Supreme Chef

Chapter 1081 Not a Daughter

Chapter 1081 Not a Daughter
When the city lord heard Lin Mu's request, he also said, "I'm right here, I promise I won't disturb you alchemist."

After hearing this, Lin Mu hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and said, "You can stay here, but you have to make sure you don't make a sound."

The city lord nodded quickly and said: "Don't worry, alchemist, I will definitely not say a word."

Lin Mu nodded, and also came to the girl to check the girl's injuries.

The girl was very delicate, she looked like a princess in a fairy tale, but at this time the girl's face was covered by a layer of black air, which was obviously a sign of poisoning and serious internal injuries.

Lin Mu looked at the girl and asked, "Has she been anywhere before?"

The city lord said: "I don't know, when my subordinates rescued my daughter, she was already like this. Is her injury serious?"

Lin Mu said: "The injury can be relieved by Lu Luodan, but the poison may be more difficult."

The city lord asked quickly after hearing this: "Is it possible for her to wake up after the injury is relieved?"

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "I can't say that well. If you want her to wake up, the best way is to treat both the injury and the detoxification."

The city lord said: "That's it! What kind of medicine is needed for detoxification?"

Lin Mu said: "If you want to detoxify, you have to look at what kind of poison she has. Not all poisons, but it is best to refine Luluodan first, so that she can continue her life."

The city lord nodded quickly when he heard it, and said: "Okay! I will arrange a pill room for the alchemist now."

Lin Mu nodded, and also said: "Okay! Give me the medicinal materials you prepared, preferably five copies, because I can't guarantee the success rate of alchemy."

The city owner said: "No problem, I happen to have five copies."

Lin Mu nodded, and also walked outside.

The city lord looked at the back of Lin Mu leaving, and a bit of cold light flashed in his eyes.

After Lin Mu and others entered the alchemy room prepared for him by the city lord, he also casually set up restrictions to isolate everything.

After the prohibition was set up, Lin Mu also started alchemy.

Although the prohibition was arranged, Lin Mu also knew that someone outside would probe him again.

Anyway, there are five parts of the medicinal materials, and the trees simply refine three parts in a row, and the fourth part is used to refine the elixir.

After the refining was successful, Lin Mu also forced some sweat on purpose, and at the same time let out a breath of air.

Naturally, Lin Mu didn't need to do this, because Lin Mu already knew through the passage just now that his alchemy practice was actually a fifth-rank immortal alchemist.

You must know that Lin Mu was only a third-rank alchemist back then, and Lin Mu never thought that after becoming a ninth-rank alchemist, the benefits brought to him would be so huge.

Lin Mu removed the restraint, walked out of the alchemy room, also holding the jade bottle in his hand, and said: "Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission."

The city lord took the jade bottle and said with ecstasy: "The alchemist is brilliant, I sincerely invite the alchemist to join my city lord's mansion. I am willing to give [-]% of the city's benefits to the alchemist."

Lin Mu smiled slightly, neither agreed nor disagreed, and said, "Save people first, and talk about other things later."

The city lord was a little disappointed that he didn't get a positive answer from Lin Mu, but he still said, "That's fine!"

The two quickly returned to the room, Lin Mu took out Lu Luo Dan, and also supported the girl to feed it directly.

When the pill entered, the girl's eyelids also moved twice in an instant.

When the city lord saw the girl's eyelids move, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

But the city lord found that the girl's eyelids stopped moving soon.

"What's the real reason for alchemist?" The city lord asked hastily.

Lin Mu sighed, and said: "The injury is relieved, but the poison has not been cured, so she still cannot wake up for the time being."

Upon hearing this, the city lord hurriedly said: "Teacher alchemy, what should I do with this?"

Lin Mu pondered for a while, and said: "I can only try to help her temporarily guide and suppress the poison. Before I know what kind of poison she has, I am not sure about detoxification."

When the city lord heard it, he asked quickly: "After being suppressed, can she wake up?"

Lin Mu pondered for a moment, nodded, and said, "Theoretically, it is possible."

"Okay! Then there will be Master Lao! After this matter, there must be a big thank you." The city lord also said excitedly.

Lin Mudao: "Let's not say thank you very much. I don't have enough cultivation and need a lot of fairy stones. I also ask the city lord to prepare it. In addition, I also ask the city lord to watch outside. When I am healing, no one can disturb me."

The city owner said: "There is no problem with the spirit stone, but can't I keep it?"

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Is the city owner still worried that I will run away? There are so many people outside of you, where can I go if I run away?"

The city lord also laughed twice, and said: "Of course not, I'm just worried about my little girl..."

Lin Mudao: "Don't worry, Lord City Master, I can definitely wake the young lady up."

After listening to Lin Mu's assurance, the city lord hesitated for a while, and finally nodded, saying: "Okay!"

The 1000 yuan high-grade fairy stone was sent in, and the trees were also directly placed into a gathering array.

After the city lord saw the layout of the trees, he also exited the door, but he did not leave the room more than five feet away.

Lin Mu checked the outside with his spiritual sense, and sat cross-legged directly behind the girl.

"You cooperated very well. If you don't want to die, you'd better tell me what's going on?" Lin Mu put his palm on the girl's back, and communicated with the girl directly with his spiritual sense.

In fact, Lin Mu had already discovered that this girl was not the daughter of the city lord at all.

Although the city lord has been performing very well, the city lord is more concerned about whether the girl will wake up.

Moreover, the layout here is not like guarding against outsiders at all, but completely guarding against whether the people inside will run away.

So after all the signs, Lin Mu directly confirmed that the girl's identity was tricky.

As for when Lin Mu helped the girl to eat Lu Luodan just now, the girl could already wake up.

But at that time, Lin Mu told the girl that if she didn't want to die, she could continue to pretend to be in a coma, so the girl was also very cooperative.

Now that the city lord has left, Lin Mu can naturally come and inquire about the situation through medical treatment.

Lin Mu's spiritual consciousness cultivation at this time has already surpassed the peak of the earth immortal, almost equal to that of a heavenly immortal. It is impossible for the city lord outside to find out that Lin Mu is communicating with the girl.

The girl also snorted when she heard Lin Mu's words, and said, "Why should I trust you, how do I know, are you someone sent by him?"

Lin Mu said: "You have no other choice now, if you don't believe me, you will only die."

The girl continued to snort coldly, and said, "I'm dead, and you can't live either."

Lin Mu said: "I don't need to worry about this, I will naturally have a way to escape after you die, and the few people outside can't stop me. But if you choose to tell the truth, I can protect your life. "

After hearing Lin Mu's words, the girl was also silent, because just now, in order to prove what she said, Lin Mu used his immortal essence to prove that he was not a loose immortal at all, but an authentic earth immortal, and the strength of the immortal essence was not at all It is no less than the general earth immortal late stage.

"Okay, I can tell you, but you have to guarantee my safety." The girl finally made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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