Supreme Chef

Chapter 1136 Bold Ideas

Chapter 1136 Bold Ideas
Everyone shot at Lin Mu, and Lin Mu was not polite, and when he raised his hand, thunder fell.

Lei Dao Flame, this is Lin Shu's understanding of Lei Ting.

The thunder flames burned, surrounding the trees, and all attacks were blocked by the thunder flames.

Those golden immortals who attacked the forest were stunned when they saw such a thunder flame. With such an understanding of Lei Dao, I am afraid that even Lei Zong, who has the deepest understanding of thunder in the fairy world, is probably no more than that.

The attack was blocked by the thunder and flames, these golden immortals did not give up at all, and they had to fight for this kingdom.

This is the real good fortune. If they can comprehend it, it will definitely bring their cultivation to a higher level, and it is even possible to become a Da Luo Jinxian.

After all, Lin Mu was still alone. Although the thunder and flames were powerful, they only persisted for a moment before being broken by everyone's joint efforts.


Lin Mu just realized the most critical moment, how could he be disturbed by others.

Lin Mu threw out the medicine king cauldron, and said, "I will write down all the people who attacked me, and I will ask everyone to get them back later."

The threat of trees did not make anyone retreat, but instead attracted even more violent attacks.

Obviously, they not only want to deprive the forest of its good fortune, but also want to kill the forest and prevent the forest from retaliation.



All kinds of fairy lights bombarded, and the extremely powerful aura rippling, but all the attacks bombarded the Medicine King Cauldron, but failed to shake the Medicine King Cauldron in the slightest.

The defense of the Yaowangding Ding is almost invincible, even in the fairy world, it can withstand all kinds of attacks.

All kinds of fairy light erupted on the Yaowangding, and the Yaowangding was also humming when it was hit, and the violent explosion made the eardrums of everyone watching the battle tingle.

"What level of treasure is this? It can block so many people's joint attack!" The people watching the battle were also amazed when they saw the medicine king tripod standing still.

The medicine king cauldron looks like an ordinary medicine cauldron, but its defense power is really shocking.

Lin Mu carefully looked at this Dao Kingdom, trying to hear the voices of each of them.

But Lin Mu found that this Tao is too vast, and everyone speaks the Tao sound differently.And in this Dao Kingdom, there are at least hundreds of millions of people, and hundreds of millions of people are hundreds of millions of different Dao voices.

It takes a long time to comprehend a Dao sound. It is unimaginable in this world to fully comprehend the Dao sound of hundreds of millions of people.

Lin Mu was also frowning at this time, he could understand the words spoken by everyone, but he couldn't comprehend them completely.


Feeling the violent vibration of the Yaowang Ding, Lin Mu also gritted his teeth, and then sacrificed his own consciousness, ready to completely integrate this Dao Kingdom into his own consciousness.

Since he can't fully comprehend it, then Lin Mu will make this kingdom of Taoism his own, and let everyone recite the voice of Taoism to himself day and night.

This idea is equally bold, but for Lin Mu who possesses the soul-suppressing talisman, Lin Mu dares to try.Because of the deduction of the Supreme, the soul-suppressing talisman can help, and Lin Mu believes that the country will be brought together, and the soul-suppressing talisman will also be able to help.

Under the cover of the Medicine King Cauldron, Lin Mu also boldly sacrificed his own sea of ​​consciousness, ready to completely assimilate the Dao Kingdom. Of course, Lin Mu didn't do it in such a daze, and Lin Mu also caught the chaotic green lotus. The help of the world's number one spiritual root.

The chaotic green lotus grows in the chaos, and is naturally close to the Dao, and at the same time, it is also the most attractive to the Dao.

Sure enough, as soon as the aura of the chaotic green lotus came out, the Dao Ze Kingdom was also attracted, and approached the forest's sea of ​​consciousness on its own initiative.

Seeing that Lin Mu was really going to succeed, the outsiders attacked even more violently.

The fairy light burst out violently, and the basin here has almost turned into a sea of ​​light.Everyone here is unable to open their eyes, and no one dares to approach the center here.

Even if the peak of Jinxian is close to the core, he will probably be killed instantly.


Although the medicine king cauldron's defensive power was astonishing, but the medicine king cauldron was not fully awakened after all, and after such an attack, it was inevitable that there would be some aftermath that would affect the trees.

It was the aftermath of this little bit that caused Lin Mu's Immortal Physique to peak in the early stage, and he vomited blood.

"When I succeed, it will be the time of your death!" Lin Mu roared, and at the same time spewed out a mouthful of blood. Not enough, this was not because of being beaten, but because Lin Mu was ready to go all out. Burning completely refines and fuses the Dao Kingdom.

The essence and blood merged into the sea of ​​consciousness, and the sea of ​​consciousness burned directly, and at the same time, the aura of the chaotic green lotus was also surging, directly attracting the kingdom of Taoism.

In the kingdom of Dao, there is also a louder Dao voice.Dao sounds linger, and Dao is extremely powerful.

"Pay me!"

Lin Mu desperately burned a part of his sea of ​​consciousness to collect this kingdom of Taoism.

With such desperation, Lin Mu finally pulled the Dao Kingdom into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Being forcibly collected, the Dao Kingdom seems to be a little unwilling, struggling to break free.


The kingdom of Dao is already in the sea of ​​consciousness of the trees, so breaking away like this, it is naturally the sea of ​​consciousness of the trees to break free.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness was broken away by the Dao Kingdom, and the trees were also directly injured, and another big mouthful of blood spurted out, and the breath was instantly sluggish.

However, the soul-suppressing talisman did not disappoint Lin Mu, and Dao Zeguo wanted to break free and destroy the sea of ​​consciousness.Naturally, it is impossible for the soul-suppressing talisman to just watch the sea of ​​consciousness being broken like this, and the faint blue light also erupted again, and at the same time, it directly attracted the chaotic green lotus to the sea of ​​consciousness of the trees, making the chaotic green lotus freeze directly This way is the kingdom.

Lin Mu didn't expect such a change, but Chaos Qinglian moved into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, but it really played the role of the magic needle of calming the sea, and it really fixed this Dao Kingdom.

The Dao Kingdom is accompanied by the chaotic green lotus, and the roaring Dao sound echoes in the forest's sea of ​​consciousness. Listening to the Dao sound so clearly, the forest's sea of ​​consciousness also roars along with it.

The part that was burned just now was made up almost instantly, and the unreachable part of the tree's cultivation base also became transparent in an instant.


The aura of Lin Mu's whole body soared directly, and his cultivation was also direct. He broke through the late stage of Earth Immortal, reached the peak of Earth Immortal, and directly made up for the lost blood essence.


Daoist Guang was also a little surprised when he saw all these changes. Such changes are really astonishing.

"If I can turn the Three Thousand Ways into a Three Thousand Kingdoms and sacrifice all of them in my sea of ​​consciousness, will I be able to become a real Supreme!" Seeing this tiny Dao Rule Kingdom, Lin Mu's heart also popped up. Such a bold idea.

Daoist Guang was also shocked by Lin Mu's idea. The idea of ​​turning the Three Thousand Avenues into the Three Thousand Kingdoms is really amazing. Even in ancient times, no one had such an idea.

According to Taoist Guang's understanding, no matter how strong the ancient supreme being is, he may have only evolved a few avenues to the extreme. If all three thousand avenues have been transformed into a kingdom, does that mean that trees can completely replace the avenues and exercise everything on behalf of the avenues.

(End of this chapter)

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