Supreme Chef

Chapter 1092 Battle for Holy Medicine

Chapter 1092 Battle for Holy Medicine (1)

The aura of the person who made the shot was extremely strong, and before he could get close, even the oppressed people had difficulty breathing.

The person who made the shot was Li Huangtian, the powerful being ranked ninth on the list of immortals.

Li Huangtian was indeed a formidable opponent. His aura was so strong that even ordinary golden immortals could not match it. He was indeed a figure on the list of immortals.

Li Huangtian is considered to be the most powerful existence in this Immortal Pond. Li Huangtian had already learned about some of the situation here through means, so he did not go further, but he never thought that he would have such a chance if he stayed .

Although Li Huangtian was extremely powerful, few people would retreat in the face of a holy medicine leaf.Even if Li Huangtian belonged to the Emperor Sect, so what, if he got this holy medicine leaf, he might ascend to the sky in one step, would he still be afraid of the Emperor Sect?

Immediately after Li Huangtian, there were also three people who quickly and fiercely attacked, and the three of them chose to unite with a very tacit understanding to deal with Li Huangtian together.


The joint blow of the three of them made the Immortal Pond boil immediately.

"court death!"

Li Huangtian also let out a cold snort, and then directly slapped his big hand, and a star river poured out immediately.

"Emperor Zong's taboo method, Xingheluo!" Someone exclaimed.

Seeing such a move, Lin Mu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Lin Mu has seen people use this trick before, but the person who used it is the real Immortal Emperor.

The move of Xinghe Luo is called taboo, so it is extremely powerful.And according to legend, if such a trick is practiced to the extreme, it can really make Xinghe fall.

Although Li Huangtian hadn't cultivated to the extreme, he was still very powerful.

With one move of Xingheluo, all three attacks were blocked.

"Exceed your strength, kill me!" Xinghe Luo caught the attack of the three people, and then Li Huangtian also grabbed it out, and suddenly a huge golden light palm came out, pinching the three people.

"Capturing the Dragon Hand! This kind of unique skill that has been lost is actually possessed by the Emperor Sect!" Someone exclaimed again.

Capturing the dragon hand is a unique skill lost in ancient times. According to legend, there are powerful human races in ancient times, and they can capture the mighty dragon in the sky with just one grasp.

This is definitely a supreme skill, but it has been lost long ago, but I did not expect that the East Emperor Sect would be able to collect it.

Seeing such a move, Xue Linglong gritted his teeth.

"Could it be that this trick was able to capture your dragon clan?" Lin Mu asked.

The blood spirit dragon shook his head and said: "I don't know, my memory has not been fully awakened, but I can see from the memory of that old dragon turtle that there was indeed a Tianlong captured by the human race with the dragon-capturing hand."

Xue Linglong gritted his teeth and said: "I must learn this trick, and whoever dares to use this trick against me at that time, I will capture him."

In fact, Lin Mu's eyes were extremely hot when he saw such a move. This is definitely an extremely powerful trick, and it is absolutely powerful when used against the enemy.

The three angels who joined forces to attack had no strength to resist in the face of this huge light palm.


The three of them let out a mournful roar, and then their bodies exploded, not even Nascent Soul escaped.

Although the three of them fell instantly, this did not extinguish the determination of the others to fight.

Since the three are not Li Huangtian's opponents, then five, eight, ten...

Facing the siege of the heroes, Li Huangtian also had his beard and hair stretched out, roaring again and again.

At this time, his strength made Li Huangtian the target of being besieged by everyone.

Li Huangtian slashed all the way, but in the end he was no match for two fists, and Li Huangtian finally had to avoid the edge for the time being.

The leaf of the real dragon is still in the mask at this time, although it has been touched by someone, but now it has returned to the original point.

"Ah! Die to me!" Li Huangtian let out a long roar, and also made a powerful move, directly killing a early stage Celestial Immortal in front of him.

At this moment, the bottom of the pool had turned into a scuffle, and all the hot-eyed people participated in it, and Li Huangtian was undoubtedly the strongest one.


Just when everyone was besieging Li Huangtian, a pair of big hands stretched out again, and directly grabbed the leaves of the real dragon.

"Bian Kai, how dare you!" Li Huangtian also stared angrily when he saw the person making the attack.

I am fighting fiercely here, but someone actually wants to fish in troubled waters.

"Bian Kailang ranks eighth on the list of immortals. He is a genius disciple of Tianyan Valley. According to legend, he is a genius who has developed his own prototype in Tianxian Realm." Someone heard Li Huangtian's angry shout and thought of the person who came. identity.

"He didn't even leave. Two people appeared in the top ten of the Celestial Immortal Ranking. It seems that many big factions have already coveted this place."

It was also speculated that there were two strong men on the list of immortals all of a sudden.

In fact, Lin Mu has already speculated that this ruthless man has been in the fairyland for tens of thousands of years, leaving endless legends. Although he has been missing for many years, no one may miss looking for him.So here, I am afraid that Emperor Zong has already discovered it. As for the female celestial being able to find here, I am afraid it is not a coincidence.

Lin Mu searched around but couldn't find the shadow of the female fairy, but Lin Mu knew that she was definitely here, but she might be hiding her aura just like himself.

She knows this place very well, if there is a holy medicine here, how could she let it go.

Li Huangtian fended off everyone with a roar, and then punched out to fight back.


The two quickly collided, and the powerful impact made the bottom of the pool completely boil, and the surface of the pool was even splashed with huge waves.

Although the water in the pool is precious, compared to the holy medicine of this leaf, the sum of the water in this pool is not as precious as this holy medicine.

"Li Huangtian, you are not my opponent, don't waste your life here, the holy medicine is mine." Bian Kailan also showed his figure, looking at Li Huangtian and said calmly.

Li Huangtian looked at Bian Kailan and sneered, and said: "Bian Kailang, you are too conceited. The ranking on the list of immortals means nothing at all. If I want to kill you, it is definitely not difficult, but I don't want some reptiles to do it for nothing. It's just cheap."

Bian Guang pondered for a while, and said: "You mean that the two of us will clear the field together first, and then decide the ownership of this holy medicine?"

Li Huangtian nodded, and said: "This is the best way, it saves us to decide here, but some little reptiles take advantage of it instead."

Bian Kai nodded and said: "Okay! Then you and I will work together to clear the field."

Seeing that the two figures above the Celestial Ranking decided to join forces, many of them already had the idea of ​​quitting.

It's okay to say that a strong person on the list of immortals, but the power of two people joining forces is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

"Haha! Since the venue is going to be cleared, how about adding the old man?" There was a burst of laughter, and then a rather old-looking old man walked out.

"Ranked tenth on the list of immortals, Gu Canghai is known as the undefeated old man."

"What is the tenth place on the list of immortals? The origin of this Gu Canghai is very strange. He does not come from any famous sect. He is on the path of the ancient golden immortal. He already has his own domain. If it is not because of the ancient golden immortal Lu, I'm afraid he has already become a Xuanxian or even a Daluo Jinxian."

Someone immediately stood up and refuted.

In fact, the ranking of the so-called Celestial Immortal Ranking is not really based on strength, it is a combination of many factors, so often the ranking cannot really fully reflect the strength.

"It seems that he also got the news. This time, he wants to win the holy medicine and attack the ancient golden immortal!"

Lin Mu frowned as he listened to it. With so many powerful people all of a sudden, it became very difficult for him to compete for the holy medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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