Supreme Chef

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135
Everyone's attacks hit the colorful mask.And this auspicious colorful light had no protective power in the first place, and it exploded immediately when it was attacked by everyone in such a joint manner.

Immediately, the sound of Dao shook the sky, and the sound of Dao that was sealed in the place where the Supreme Lord of Yuantian sat, also roared out directly.

This is an indescribable Dao sound, and everyone understands what the sentence left by Yuantian Supreme is, but they can't say what it is.

This is the resonance of the Dao, the sound of the Dao roared, and everyone gave up their opponents and began to understand the sound of the Dao.

Dao sound roared, and the whole secret realm seemed to resonate with it.Everyone was cross-legged on the ground, listening to the voice of the Tao.

What everyone was fighting for was the mysterious Taoist voice of death, and now that the Taoist voice had been released, no one paid attention to the place where Yuan Tian Supreme had sat.

Of course, there are people who pay attention, and several people have already sat on it.However, they found that there was nothing special there at all, on the contrary, the sound of Dao there was smaller than other places, and it was not suitable for enlightenment at all.

In the end, everyone came to a conclusion that in this place, the only thing that is really valuable is this Taoist voice, which is a generous gift from Yuantian Supreme, who is compassionate and compassionate.

But Lin Mu is just the opposite. Lin Mu's attention has always been on the place where Yuantian Supreme has been sitting.

Lin Mu didn't believe in Yuantian Supreme, so he would be free and find a place to sit down, just to leave a message for future generations.There must be a reason why Yuantian Supreme is sitting here.

When Lin Mu came to this place, the place where the Supreme Master Yuantian once sat was no different from other places.Even the sound of Dao here is smaller than that of other places.

Lin Mu hesitated for a moment, and sat down cross-legged, but after Lin Mu sat down, he was the same as the person in front of him.Nothing happened, and even Dao Yin's voice became even weaker.

Sitting in the same place for a quarter of an hour, nothing happened, even Lin Mu himself doubted whether Yuantian Supreme was sitting here just to leave such a saying for future generations.

But in the end, Lin Mu still denied his idea. Lin Mu didn't believe that Yuantian Supreme would be so boring, and he must have missed something.

Lin Mu sat at the place where Yuantian Supreme had sat, adjusted his mind to be empty, not letting everything around him affect him in the slightest, and made himself completely ethereal.

Lin Mu slowly closed his eyes, letting his spiritual consciousness continue to deduce, deduce everything that Yuantian Supreme was possible in that year, and at the same time, combined with that sentence of Dao, he continued to simulate.

This is a bold attempt and deduction, the supreme power is simply unimaginable.It is an extremely dangerous thing for Lin Mu to deduce the supreme being in the realm of a mere celestial being.

It's okay to succeed, but if it fails, the backlash that Lin Mu will suffer will be unimaginable.It is possible to fall directly at that time.

Lin Mu didn't know the danger, Lin Mu just wanted to find out the reason why Yuantian Supreme was sitting here.

If Lin Mu knew the danger involved, Lin Mu would definitely not dare to try it.

Combined with Daoyin, Lin Shu's Sea of ​​Consciousness rotates at a high speed, constantly deduced forward, and wants to simulate the scene here to everything that year.

But just at the beginning, Lin Mu already realized what a stupid thing he had done.

My realm is not enough at all, and I vainly tried to deduce the Supreme, which caused my sea of ​​consciousness, just about to deduce it, but it has reached the limit of deduction, and the sea of ​​consciousness is almost about to burst.

"Oops!" Lin Mu also understood the danger at this time, but he couldn't stop anymore.


Just at the very moment, the soul-suppressing talisman began to glow, and the cyan light enveloped the entire sea of ​​consciousness of the forest.

Strange to say, after the light shrouded Lin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness, not only was Lin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness no longer in danger of collapsing, but even his deduction ability directly reached a limit.

The blue light of the soul-suppressing talisman seems frivolous, but it possesses infinite power.Lin Mu didn't hesitate anymore, and started to continue the deduction directly.Opportunities like this don't come along all the time.

With the help of such heaven-defying things as the soul-suppressing talisman, Lin Mu also seemed to see everything that happened several epochs ago.

Lin Mu seemed to have seen a thin figure walking in this barren area.This area looks a little familiar, this should be the predecessor of Yuantian Secret Realm.

Lin Mu's thoughts continued to deduce, and when Lin Mu saw the thin figure, he came to his place.Then the figure stopped, stretched out his finger, and tapped on an empty space, the world changed suddenly, and the avenue surrounded him.What kind of power and influence is this, just a little, it will change the day, Lin Shu can hardly imagine.

Then the thin figure uttered the Dao sound just now.


At this point in the deduction, Lin Mu's sea of ​​consciousness, even with the protection of the soul-suppressing talisman, has reached its limit.


After waking up from the deduction, Lin Mu was also sweating profusely, and even if there was such a heaven-defying thing as the soul-suppressing talisman, Lin Mu still felt severe pain from his sea of ​​consciousness.

If there is no Soul Suppression Talisman, Lin Mu believes that let alone him, even if the Immortal King, Immortal Monarch, and Immortal Emperor come to deduce all this, there is only one dead end.

Supreme is simply too powerful to imagine.

The power of the supreme also made Lin Mu more clearly realize the power of the soul-suppressing talisman.Before, Lin Mu only knew that the soul-suppressing talisman could devour other people's consciousness for his own use, but he never thought that it could have such a function.

The power of the soul-suppressing talisman was indeed beyond Lin Mu's imagination. In the future, Lin Mu also decided to spend time exploring the specific effects of this soul-suppressing talisman.

But the top priority is that Lin Mu is not exploring the secret of the soul-suppressing talisman.But everything in this secret realm in front of me.

Through deduction, Lin Mu already knew why Yuantian Supreme would stay here.

Because this is the root of the entire secret realm, and the core of the entire secret realm avenue, one can comprehend the morality here, but it is much stronger than that one Dao sound.

Lin Mu calmed down, and then according to his deduction, he stretched out his finger to point in the void.

The location of Lin Shu's point is generally the same as that of Yuantian Supreme.

With a single pointing, the whole secret realm suddenly vibrated, and then the Dao sound roared.In the void, one after another Dao kingdoms appeared.This is a kingdom born of the Tao, and the people in these countries fully believe in a Tao.This is the concrete embodiment of Taoism, and it is the embodiment of Taoism evolving to the extreme.

All the people in Dao Ze Kingdom recite the Dao sound by mouth, and the roar of these Dao sounds shakes people's minds.

This kind of vision made everyone dumbfounded. The people watching from the outside were all staring at this Dao country, watching the people in countless countries chanting the Dao voice.They were completely dumbfounded that this way could have such an evolution.


I don't know who was the first to realize that those people in the basin who had just comprehended the sound of Dao just shot at the trees. This is the real good fortune.This is the real way, and if you get this way, you can definitely enter the hall and enter the room, and you can definitely improve your cultivation to a higher level.

(End of this chapter)

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