], and people who have just ascended, no matter what their cultivation level is, will be called loose immortals.As for the reason, it is because these people have just ascended to the ascension, and their celestial essence is unstable, so there is no sect willing to recruit them, so they can only practice by themselves.

And when the immortal essence is consolidated, you can prepare to attack the earth immortal. After reaching the earth immortal, everyone will have the qualification to enter the sect.

As for the post-Earth Immortals, there are Celestial Immortals, Golden Immortals, Da Luo Jinxians, Xuanxians, Immortal Kings, Immortal Monarchs, Immortal Emperors, and Immortal Emperors.As for the Great Emperor, it is the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor, and after the cultivation reaches the Great Consummation, one step closer, he will be awarded the title of Heaven and Earth Dao, Heaven and Earth.

Lin Mu possessed the strength of a Sanxian in the realm of comprehension, which is definitely an anomaly.

At this point in his cultivation, Lin Mu also felt that he had reached his peak. If he was any higher, he would probably be obliterated by the rules of heaven and earth in the cultivation world.

Lin Mu didn't want to be this early bird, resisting the meaningless rules of heaven and earth, and in the following all the time, Lin Mu began to deduce the big formation that sealed the cultivation world with all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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