Supreme Chef

Chapter 1078 The monster who broke the limit

Chapter 1078 The monster who broke the limit

Since he couldn't break through, Lin Mu didn't force it. He had heard about that ruthless person back then, but Lin Mu never thought of who he wanted to be, so he just let nature take its course.

The cultivation level cannot be broken through, and Lin Mu is also preparing to re-sacrifice his chaotic world.

Although he had obtained the top grade fairy stone before, Lin Mu did not sacrifice it.Lin Mu has retired before, this time the evolution of the chaotic world requires a lot of spiritual energy, and the terrifying level of this spiritual energy may affect the entire East Xuanzhou, so Lin Mu decisively chose to give up.

But it's different in this Feisheng pool, the quality of immortal energy is much higher than spiritual energy, and this is Feisheng pool, there are plenty of immortal essence in it, so you don't need to care about absorbing these at all.

With this in mind, Lin Mu also immediately began to sacrifice the chaotic world.

In fact, it is said to be sacrificial refining. In fact, Lin Shu also helped the chaotic world, melting the top-grade fairy stone, and the rest is completely the evolution of the chaotic world itself.

Lin Mu was in the chaotic world, watching the five balls of light changing in front of him, and the chaotic world also started to change in a mysterious direction.

The five-color rays of light are naturally the five attributes of the best fairy stone. The five attributes collide in the center of the chaotic world, but what is produced is not an explosion, but a kind of vitality that opens up the world, and an inexplicable way. If you want to count, this way is considered to be the way to open up the world, and it will be of great benefit to any monk.

Although the chaotic world cannot be compared with the real world outside, the principles of Tao have something in common, especially the principle of opening up the world, which is the foundation of the evolution of all Taoism, and the benefits to monks are unimaginable.

Lin Shu lay cross-legged on the ground, completely ignoring the flying fairy liquid that disappeared in the Feisheng Pond outside, just comprehending the principle of opening up the world.

The people waiting outside were dumbfounded when they saw the Feixianye that continued to descend in the Feisheng Pond.

What kind of evil is this? One person actually absorbed the Feixian liquid needed by tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people, and directly let a Feisheng pool be completely abolished.

Lin Mu crossed his legs to comprehend in the chaotic world, what Lin Mu didn't expect was that under the stimulation of this Taoism, the bottleneck of his Sanxian was loosened and successfully broken through.

"Earth Immortal Stage." Lin Mu felt his own cultivation, and was also a little surprised.

I didn't deliberately break through, but broke through naturally.

Moreover, Lin Mu also knew more deeply at this time, why it is said that getting the people in the chaotic world is equivalent to getting everything.

Coming out of the chaotic world, Lin Mu also felt a strong suction, pulling him upwards.

Lin Mu knew that his time was up and he had to leave Feisheng Pool.

Although the Feisheng Pond is good, it can't stay there forever, and Lin Mu's main task is to take revenge.

A leaping tree also rushed out of the Feisheng pool, looking at the Feisheng pool that was almost half missing under his feet, Lin Shu was also taken aback.

"Earth Immortal!"

"It turned out to be an earth fairy!"

"Another peerless ruthless man has appeared!"

The immortals below looked at Lin Shu's cultivation and felt that they were a little demented.

The legend of the peerless ruthless man, many people say it is false, because no one saw it.But today, the trees are standing in front of their eyes alive.

Even the elders of Yangu that day, seeing Lin Shu's cultivation, felt that his eyes were a little dry.

"Is there really such a thing as a peerless ruthless person?" The elder of the male Tianyan Valley also muttered to himself.

Tianyangu is the most powerful sect in Feisheng Pool, if he doesn't open his mouth to recruit, naturally no one dares to open his mouth.

Lin Mu naturally noticed these immortals surrounding Feisheng Pond, but Lin Mu didn't intend to talk to them.

Lin Mu dodges directly, and is about to leave, looking for a place to practice.

"This fellow daoist, please stay. This old man is Tianyan Valley, the elder of the outer sect. I see this little friend's aptitude against the sky, and I sincerely invite you. I hope you can join my Tianyan Valley." Seeing that Lin Mu was about to leave, Yan Gu The elders of the outer sect finally reacted.

Lin Mu looked at the one in front of him, the elder of the outer sect of Tianyan Valley in the late Tianxian period, also cupped his hands, and said, "I'm sorry, I don't want to join any sect."

This kind of thing is not unusual for Lin Mu, but Lin Mu doesn't want to join them. He has too many secrets. If he joins any sect, he may be coveted by others.

"Little friend, go slowly, little friend may not know my status in Tianyan Valley in the fairy world..." The elder of the outer sect of Luo Tianyan Valley also strongly recommended it.

But Lin Mu was not interested at all, so he cupped his hands and said, "I'm sorry, I'm really not interested. I have other things to do, so I'll say goodbye."

Being rejected so directly by Lin Mu, the elders of Tianyangu's outer sect also turned pale.

He had sworn just now that he would let Lin Mu enter his Tianyan Valley, but Lin Mu's resolute refusal now also made him feel ashamed.

"Little friend, I don't care what power you come from, but this is the fairy world. Even if you are invincible in the cultivation world, you can't act wild here." The elder of Tianyan Valley also shouted, and in this tone The meaning of the threat is already very obvious.

What kind of place the Immortal World is, Lin Mu is too clear.

Lin Mu sneered, looking at the outer sect elder in front of him who was only in the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm, he also sneered and said, "So, if I want to leave, you still have to forcibly stop me?"

The elder of the outer sect of Tianyan Valley said: "I won't stop it, but I will definitely invite you to come to my Tianyan Valley for a sit down."

Lin Mu said: "Then what if I say no?"

Begging for mercy and showing weakness in the fairy world will not bring you sympathy and pity.

After the elders of Tianyan Valley finished speaking, they immediately reached out to grab the trees, preparing to control them.

The elder of the outer sect in Tianyan Valley has a very simple idea. Although Lin Mu is a monster, he is just an earth fairy after all.

I am a majestic late-stage celestial being, and it is not easy to deal with a small earth celestial being.

Lin Mu also sneered cruelly when he saw Tian Yangu's outer sect elder making a move.

Then Lin Shu opened up his domain directly.


The elders of the outer sect of Tianyan Valley couldn't help but turn pale with shock when they felt their bodies being restrained.

He never imagined that Lin Mu, a monstrous disciple, would have his own domain right after ascension.

This is something that only the Profound Immortal can comprehend, but Lin Mu is just an Earth Immortal.

Of course, if he knew that Lin Mu had already comprehended the domain when he was in the cultivation world, then his expression would definitely be even more exciting.


Controlling the elders of Tianyan Valley, Lin Mu did not hesitate at all, and directly punched the Wuhuang Fist. To be precise, it is now the real Wushen Fist.

The dazzling golden light also caused the elders of Yangu to close their eyes that day.But once he closed his eyes, he couldn't open them again.

Lin Mu's punch directly killed the elder of the outer sect of Tianyan Valley.

After killing the elder, Lin Mu didn't stop, he turned around and left the Ascension Hall, looking for a place to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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