Supreme Chef

Chapter 1083 The reason for not detoxification

Chapter 1083 The reason for not detoxification
The girl was not polite when she heard Lin Mu's words, and hid directly behind Lin Mu.

The people who rushed towards Lin Mu were all peak Sanxians. In the view of the city lord, four peak Sanxians were enough to deal with Lin Mu, a mid-stage Sanxian, plus a poisoned girl.


Lin Mu also directly punched the four people rushing forward.

The billowing immortal yuan, carrying the supreme morality, instantly sent the four rushing people flying away.

This is Ye Family's Great Dao Fist, and Lin Mu has fully mastered it now, and it is very handy to use.

A Dao Dao punch also directly sent the four of them flying.

The city lord looked at Lin Mu's boxing with envious eyes, and said: "Leave your boxing and that girl, and I will let you go."

Lin Mu said: "If you have the ability, you can grab it yourself."

"Looking for death! Capture both of them alive!" The city lord is obviously a very careful person, and he will not do it easily until he knows the bottom of the forest.

This time four more people rushed up, this time Lin Mu didn't hold back his hand, and hit the same Daoquan, but the power was not the same.

With a decisive and forceful punch, the morality that suddenly swelled almost turned into runes and slammed at the four people.

In the Dao Fist that has been truly achieved, the morality in it will turn into powerful runes. Once these runes are contaminated, they will be eroded by the Dao, eventually destroying the foundation of the Dao and causing it to explode.

Lin Mu's Daoquan is obviously not considered a great achievement, it's just that there are runes looming.

"The Great Dao Fist of the Ye family of the ancient family, you are from the Ye family!" The city lord said with a change of expression when he saw the moves used by Lin Mu.

Lin Mu was not prepared to explain at all, and he used the Daoquan to make people misunderstand.

"Eat my punch!"

The four people who rushed over were seriously injured, and Lin Mu also stopped and rushed towards the city lord.

Seeing Lin Mu rushing towards him, the city lord sneered disdainfully, and said, "You're overthinking yourself, even if you're really a member of the Ye family today, you can't think of getting out of this city gate."

Lin Mu didn't speak at all, but continued to rush forward indomitably.

Seeing Lin Shu rushing over, the city lord also took a defensive posture.

"Open it for me!"

Before Lin Mu approached the city lord, he also let go of his whole body, revealing his early earth immortal strength.

Seeing Lin Shu's true strength, the city lord's face changed wildly.

He thought of Lin Mu's hidden strength, but he didn't expect that Lin Mu actually hid two small levels, and Lin Mu turned out to be an early-stage Earth Immortal.

It's really scary that a monk who has just ascended for a long time can actually have the cultivation base of an earth immortal.

It is too late for the city lord to retreat now, and he can only choose to resist.

The runes of Daoquan flickered, and the brilliance was indeterminate. In the brilliance, there seemed to be endless morality evolving.


With one punch, the sky filled with runes blasted out, as if countless worlds collided.


In Lin Mu's imagination, the situation where the city lord was killed with a single punch did not happen, but the city lord's body shone with dazzling light.

This dazzling light successfully blocked Lin Mu's Dao fist, which made Lin Mu's face full of shock.

"A body protection fairy clothes made of silk!"

Through the light, Lin Mu also saw what was passed on the city lord.

The Celestial Silkworm is known as an outlier among the ancient insects and spirit beasts, and it has almost no attack power.But even so, it is pursued by all the top monks.Because the silk spit out by the silkworm is an indispensable thing for making any top-level defensive fairy weapon.

Of course, celestial silkworms are also divided into levels, and the levels of celestial silkworms are also divided into larvae to emperor insects.

According to legend, the emperor worm among the silkworms spit out silk silk, even the great emperor could not easily wipe it out.

The celestial silk armor worn by the city lord should be just silk spun out by juvenile celestial silkworms.

But even this is not easy, because according to the legend, after the disappearance of the two emperor silkworms, there has never been a single silkworm in this world, and the silkworm silk has disappeared.

At this time, the city lord was able to wear such a silk close-fitting armor, which showed the good luck of the city lord.

Although the celestial silk blocked all the runes, the celestial silk could not completely dissipate the power generated by the runes.


A blood sword rushed out, and the city lord's body flew back quickly.

"Follow me!" Lin Mu didn't care whether the city lord was seriously injured or slightly injured. If he didn't hurry up and run in his territory, he still had time to watch these things.

Lin Mu grabbed the girl's hand and rushed out.

This Fengle Castle is just a small three-star city, and it is not difficult for Lin Mu to escape.Besides, the life and death of the city lord is still uncertain, so someone has a chance to take care of these things.

Leaving Fenglengpu almost unimpeded all the way, Lin Mu and the girl also stopped at a place thousands of miles away from Fenglebao.

"The poison on your body, you can get it out by forcing it yourself, now give me what I want." Lin Mu spread his hands and said.

The girl said: "Actually, the two of us can cooperate to explore the Emperor's Tomb."

Lin Mudao: "I'm not interested in being with a heavenly immortal who hides his cultivation, it's too dangerous."

"You see my hidden cultivation?" The woman also said in surprise.

Lin Mudao: "Don't forget that I am an alchemist, and I just healed your injuries."

When the girl heard Lin Mu's words, she also said, "Then you didn't just cure the poison for me, it's not because I'm a fairy."

Lin Mu nodded, and said: "Yes. I haven't reached the point where I can fight a fairy directly. Besides, you are not an ordinary fairy, so I have to be on guard."

Now that she was discovered, the girl simply took out a jade slip and handed it to Lin Mu.

"This is where the Emperor's Tomb is, as I know it. But I suggest you don't go there. It's not a good place. If you go there, you will probably die." The girl kindly persuaded.

Lin Mu held the jade slip and said, "Whether I go or not is my business, I will do what I can."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu also turned around and left without the slightest bit of nostalgia or reluctance.

The girl looked at the back of Lin Shu leaving, feeling a little lost, but finally disappeared into the dense forest.

Lin Mu trained in a quiet place, and also began to check the contents of the jade slips.

This jade slip indeed depicts a map to the Emperor's Burial, and the map shows the shortest route leading there.

Now that he knew the location, Lin Mu was not in a hurry to go, anyway, the place was there, and he couldn't run away.

Lin Mu is now going to practice a strange art, this extraordinary art can not only change the appearance of a person, but even change the breath and so on.

Lin Mu also has many enemies in the fairy world, so it's better to keep a low profile. After he has the strength, he will have time to do something.

(End of this chapter)

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