Supreme Chef

Chapter 1082 Emperor Burial

Chapter 1082 Emperor Burial
After hearing what the girl said, Lin Mu also said, "Yes. But I can only guarantee that you will not die. As for whether you will be seriously injured, I am not sure."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, the girl gritted her teeth and pondered for a while, before finally saying, "Okay! Deal!"

Lin Mu said: "Now you can tell me what happened to all this?"

The girl said: "I found an emperor burial. As for me being arrested, it was also because they suspected that I found something extraordinary. The wounds on my body were also given by the city lord."

"What!" Lin Mu couldn't help being surprised when he heard the girl's words.

You must know that in the entire fairy world, including the Great Emperor, there are only more than 20 famous immortal emperors.Of course, it is not ruled out that there are hidden emperors, but even if the hidden emperors are added, the number will definitely not exceed fifty.

Immortal emperors are already the top existences in the fairy world, and they seldom participate in the affairs of the cultivation world, because they have more important things to do, such as comprehending eternal life.

Immortals are not immortal, of course, the lifespan of immortals is tens of thousands of times longer than that of practitioners.

But no matter how long you live, you will eventually die.If you really want to live forever, you can only rely on your own enlightenment.

So after reaching the level of Immortal Emperor, he would no longer come out and walk around, but would choose to retreat, or to attack the Great Emperor, or to comprehend the nothingness of the way of longevity.

Generally speaking, it is almost impossible for an immortal emperor to perish in the immortal world.Unless their lifespan is up, or an emperor-level war occurs.

But as far as Lin Mu knew, in the history of the fairy world, there was only one emperor-level war, and that was already very far away, in ancient times.But Lin Mu had never heard of the emperor's fall, so there was an emperor's burial in Yichongtian.

This is undoubtedly an earth-shattering event. Even if the news spreads, it will definitely attract experts from all walks of life, and even the Immortal Emperor may appear.

"And I think that may not be the emperor's tomb of an ordinary immortal emperor, it is very likely that it is an emperor's tomb that failed to challenge the great emperor, or failed to challenge the immortal emperor." The girl seemed to be in a state of shock, and said directly.

Lin Mu was shocked when he heard the girl's words, but soon Lin Mu thought of where it was, and quickly returned his expression to normal, but Lin Mu didn't know that even this momentary change of expression was captured by outsiders .

"How can you be sure, where is the tomb of the top immortal emperor?" Lin Mu asked.

The girl said, "Because I saw Chaos Qi there."

After hearing the girl's words, Lin Mu's heart became serious.

Chaos Qi is indeed the symbol of the Great Emperor, and if it is recognized by heaven and earth, it is considered to be Chaos, and Chaos Qi can already be mobilized.If this is the case, it is really possible that the girl discovered the tomb of a top immortal emperor.

"Where did you find it?" Lin Mu asked.

The girl said: "The edge of the mysterious area."

Lin Mu frowned again, and said, "Could it be the legendary immortal emperor who went deep into the chaotic region and finally died on the first floor?"

There was a legend before that an immortal emperor entered the mysterious area of ​​the first heaven and died tragically in it.

But this is just a legend after all, and has not received any confirmation.If the tomb that the girl discovered was really this one, then this matter is really intriguing.

Of course, what is intriguing is not that he died in the mysterious area. It is not surprising that anyone dies in the mysterious area.What is intriguing is that Lin Mu once got another legend, that is, the one who entered the mysterious area of ​​the first heaven may be the legendary ruthless man who killed the Great Emperor in the Immortal Emperor Realm and just came out of the Ascension Pond , is the Earth Immortal, that absolute ruthless person.

If it is really confirmed that the emperor's tomb there is his emperor's tomb, then this matter will be really fun.

Perhaps even the powerhouses of the Great Emperor level will be attracted.

Although that ruthless man's life was accompanied by killing, it is undeniable that he is definitely the top immortal.His emperor's burial is definitely worth seeing for an existence at the level of a great emperor.

"Take me out intact, where will I take you," the girl said.

After listening to the girl's suggestion, Lin Mu said without hesitation: "Yes, I agree!"

After the two finished speaking, the door of the room was also pushed open with a bang, and the city lord walked in with someone from the outside.

At this time, the city lord had already discovered something was wrong, and the anxiety on his face was replaced by gloom.

"You two have finished your discussion. Now that you have finished your discussion, I wonder if you two can tell me the result." The city owner said jokingly.

Lin Mu said: "I'm protecting your daughter from poison, are you trying to kill her by coming in like this?"

The city lord sneered, and said: "Alchemist already knew that the wild girl on the bed is not my daughter, why pretend to be this. Alchemist just wants to know what this girl has mastered. I can join hands with you, alchemist. , Pry open this girl's mouth, and I am willing to share the benefits with Alchemist equally."

Now that the face is torn apart, there is really no need to put it on again.

Lin Mu also stood up and said, "I don't dare to cooperate with a person who dares to misidentify his daughter. It is too dangerous to cooperate with such a person. For the sake of profit, he can even misidentify his daughter, let alone stabbing him in the back." gone."

The city lord looked at Lin Mu, with a warm smile on his face, and said: "The alchemist may have misunderstood, I have always been very generous to my friends. Of course, if the alchemist doesn't want to be friends with me, then I can only use it against the enemy." The means to deal with alchemist you."

Lin Mu said: "You have wanted to do it for a long time, why bother to bear it all the time, she has already woken up, you can do it."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, the girl who was cross-legged on the bed also opened her eyes.

Seeing that the girl had really woken up, the city lord showed his ferocious side, and said, "I will give you ten breaths of time to think about it, alchemist. If you choose to obey, then all the resources in my Fengle Castle will be destroyed by alchemist. They can be transferred at will, you are the deputy city lord. If your alchemist chooses to refuse in the end, then I am afraid I will also avenge those two city defenders who died in vain."

Lin Mu sneered and said, "If you don't tell me, I'd forget it. You can kill your subordinates so casually. It seems that I still can't cooperate with you."

"In that case, alchemist, your trip to the fairy world will probably end today." After the city lord finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the immortal behind him also rushed towards the trees and the girl.

"You follow me, let me deal with these immortals." Lin Mu said quickly through voice transmission.

(End of this chapter)

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