Supreme Chef

Chapter 1095 True Dragon Seal Showdown

Chapter 1095 True Dragon Seal Showdown

The gushing aura made Lin Shu's body look like a volcano that was about to erupt at any moment.

Lin Shu's Domain crushed everything powerfully, crushing the attack of the three.With the support of the spirituality of the holy medicine, the domain of the forest has also expanded several times, and at the same time its power has also expanded several times.

Although the three joined forces to attack, they were not crushed mercilessly by the forest's domain.


Gu Canghai was so angry that he was about to go crazy, he frantically urged his domain to fight against Lin Shu's domain.


"Card wipe!"

But every collision ended in failure.

"Star River Falls!"

Li Huangtian also roared, wanting to capture Lin Shu.

"Witch God Fist!"

Lin Shu also exploded, and the powerful Wushenquan counterattacked directly and forcefully, and the billowing immortal essence rolled back, as if to crush the heavens.



The fists of the two collided violently, directly shattering everything, half of the pool of precious medicine was scattered by the shock.

Although Lin Mu looks strong now, his body is actually not feeling well. Although it is only a leaf, the medicinal properties are also extremely overbearing. Lin Mu feels as if his whole body is about to catch fire.

The powerful medicinal properties ruthlessly impacted Lin Mu's tendons and internal organs, and the tyrannical dragon energy was endless, as if trying to stretch Lin Mu's body.


Lin Shu also screamed up to the sky, his beard and hair were all stretched out, his black hair fluttering, and he attacked forcefully.

"Get out of here!"

With a loud roar, Lin Mu also struck with all his strength, and the Wushen Fist finally counterattacked, also knocking Li Huangtian away from afar.

"This Earth Immortal is really against the sky, but in the early stage of Earth Immortal, he can strongly fight against the people who are above the list of Celestial Immortals."

"He is just assisted by the holy medicine, so it's nothing at all?" Someone said disdainfully.

"Give you the holy medicine, can you resist the combination of the three? The medicinal properties of the holy medicine are overbearing. If it weren't for the extremely strong physical body of this earth fairy, I'm afraid it would have exploded. If you take this holy medicine, I'm afraid there is no need for the three to join forces. You're already blown away." The first person to speak ruthlessly refuted such shameless remarks.

The person who spoke blushed when he heard the other party's refutation, and did not dare to refute.

"He is being attacked by the holy medicine now, so he won't last long. As long as we persist for a while longer, we will definitely be able to take it down when he is weak." Gu Canghai said.

Gu Canghai is also a powerful alchemist, and he has a much more thorough research on the properties and principles of medicine than the other two.

"it is good!"

Li Huangtian and Bian Kailang obviously knew that Gu Canghai was an alchemist, and they both nodded in agreement with Gu Canghai's words.

"To deal with the three of you, you don't have to wait until I'm weak, I'll kill you right now!" Lin Mu's eyes widened and he roared loudly.


Lin Mu took a step forward, relying on the rules of speed, he also came directly in front of Gu Canghai.

Then Lin Mu directly blasted out with a Dao fist, and the majestic meaning of the Dao filled everything in an instant, and the world was going to be overshadowed by it.

"Da Dao Quan, Ye family's skill! You are from the Ye family!" Seeing Lin Mu using Da Dao fist, Gu Canghai's face couldn't help but change.

"It turned out to be a master of the Ye family! Is the ancient family also haunted?" The onlookers obviously knew the existence and strength of the Ye family, which also aroused a lot of discussion.

The ancient aristocratic families in the cultivation world not only have Taoism in the cultivation world, but also have Taoism in the fairy world.

Although the orthodoxy of the fairy world is not as profound as the orthodoxy of the cultivation world, it is still an existence that cannot be underestimated in the last three days.

Even many people in the Immortal Realm suspect that this time the Immortal Realm and the Realm of Comprehension were forcibly separated, and it may be that the ancient family is playing tricks.

"You don't care whose family I am, as long as I can kill you!" Lin Mu also roared, his fist became more and more violent, and his long fist was about to tear Li Canghai apart.

"As expected of the so-called Ye family's unique skill, this Dao fist may have evolved to the extreme, it can really tear Dao apart."

"Hmph! What about the people of the Ye family, I'll kill them anyway!" Gu Canghai shouted coldly, and then he made a strong attack, opening up his own domain, and at the same time made a strong attack, intending to kill the trees.

"This is the real dragon seal! Legend has it that the supreme seal method passed down by the supreme overlord of the ancient times, Tianlong!" Everyone exclaimed as they watched Gu Canghai's ever-changing hand formula.

"Play the real dragon seal with Master Benlong, and I will teach you the complete real dragon seal. His half bang is like a bottle, it is not vulnerable at all!" Xue Linglong also disdainful when seeing the real dragon seal used by Gu Canghai Said.

In just an instant, the Blood Spirit Dragon taught Lin Mu the complete handprint of the True Dragon Seal.

"Come and help me, I'll teach this old man what the real dragon seal is!" Xue Linglong also said.

"it is good!"

Lin Mu also responded quickly, just as his gushing medicinal properties were of no use.


The powerful medicinal properties were injected into the blood spirit dragon's body, and the blood spirit dragon also used Lin Shu's hand to cast the real dragon seal.

"This is actually the real dragon seal!" Someone said in shock when they saw the method Lin Mu used.

"No! The True Dragon Seal he used seems to be more complete. This should be the complete True Dragon Seal!"

Gu Canghai also had a serious face. He didn't expect that Lin Mu also knew the real dragon seal, and it was more perfect than the real dragon seal he used.


A high-pitched dragon roar roared, and then a chubby little Tianlong appeared in front of everyone.


Everyone was a little speechless when they saw that the real dragon seal blasted by Lin Mu turned out to look like this.

In fact, it wasn't just that everyone was speechless, even Lin Mu was speechless for a while after watching it.

The blood spirit dragon also said embarrassedly: "After the real dragon seal is sacrificed, most of it is my own image. My current image is like this. I will become tall and mighty in the future."

Lin Mu is really speechless, this trick can be done like this.

However, although the real dragon seal offered by Lin Mu is extremely cute, its power is not small.

The plump Tianlong directly tore apart Gu Canghai's ferocious dragon head.

"Open it for me!"

Lin Mu roared loudly, also cooperating with the strength of the blood spirit dragon, tearing away Gu Canghai's real dragon seal.


After receiving the backlash from the True Dragon Seal, Gu Canghai coughed up blood and staggered a little.

Gu Canghai realized that he seemed to be completely defeated. He was not as good as the Earth Immortal in front of him in terms of domain, and his most trusted moves, and his True Dragon Seal was no match for his True Dragon Seal.

Although such a thing is unacceptable, it is the fact that he was defeated by an earth immortal.

Of course, this Earth Immortal used the holy medicine, but although there is the holy medicine, not everyone can bear it. Lin Shu's ability to withstand the tyrannical breath of the holy medicine is already a symbol of strength.

(End of this chapter)

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