Supreme Chef

Chapter 1073 Helps You Ascend

Chapter 1073 Helps You Ascend (1)

When Lin Mu heard Taoist Guang's words, he also felt that the palace he was in was shaking for a while, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.

Looking at the miniature map of the cultivation world, Lin Mu had no choice but to give up.

Originally, Lin Mu planned to use this map to do more work, at least to settle accounts with the remaining three emperors, but now that this place is about to be destroyed, Lin Mu can only prepare to leave.

Continuous dodges quickly left the palace, and as soon as Lin Shu left, the space where the palace was located completely collapsed, and it directly became a piece of space fragments.

Looking at the rapidly collapsing space, Lin Mu was also thankful that he ran fast enough.

"Huh? Why do I feel that many people are going through the catastrophe?" Lin Mu also felt the changes outside the cultivation world in the secret realm.

Lin Mu raised his hand to open the space, and also directly left the secret realm.

As soon as Lin Mu left the secret realm, he saw that not far from him, three people were actually crossing his ascension thunder tribulation at the same time.

However, the three of them crossed the catastrophe at the same time, and they were so close to each other. In the end, it turned out that the three of them were tragic at the same time.


There was a shocking thunder explosion, and the three of them turned into flying ash under the thunder disaster at the same time.

Seeing the three people who finally waited until the thunder tribulation turned into ashes, everyone around sighed.

Lin Mu watched the catastrophe cloud gradually forming above his head, and quickly restrained his breath, and then quickly dodged, leaving this place where catastrophes are frequently crossed.

Someone here just crossed the catastrophe, and the aftermath of the catastrophe is still there. If I stay here with my own cultivation, I will definitely be sensed by the Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation.

But now is not the time for Lin Mu to cross the catastrophe, he hasn't said goodbye to his lover, and hasn't taken away those who are going to stay in the cultivation world, so how could Lin Mu leave with peace of mind.

Lin Shu shrunk into inches continuously, quickly left the Heartless Sea, and soon Lin Mu returned to Fumanlou.

When Yu Yaqing and the others saw that Lin Mu had returned to Fumanlou, they also ran over excitedly and hugged Lin Mu together.

People were constantly flying up outside, and Yu Yaqing and the others were also worried about whether Lin Mu would leave without saying goodbye, but seeing that Lin Shu was still there, the girls finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, don't cry. I won't ascend in a short time. I will stay in the realm of comprehension. While helping you consolidate your cultivation, so that you can go to the fairyland earlier, I will help those who are unwilling to ascend to ascend, saving money." They stay in the realm of comprehension and threaten our Fumanlou." Lin Mu patted the girls and said.

Beggar God came to Lin Mu and said: "Lin Mu, I am also preparing to ascend, Lin Zexin, please go and inform me, let this bastard practice hard, and don't lose face to my old man."

Lin Mu said: "Senior, you can wait until you ascend."

Beggar God shook his head and said, "I don't want to wait any longer. I'm already tired of being in the cultivation world. I've stayed in the cultivation world for 5000 years. I'm already tired."

Before, everyone could ascend at any time, but no one felt it, but suddenly they couldn't ascend for a period of time, and now everyone has an irresistible temptation to ascend to the fairy world.

Lin Mu said: "Well, senior, I will protect the law for you. After you ascend to the fairy world, I will also go around to help those who do not want to ascend."

Beggar God also nodded, and said: "The cultivation world should be a little cleaner. Some people shouldn't stay in the cultivation world. And now that the rules of the world have changed, you don't have to worry, there are still people in the fairy world who can come down."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "I really think so too."

"Let's go, the old man is also going to cross the catastrophe." After the Beggar God finished speaking, he also stepped out of the Fuman Tower in one step, and came to a deserted and empty place.

After a short period of passion, everyone also regained their senses, and everyone knew that the realm of comprehension was now completely capable of ascending, so that kind of concentrated tribulation didn't happen.

As for the kind of three people who crossed the tribulation together and finally died due to the superposition of thunder calamity, it never happened again.

In fact, Emperor Zong was the happiest person to be able to ascend in the realm of comprehension.

Emperor Zong was so ruthlessly suppressed by Fumanlou that he had long wanted to contact the fairy world, but now that he was able to ascend, they found that the rules of the world had changed, and they could no longer contact the fairy world.

"It seems that we can only think about revenge after Lin Shu flies up." The heads of the three emperor sects gathered together and said with emotion.

Beggar God stood still in this desolate place, and then used his cultivation with all his strength to attract his own ascension to heaven.

"Hu rumbling! Crack!"

As soon as the robbery cloud formed, a thunderbolt as thick as a bucket fell down.

Seeing the beggar god's thunder robbery, Lin Mu was also slightly shocked.

Beggar God's cultivation has indeed reached the limit that the cultivation world can bear, so the Beggar God's thunder calamity is also extremely abnormal.

But in the face of such a lightning robbery attack, the Beggar God just raised his hand and crushed the thunder robbery.

But this is just one catastrophe, and there are still eighty catastrophes to come.

After carrying through fifty hurdles in a row, it was very difficult for the Beggar God to resist.

"go with!"

When a heavenly tribulation fell, the Beggar God also raised his hand and struck out a magic weapon.

Lin Mu looked closely and saw what this magic weapon was.

This magic weapon is nothing but a ghost town.

It was rumored before that the ghost city was the magic weapon of the Beggar God, but no one had ever seen it.

Now Lin Mu has confirmed this matter, and what Lin Mu did not expect is that the magic weapon of the ghost city of the Beggar God is actually an ancient fairy weapon.However, it is a bit damaged, and the grade is a bit blurred.

Although the grade is vague, the resistance of the ghost city is beyond doubt.

After resisting more than 20 catastrophes in a row, they only destroyed some dilapidated earthen buildings.

"I'm about to ascend, and the four guardians of my ghost city will also ascend afterward. I also ask Lin Xiaoyou to help take care of me!" Beggar God felt that his catastrophe was coming to an end, so he also transmitted voice to Lin Mudao.

"Okay! Don't worry, senior!" Lin Mu nodded, also waiting for the end of the Heavenly Tribulation.

The last Heavenly Tribulation fell, and the Beggar God's Heavenly Tribulation also ended, and then a guiding divine light fell, and Lin Shu also quickly transmitted the sound to the Beggar God.

The God of Beggars was extremely surprised when he heard the sound transmission from the forest, but God of Beggars had already been enveloped by the guiding light, and God of Beggars was unable to make any sound.

In fact, what Lin Mu told Beggar God just now was about being a fairy, and at the same time told Beggar God some precautions after ascension.

(End of this chapter)

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