Supreme Chef

Chapter 1079 I'm here to reveal the list

Chapter 1079 I'm here to reveal the list (1)

Lin Mu, a peerless evildoer, killed the elder of the outer gate of Tianyan Valley with one punch, which immediately caused an uproar in Feisheng Pool.

And the story of Lin Mu, an evildoer, quickly spread in the first heaven.

There are nine Ascension Ponds in the Immortal World, and it happens that First Heaven has one. In theory, the more talented a person is, the higher the Ascension Pond will appear. But why does Lin Shu appear in First Heaven? I can't tell, or I can only say that Lin Mu's qualifications are relatively poor.

After leaving the Feisheng Pond, Lin Mu also sacrificed Chi Hong, planning to find a place to refine his own Chi Hong into an immortal weapon first.

If you don't have a useful flying fairy weapon in the fairy world, even if you are exhausted, you may not see a city.

Lin Mu found a mountain top with fairly strong aura, and quickly arranged it as a place for his own retreat.

The first heaven is almost all loose immortals, and the rare earth immortals will also accumulate immortal stones to go to the second or third heaven, and they will not stay in the first heaven, so relatively speaking, the first heaven Still very safe for trees.

The materials for upgrading the crimson, and the forest trees have already been prepared.

What Lin Mu has to do now is to refine the scarlet red again.

For Lin Mu with the fire of heaven, refining immortal artifacts is not a male thing.

One day later, Chi Hong also successfully turned into a third-level low-grade fairy weapon.

In the fairy world, there are also levels of fairy artifacts. There are also nine levels of fairy artifacts, but there are four different major levels.They are low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade and top-grade respectively.As for those that surpass the best, there are also things that exist in legends.

Chi Hong was originally a semi-finished product that had not been refined into an immortal artifact. It was able to become a third-level low-grade immortal artifact, thanks to the means of forest refining.However, when Chihong reaches the third-level low-grade fairy weapon, it is considered to be the end, but it is enough for the trees to use for a long time.

After leaving this cultivation cave, Lin Mu was also eager to find a populated city and inquire about some news.

Lin Shu sat on the crimson, and also chose a direction at random to fly.

The hell in the fairy world is very vast. Even if there are fairy artifacts, it is not a matter of one day to find a populated city.

Lin Mu handed over the control of Chihong to the Blood Spirit Dragon, while he entered the chaotic world to explore and consolidate his cultivation.

In the chaotic world, there are still a large number of high-grade immortal stones, which are enough for trees to consolidate their cultivation.

In the Tower of Time, Lin Mu spent ten years consolidating and exploring his cultivation.

After becoming a fairy, not only Lin Shu's cultivation has improved, but many places in Lin Shu have undergone great changes.

The biggest change may be Lin Shu's Immortal Body.

There are still very few immortals who cultivate their bodies in the fairy world. As for those who can achieve a fairy body, there are not necessarily many more monks who can become a flawless body in the cultivation world.

As for some of my other moves, they were all automatically upgraded.

The Wuhuangquan has successfully become the Wushenquan, the power of the Wushenquan, Lin Mu has just tried it on the elder of the late Tianxian.

This can definitely be used as a big trump card, and it can be challenged by leapfrogging.


Lin Mu raised his hand, and a number of killing patterns blasted out, and the chaos in the distance suddenly shattered, and a space with a radius of thousands of feet also appeared.

By observing the formation of Dao in the chaotic world, Lin Mu's killing Dao pattern, another trump card, has also been greatly improved.

At this time, the killing pattern can also be used as a trump card for a leapfrog challenge.As for the Fifth Cracking Heaven Zhan, Lin Mu hasn't figured it out yet, but once he does, it can definitely be regarded as a trump card for a leapfrog challenge.

After carefully sorting out all what he had learned, Lin Mu also had a preliminary understanding of his current strength.

Although I am only in the early stage of Earth Immortal now, if the other party does not investigate and I use all my means, there should be no problem in destroying a Celestial Immortal.As for beings higher than the heavenly immortals, Lin Mu had no choice but to run away.

"Sure enough, there is still no change in the fairy world. It seems that the ancient catastrophe of that year should be the result of some people's deliberate deduction." After coming to the fairy world, Taoist Guang has been studying the rules of heaven and earth in the fairy world.

Today, Daoist Guang finally came to a shocking conclusion.Of course, even if Lin Mu went out to tell people about this conclusion, no one would believe it.

"Boss saw a big city in front of him, should we go in and have a look." Xue Linglong also transmitted voice to Lin Mu from outside.

After listening to the words of the blood spirit dragon, Lin Mu also left the chaotic world and came outside.

When he came outside, Lin Mu saw that not far away, there was a city that was almost a hundred times the size of Soul City not far away.

If such a city is moved to the realm of comprehension, it will definitely be at the level of a giant.

But in the fairy world, a city of this size is nothing more than an ordinary city.

However, Lin Mu is just to inquire about news, so whether the city is big or small has no effect on Lin Mu.

Lin Mu also let the blood spirit dragon return to the chaotic world, and then controlled the crimson by himself, preparing to enter the city below.

The Immortal World is not the Realm of Cultivation, although this is the First Heaven, which is known as the safe haven for loose immortals.But if you can't afford it, there will be some powerful people with evil tastes, pretending to be loose immortals and sneaking in.

If the blood spirit dragon was recognized by these powerful people, then Lin Shu might have to run out of steam.

Lin Mu found a remote place to let the scarlet fall, and then put the scarlet away, and changed his appearance and cultivation by the way.

Lin Mu turned himself into a short and fat body that is harmless to humans and animals, and his cultivation was suppressed in the middle stage of Sanxian, so that he would not be suspected.

He is no longer a rookie to the trees in the fairy world, and he still knows a little basic common sense.

Just as Lin Mu walked to the gate of the city, he saw countless people gathered around a bulletin to read it again.

Curious, Lin Mu leaned over and took a look.

The bulletin was posted by the people of the City Lord's Mansion. It said that the princess of the City Lord's Mansion was murdered and seriously injured.As long as there is someone who can refine a green radish, the City Lord's Mansion will offer millions of spirit stones to buy it, and this alchemy person will directly become the Keqing elder of the city and enjoy [-]% of the city's profits.

The alchemy profession is a very sought-after profession, whether it is in the fairy world or in the realm of comprehension.Especially high-level alchemists are the objects that all major forces must compete for.

Luluo Dan is only a third-level elixir, but because of the existence of Luluo, the success rate of the pill is very low, so generally this kind of elixir, only the elixir masters above level [-] can guarantee its success rate.

Although Lin Mu didn't know his current level of alchemy, he felt that the third-level Linglu Luodan was not that difficult for him.

"Stop!" Lin Mu was about to step into the city when he was stopped at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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