Supreme Chef

Chapter 1093 Battle for Holy Medicine

Chapter 1093 Battle for Holy Medicine (2)

Li Huangtian and Bian Kailan frowned when they saw Gu Canghai stand up.

Although Gu Canghai is ranked tenth, he is definitely a strong opponent.Gu Canghai's strength is absolutely no worse than either of them.Moreover, Gu Canghai is following the ancient golden fairy road, and already has his own domain.

"Mr. Gu wants to join us to clear the field, of course it would be best." Bian Kailang also said with a smile on his own initiative.

Although Li Huangtian didn't speak, he nodded.Gu Canghai is a formidable opponent, but of course he is also a formidable helper.

"Everyone, I don't want to kill. If you don't want to die, you'd better leave the stage, otherwise, my old man will start killing." Gu Canghai said flatly.


When the people present heard Gu Canghai's words, they all gasped, and many of them started to retreat.

Part of Gu Canghai's reputation is due to the fact that he walked the path of the Immemorial Golden Immortal, while the other part is due to his illustrious reputation.

Regardless of his age, Gu Canghai looks very kind, but this old man will not be soft when he kills people.

Joining forces on the Celestial Immortal List for three days, they can definitely sweep everyone at the bottom of the pool.

Many angels chose to retreat. Although the holy medicine is good, their own lives are more important.


Just when the three of them were about to join forces to clear the field, a figure also rushed to the front of the mask extremely quickly.

"court death!"

The three of them were also furious when they saw that the three of them joined forces to threaten, and some people dared to do it.

Lin Mu stared intently at the rushing figure, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The person who rushed over was none other than the female angel I met.

This female fairy is also the same as herself, she has changed her face, but her appearance has changed, but her breath has not changed.

"Finally couldn't help but shoot."


The three masters of the Celestial Immortal Ranking shot at the same time, and the momentum was extremely great. Such a joint attack, even the mighty Jinxian, might not be able to stop it.


With a suppressed low chirp, the female angel also sacrificed her own defensive magic weapon.

This is a damaged magic weapon, a somewhat broken armor.

Everyone shook their heads when they saw that the angel sacrificed a broken armor.

This kind of defense is asking for a dead end. If there is a decent defensive magic weapon, this angel may still survive, but with such a broken magic weapon, he may not survive at all.


The powerful attack power of the three of them directly hit the armor, but what shocked everyone was that the broken armor actually resisted the joint attack of the three.

Not even a piece of dilapidated armor fell off, this armor is simply amazing.

"This armor...could it be the legendary god suit!"

Some people stared at the armor with serious eyes.

"God suit!"

When someone heard this, they also let out an exclamation.

The Celestial suit has a great reputation in the fairy world. Legend has it that the Celestial suit was made by the ruthless Immortal Emperor himself.

The Ruthless Immortal Emperor is not only a powerful Immortal Emperor in the Immortal Realm, but also known as the number one refiner in the Immortal Realm.

The Celestial suit was forged by the Ruthless Immortal. There are six pieces in this Celestial suit.

In addition to an armor, there are two leg guards, two arm guards, and a sword of the gods.

Although each piece of the Celestial Set is only a seventh-rank fairy weapon, when combined together, it can exert the power of an eighth-rank or even ninth-rank fairy weapon.

It's just that with the disappearance of the Ruthless Immortal Emperor, the Celestial Suit also disappeared.

"This should be the god's suit, otherwise, it would be impossible to block the joint attack of the three." The first person who saw it also said solemnly.

"The god suit has reappeared!"

"This Celestial suit should have been found here, and it is contaminated with the atmosphere of the emperor's burial. Could it be that the Celestial suit was also buried here with the Ruthless Immortal Emperor!" Someone again made an inference.

The news that the Celestial suit was actually in the Emperor's Tomb immediately made everyone excited.

The Celestial suit is no less tempting than this leaf of holy medicine. If you can collect it completely, you can definitely increase your combat effectiveness several times, or even ten times.

"Look for the god suit, there must be more here!"

Discovering such a fact also made those who were vacillating firmly believe in the idea of ​​leaving.

They don't need to think about the holy medicine anymore. There are celestial masters who are above the three celestial rankings, and there are also celestial beings with celestial suits. There is no chance for them at all.

Some people left quickly, while others did not leave, but they also became spectators. They also wanted to see who would get the holy medicine.

With the armor of the gods, the god who joined later also successfully resisted the joint attack of the three.

"Zhuzi dare!" Gu Canghai roared angrily, and directly opened up his domain, trapping this female fairy in his domain.

Lin Mu looked at the domain offered by Gu Canghai, and secretly compared it. Although Gu Canghai's domain was larger than his own, it was not as strong as his own domain.

The female angel was covered by the domain, and her movements were also restricted.

"Death to me!"

Bian Kailang and Li Huangtian, seeing that the celestial being was controlled, joined forces to launch the strongest attack.


The powerful attack collided with the armor of the Celestial God. Although most of it was canceled out by the armor of the Celestial God, the remaining strength still shocked the female Celestial Immortal until she vomited blood.

Lin Mu looked at the severely injured female angel, and realized that it was time for him to make a move.


Lin Mu stepped out in one step, directly relying on the speed rules, and came to the front of the mask.

The space in the Immortal World is hundreds of times stronger than that in the Realm of Cultivation. Although Lin Mu has mastered the rules of space, it is very difficult to teleport. Unless his cultivation can reach the level of a fairy again, even if he masters the rules of space, he should not even think about teleporting. up.

"This heaven-defying earth fairy finally couldn't help but make a move!" Someone who had been secretly watching Lin Shu sighed when he saw Lin Mu make a move.
"The little earth fairy dares to compete for the holy medicine, crush it for me!"

With a low growl, Gu Canghai sacrificed his territory and went directly to crush the trees.

"Hmph! An old man who doesn't take good care of himself and dares to compete for the holy medicine, give me a prescription!"

Lin Mu let out a low growl, and then directly sacrificed his domain.



When the two domains meet, there is also a click, click sound.Afterwards, Gu Canghai was stunned to see that his domain was completely crushed by Lin Shu's domain.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! How could your domain be stronger than mine!" Gu Canghai couldn't believe it at all, seeing it with his own eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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