Supreme Chef

Chapter 1134 One sentence of Dao Yin

Chapter 1134 One Word (2)

This is a mysterious dao sound, and the dao sound is emitted from a basin that is shrouded in light.

The Dao sound is so ethereal that people can't grasp any clues, but everyone knows in their hearts that once they master this Dao sound, their cultivation will definitely go to a higher level.

Standing on the outside of the basin, Lin Mu saw that the battle in the basin was already in full swing. Dozens of golden immortals and heavenly immortals strangled together in order to compete for a place less than two square meters in the center of the basin.

"This is really good fortune. This place used to be the place where Yuantian Supreme, who arranged the Yuantian Secret Realm, sat. Here, Yuantian Supreme left a supreme Taoist message. If you can get it, your cultivation will definitely go up to a higher level .”

"The power of the supreme is really against the sky. Just the place where he once sat can have such a mystery. If you can really get the good fortune left by the supreme, wouldn't you really be able to ascend to the sky and enter the house in one step!"

Lin Mu understood what was going on from the outside, but after listening, Lin Mu was even more shocked.

The Supreme actually has such abilities, it's just a word that he said casually where he has done it.There is such power, and after several epochs, there is still such power.It has attracted countless people to compete for it. If this is the real supreme, it will be easy to turn the world upside down.

In fact, even Daoist Guang was a little shocked when he heard it.Daoist Guang can be said to exist in the same era as Supreme, and Taoist Guang once escaped under the hands of Supreme by virtue of the speed rule.

"It seems that we are all watching the sky from the well. The power of the Supreme is really beyond our imagination. Now that I think about it, maybe it was just a spirit body that I escaped back then." Taoist Guang also expressed infinite emotion.

It is unimaginable that anyone who speaks a word in a random building can become the voice of the Supreme Dao.

"We must get this Taoist voice!" Such a discovery also strengthened Lin Mu's belief in getting it.

Lin Mu is now in the late stage of Earth Immortal, only one step away from the peak of Earth Immortal.But Lin Mu felt that he was one step away from this, and there was always something missing.

Back then, I didn't have to expend any effort to become a heavenly immortal from an earthly immortal, and everything went extremely smoothly.

But I don't know why starting over has become so difficult.Lin Mu once deduced it, this is because he has found the real cultivation method of "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue", in addition to the accumulation of immortal energy, it also needs the understanding of Tao.

It is easy to accumulate immortal essence, but it is difficult to understand the Tao.This requires an opportunity, and this is the biggest opportunity.

Now that he has decided, Lin Mu will never give up.The trees rushed down directly into the basin.

Seeing a little earth fairy dare to join the fight, the people who were fighting on the outside all exclaimed.

And the people who are fighting inside are all furious.

The people who can compete here are the heavenly immortals at the last time, a small earth immortal, and people who are still late earth immortals dare to come here to compete, it is simply an insult to them.


As soon as Lin Shu entered, he was greeted with countless killing lights.

These killing lights are all from the hands of heavenly immortals, and it is more than enough to kill ordinary earth immortals.

But it's a pity that Lin Mu is not an ordinary earth fairy, but Lin Mu is a scavenger on the list of immortals.

"Get out of here!"

Facing these killing lights, Lin Mu just grabbed them with his big hand, relying on the strength of his body, he smashed all the killing lights directly.


Seeing that Lin Shu broke the attacks of several celestial beings so easily, everyone onlookers were also shocked.

"Scavenger of the Immortal List! He is the scavenger of the Immortal List!"

Someone opened their eyes wide and shouted in disbelief.

And the celestial beings in the basin trembled involuntarily when they heard such a title.

The name of Scavenger on the Celestial Immortal List is too great. It can be said that this is about to become a nightmare for all of them.

"Scavenger of the Celestial Immortal List!" You Jinxian's eyes lit up, and then he directly shot at Lin Mu.

A sword light stretched across, trying to split the forest directly.

"Surrender and spare you!" Jin Xian, who drew his sword, said domineeringly while looking down at the trees.


Lin Mu still only had one word in response to this early Golden Immortal.

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu also punched directly, and the Wushen Fist counterattacked.


The vast boxing intent swept across the entire basin, and no matter whether it was a celestial or a golden immortal, feeling the overwhelming fisting intent made their hearts tremble involuntarily.


The counterattack of fist intent directly shattered the sword glow.Before the sword light could be unfolded, it was completely shattered, and the Jinxian was stunned for a moment.


Taking advantage of the Golden Immortal's stunned effort, Lin Mu stepped forward in one step, using the rules of speed, and rushed in front of the Golden Immortal.

The Dao fist was blasted out, which immediately caused the Dao sound here to tremble, and the heaven and earth resonated.


After the golden fairy reacted, he also roared directly, and at the same time tried his best to block.


Although he had tried his best to block, he was still blown away by Lin Shu's punch, vomiting blood from his mouth, obviously seriously injured, and lost the qualification to compete.

Seeing that his punch failed to kill him, Lin Mu felt regretful in his heart.At the same time, Lin Mu also clearly realized that.With my current strength, it's okay to compete against the Golden Immortal, but I'm still close to killing the Golden Immortal, especially this kind of powerful Golden Immortal from the last three days.

Lin Mu felt sorry, but the onlookers were already stunned.

Challenged across a whole big realm, but still won the battle, such a sturdy record is enough to be recorded in the history of the fairy world.

Immortal world is not without records of leapfrog challenges, but Lin Shu is the only one who can overcome a challenge at a higher level.

This is definitely a record, and those who are lucky enough to watch the battle can be said to be witnesses of this record.

Of course, Lin Mu's punch is also telling everyone that he has the strength to compete for this good fortune.

After one punch, no one took the initiative to attack Lin Mu anymore, and Lin Mu had already shown his strength to compete for this fortune.If someone makes a foolish move again, it can only be said that he is looking for death.

Especially the celestial beings who have the ability to compete, try to stay as far away from the trees as possible, for fear of offending the scavenger of the celestial list.

The Daoyin in the basin is even more grand, but the really mysterious place is the place less than two square meters where the Yuantian Supreme One once sat.

Surrounded by Dao sounds and shrouded in colorful light at the same time, it looks extremely mysterious.

Without warning, the scramble continued.

This is a scuffle, and everyone is doing their best for good fortune.

Lin Shu is even more determined to win this good fortune, and the speed rule is activated, and Lin Shu is also trying to get close to that colorful good fortune.

"you dare!"

Seeing that Lin Shu was going to approach there first, Jin Xian in the basin also roared angrily, and then shot at Lin Shu at the same time.

Immortals of various colors shine in the sky, with such power, not to mention trees, even a big Luo Jinxian would not dare to resist.

Lin Mu didn't choose to fight hard either. Although he had confidence in his body, Lin Mu wouldn't be stupid to fight hard.

Lin Shu used the speed rules to dodge, and all the light was blasted on the colorful mask.


All the attacks were blasted on the colorful mask, which made everyone's hearts tremble.After fighting for so long, everyone deliberately avoided the mask, just for fear of destroying it, but they didn't expect that Lin Shu would be so bold and lead everyone to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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