Supreme Chef

Chapter 1074 Helps You Ascend

Chapter 1074 Helps You Ascend (2)

Beggar God finally ascended, and in the following days, Lin Mu helped everyone consolidate and improve their cultivation, while inquiring about the situation of everyone in the cultivation world ascending.

The matter of continuous ascension lasted for a year before it came to an end. During this period, I don't know how many people ascended to the fairy world.

Of course, what Lin Mu cares about is not how many people have ascended, but how many people have not ascended.

"Sister Qing, take everyone to practice first. I'll go out and see who else hasn't ascended, so I can help them." Lin Mu said with a smile.

Yu Yaqing said, "Be careful on the road."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I will."

I am also preparing to ascend, if these old antiques are still left in the cultivation world, then Fumanlou will be really bad.

Lin Mu's first choice was the remaining three Emperor Sects, and Lin Mu's first choice was the Southern Emperor Sect.

The Southern Emperor Sect was also the one who offended him the most back then, so Lin Shu naturally had to take care of it.

When Lin Shu entered the Northern Emperor's Sect, the entire Southern Emperor's Sect was also on the verge of a formidable enemy.

The head of the Southern Emperor Sect, Dongfang Ao looked at Lin Mu and asked, "Lin Mu, why are you here at the Southern Emperor Sect?"

Lin Mu said: "Why not, I'm here to help you ascend."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu also raised his hand, and drew out his Thunder Robbery Spear, and then just casually threw it and flew to the top of Dongfang Ao's head.

Dongfang Ao, who was on full alert, didn't know what Lin Mu meant when he saw the Thunder Spear resting on top of his head.

However, when he saw the Lei Jie Gun and summoned his Ascension Heaven Tribulation, he was so angry that he scolded his mother directly.

"Lin Mu, you bastard, you actually want to force me to ascend!" Dongfang Ao didn't expect that Lin Mu would do this.

Lin Mu looked at Dongfang Ao, and said: "Sect Master Dongfang's cultivation is already very advanced, there is no need to stay in the realm of comprehension at all, it is better to ascend earlier, the Immortal World is the place where Sect Master Dongfang can show his strength."

After a pause, Lin Mu looked at Dongfang Ao, and said, "Sect Leader Dongfang, if you don't want your Southern Emperor Sect to become scorched earth, Sect Leader Dongfang had better leave the sect to survive the catastrophe."

The catastrophe has become a fact, even if Dongfang Ao wants to reverse it, he has no ability to do so.

So Dongfang Ao could only grit his teeth, left the sect, and went to find an open place to cross the tribulation.

Dongfang Ao left, and Lin Mu was also circling around the sect of the Southern Emperor Sect, looking for someone who should still ascend.

When Lin Mu walked to an open space, a smile appeared on the corner of Lin Mu's mouth.

"Small tricks!" With a slight pull of Lin Mu's palm, the concealment formation covering the open space was completely broken.

The formation was broken, and the four old antiques hidden by the Southern Emperor Sect all appeared in front of Lin Mu.

"Let's go, four of you!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he also raised his four thunder robbery guns to help the four of them attract Ascension Heavenly Tribulation.

"Ling Mu, you must die!"

The ascension of the four of them was drawn down, and it also made the four of them scream in anger.

However, Lin Mu is unmoved by this, what Lin Mu has to do is to protect the safety of Fumanlou.

Although the foundation of Fumanlou has been raised, compared with these veteran powerhouses, it is still far behind.

If he leaves by himself, then Fumanlou will only be squeezed, so these old antiques should be reassured after ascending.

After eliminating the masters in the Southern Emperor's sect, Lin Mu also directly entered the teleportation array leading to the emperor's vein.

Lin Shu's rampant behavior also aroused a strong rebound from the emperor's lineage.

But at this time, even if the emperor of the emperor vein appeared, he could not stop Lin Mu at all.

Lin Mu directly fired the thunder gun and sent them all on their way.

The matter of the Southern Emperor Sect is settled, and then the Western Emperor and the Northern Emperor will follow.

Although the two of them had received the news long ago, they guarded the forest together.But relying on Lin Mu Sanxian's strength, those real giants in the cultivation world can't tell who is Lin Mu's opponent.

What's more, Lin Mu also saw that after he broke the formation that blocked the minefield, all the hidden giants in the cultivation world chose to remain silent and avoid.

Lin Mu didn't know what they were afraid of, but it was always good to have something that made them afraid.

After the three emperor sects circled down, all those who should be ascended were invited by Lin Shu to ascend, and the remaining people who were not supposed to ascend even though they had completed the ascension state, Lin Mu did not move them.

The world of comprehension needs competition, and it is impossible for Lin Mu to let everyone ascend and let the Fumanlou family dominate.

If this is the case, then it is not protecting Fumanlou, but harming them.

This is like the relationship between pests and natural enemies. If the pests are gone, the natural enemies will probably starve to death soon.

Fumanlou is now the powerful natural enemy, but the pests should not be too weak.Otherwise, if you eat it in one meal, you will starve to death soon.

After the three emperor sects and emperor veins circled around, Lin Mu also aimed at the ancient family.

But before Lin Mu could do anything, the ancient family made a joint statement that they would not leave the ancient family for a thousand years. If they violated it, they would be punished by heaven!

In fact, Lin Mu really didn't want to provoke the ancient family, who knows what they have accumulated for so many years, if he encounters a ruthless person, he can't even run away.

Now that the ancient family has voluntarily issued a statement, there is no need for Lin Mu to go.

Then Lin Mu spent another three years visiting all the famous mountains and rivers in Dongxuanzhou, and finally found those people who escaped from Dongdi's line.

Lin Mu didn't use thunder guns at all, he just told them that if they didn't ascend, he would kill them himself.

Compared with being killed and ascending, ascension is obviously the best choice.

All the people from the Eastern Emperor's Line flew up in front of Lin Mu, and Lin Mu was also very satisfied.

After another three years, Lin Mu is also preparing for his own ascension after making sure that no one has slipped through the net.

According to his previous record of crossing tribulations, Lin Mu knew that his thunder tribulation this time would definitely not be that simple, so Lin Mu was very well prepared.

Before he started crossing the catastrophe, Lin Mu's mouth contained a lot of ninth-grade pills. As for the spirit-gathering array under his feet, Lin Mu directly arranged it with three high-grade spirit veins.

I am about to ascend to the fairy world, so the best spiritual veins are useless, except for the sect, all the remaining trees are used for this ascension.

After arranging everything, Lin Mu also began to crazily improve his cultivation to attract his own Thunder Tribulation.

As Lin Mu is the most ruthless person in the cultivation world, he will naturally attract countless people to covet him.

However, the current Fumanlou is not what it used to be, so although there are many people who come, they are all controlled by Fumanlou in a very orderly manner, and no one does anything out of the ordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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