Supreme Chef

Chapter 1096 Destined to Shock the World

Chapter 1096 Destined to Shock the World (1)

Although Gu Canghai knew that he was completely defeated, he would not give up. He had to obtain the holy medicine. Since he was eaten by Lin Mu, he had to refine Lin Mu.

"Make it for me!"

Gu Canghai also gritted his steel teeth, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and sprayed it directly in his domain.


Nourished by blood essence, Gu Canghai's domain also burst into radiance, and suddenly a powerful imprisoning force erupted, completely covering the forest.

Gu Canghai was indeed desperate, and lost a lot of essence and blood. If he didn't get the holy medicine, Gu Canghai would really lose more than he gained this time.

The powerful domain also fixed Lin Mu's body in mid-air. Although Lin Mu was struggling desperately at this time, his movements also became sluggish.


Li Huangtian and Bian Kailang, when they saw Gu Canghai fixate on Lin Mu, they also killed them at the same time.

Both of them sacrificed their magic weapons at the same time and attacked the forest.

Li Huangtian used a pair of flying sword magic weapons, the two flying swords were as translucent as jade, and the precious light that bloomed was a bit dazzling even if they were separated by a long distance.

"This is Yuquan Duojian! It is said that it was used by a wonderful and beautiful Immortal Emperor. Later, this peerless Immortal Emperor relied on this pair of flying swords to fight against the Eastern Emperor. He fought against the Eastern Emperor ten times without defeat. It is this peerless pairing sword. I really did not expect that the Eastern Emperor would give it to Li Huangtian." Someone recognized the origin of this pairing sword and said in shock.

"The magic weapon used by Bian Kailang is also of extraordinary origin. That copper bell is a replica of the Haotian Clock. The Haotian Clock is known as the real treasure, and his replica is also extremely powerful."

"Oh, it's a pity that such a heaven-defying Earth Immortal was bombarded and killed by the three masters, and will eventually fall!" Many people sighed with regret.

When the two top immortal weapons attacked, Lin Mu also felt great pressure.If these two celestial artifacts were actually released, I'm afraid I would die too.


Lin Mu shouted loudly, mobilizing the remaining holy medicine in his body, and crazily impacting the domain Gu Canghai set up for himself.

"If you want to run, there is no way!"

Gu Canghai also desperately spewed out another mouthful of blood, which directly dyed his domain blood red, and the power of control further increased.

"Open it for me!"

Lin Mu also roared loudly, all the vigorous aura in his body, restrained in order, all poured into his own domain.



There were bursts of piercing voices, and everyone felt their eardrums hurt. This was a confrontation between domains and domains.

Everyone didn't expect that they could see such a direct collision between an earth immortal and a heavenly immortal in the domain. I'm afraid that even if two golden immortals confront each other, they might not be able to see such a scene.

"Look carefully, this kind of battle is not something you can always see. If you understand it carefully, it will be very helpful for you to have your own domain in the future." Some elders carefully educated their juniors.

"Grandpa, why don't you take a closer look, you haven't created your own domain yet."

The grandson's words made the grandfather's old face blush, and then he shuddered and said, "You can say it, grandpa will read it himself."

Lin Mu and Gu Canghai both endured tremendous pressure in the direct collision between the two realms.

Gu Canghai's domain was broken inch by inch, and the forest's domain also showed traces of cracks.


Li Huangtian and Bian Kailang shouted loudly again, which also made Yizhong and Dianjian burst out with astonishing divine light.

"Block me!"

Lin Mu also threw out the Yao Wang Ding directly, letting the Yao Wang Ding protect his back.

"Break it for me!"

Lin Mu let out a roar, and then hundreds of thunder guns blasted out directly, nailing to Gu Canghai's domain.

"This is a catastrophe! This is a method of catastrophe that can only be used with the highest understanding of Lei Dao!"

Everyone was amazed again, they had too much amazement today, they didn't even think that they were watching a fight between earth immortals and heavenly immortals, but a fight between golden immortals and even Daluo golden immortals. strong.



The thunder robbery gun exploded, and the violent sky thunder raged instantly, tearing apart Gu Canghai's entire domain in just an instant.


Gu Canghai's domain was completely broken, and he also vomited blood, and his body flew upside down.


At the same time that Lin Mu destroyed Gu Canghai's domain, Li Huangtian and Bian Kailang's attacks also came in an instant.

Duijian and Haotian Bell bombarded the Yaowangding cauldron at the same time.


The Medicine King Cauldron glows independently, emitting a supreme light, which directly weakens the attack power against the imitation sword and Haotian clock.


A bell rang, a tripod shook, and the space seemed to be torn apart.All the people hastily sealed off their six senses, and those who acted late sprayed blood from their mouths and noses, and this was just the aftermath of the battle between the two sides.

Everyone didn't dare to continue approaching, and hurried away.




Lin Mu retreated three steps in a row, although he was supported by the medicine king tripod, he was shocked enough, his body staggered for a while, and at the same time, he spurted blood.

However, the blood spit out by Lin Mu is comparable to precious medicine, because every mouthful of blood is full of auspicious energy, as if it is about to lift the clouds to ascend.

This is the power of the holy medicine, and it is just a leaf.If it is a whole plant of holy medicine, it is probably because of its medicinal properties that it directly refines the forest trees.

Lin Mu also regretted his impulsiveness at this time. Although the holy medicine is only a leaf, the medicinal properties are really not good, and he, a little earth fairy, can bear it.

"He has been backlashed by the holy medicine, and he will not be able to hold on any longer. The two of us will definitely be able to capture him together." Li Huangtian said cheerfully to Bian.

Bian said cheerfully: "I want his medicine cauldron and speed rules, but I don't want the rest."

"Yes!" Li Huangtian also responded quickly.

Seeing that the two of them were still in the mood to discuss dividing themselves, Lin Mu sneered and said, "You two are still in the mood to discuss with me at this moment, so I'll send you two on the road now!"

Li Huangtian looked at Lin Mu and said: "Now you are at the end of your strength, if you don't want to die, just hand over your speed rules and your storage ring, and the two of us can let you go, otherwise, today is yours." Burial Ground."

Lin Mu sneered: "I think this is the burial place for the two of you today, it's almost the same."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he also suddenly compressed all the auspicious energy from his whole body towards his dantian.

Since he couldn't continue to suppress, Lin Mu was also planning to directly break through his cultivation and expand his body's capacity so that his body could hold more aura.

Although breaking through in this way shortly after arriving in the Immortal Realm, the foundation may be unstable, but Lin Shu can't die just because of the foundation, and he can find other compensations for the foundation in the future, but he only has one life.

(End of this chapter)

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