Supreme Chef

Chapter 1144 1 Flower 1 World

Chapter 1144 One Flower One World
Lin Mu also took the lead by virtue of his immortal body training and speed rules, surpassing those building boats behind him.

Seeing such a scene, the people of the Eastern Emperor Sect gritted their teeth in hatred.


Lin Mu relied on his spiritual sense to dodge all the boulders that might hit him. Of course, when he had time, he would use these boulders to harass the people of the Eastern Emperor Sect.

The remaining twelve members of the Eastern Emperor Sect looked at the trees and were filled with anger, but there was nothing they could do.

Soon everyone saw the source of the medicinal fragrance outbreak, and Lin Mu also saw it.

It was a soft and huge grass rooted in the void.

It is said to be soft because the grass is really small and looks really fragile.But it is said to be huge because among the grass blades of this small grass, what is bred is the circulation of stars in the starry sky and the change of the universe.

It is said that a mature forming grass can evolve into a real star field, and a grass can evolve into a star field. This sounds a bit surprising, but it is true.

Everyone looked at the grass rooted in the void and held their breath.

It was the first time for everyone to see this real holy medicine, and everyone wanted to see it clearly.

The star grass swayed in the void, and every time it swayed, in addition to emitting a strong medicinal fragrance, there would also be some changes in the stars and the evolution of the universe.

This is the real way, this is the way that opened up the world.

No wonder some people would say that if you get the holy medicine, you can ascend to heaven in one step.This contains the principles of the first opening of the world. If you can't reach the sky in one step after getting it, it would be really shameful.

Lin Mu also stared at the Star Grass, Lin Mu also wanted to pry into the secrets, but the Star Grass was too mysterious, it was not manpower at all, and could pry into the secrets.

Perhaps only by the real companionship day and night, or the real swallowing, can it be possible to comprehend the great secret.


I don't know who was the first to take the shot, preparing to take down the star grass, and then a scuffle broke out here.

When the scuffle started, it went straight into the heat, and people would fall from time to time.

Facing such a melee, Lin Mu did not participate, but directly chose to leave the center of the battlefield.

After arriving here, Lin Mu's feeling of fetching water from a bamboo basket became more obvious.

The Star Grass is so miraculous, Yuantian Supreme would never throw it away like this.The reason why it appears here must have a deep meaning.However, Lin Mu didn't know what Supreme Being thought, but Lin Mu was sure that his feeling was correct.

Since in the end it is a bamboo basket to fetch water, why bother to participate in the competition.

"The star grass is indeed unobtainable. This should be the arrangement of Yuantian Supreme. However, you can collect as much as possible of the star soil. The star soil is all the remaining essence after the destruction of a star field. It is the infinite essence that nourishes the growth of the star grass. High treasure material. Although the nutrients have been absorbed, but it is the supreme treasure material for refining, each grain contains the power of stars, it is a priceless treasure material for refining." Taoist Guang said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu's eyes lit up after hearing Taoist Guang's words.

Why did I forget this? The star soil has long been recorded. The newly formed star soil is the supreme treasure medicine, and the star soil that has absorbed the nutrients is the supreme treasure material.

The value of a small handful is immeasurable, not to mention that there are three or four square meters here, and the value is even more inestimable.

Of course, it can't be blamed for Lin Mu's neglect. After all, there are holy medicines that are more precious than star soil, who would pay attention to these soils.

It just happened that no one noticed, which also facilitated the collection of trees.


Lin Mu went straight to grab the dirt, but just as he grabbed a handful, Lin Mu's hand shook, and then all the dirt fell to the ground again.

Lin Mu ignored that this star soil is the essence after the destruction of a star field. It can be said that the weight of each grain is against the sky, and some of the particles are even larger than mountains. A handful, this is almost equivalent to grabbing a planet.

Since you can't collect more than one at a time, you can only collect the trees one by one. Fortunately, no one pays attention to yourself now.

The fight above the head is very lively, and the forest trees below are also very happy to collect.

It has been a day and a night, and there is still no winner, but Lin Mu also wonders why the star grass is still there, and why it hasn't escaped far away. This is a bit unreasonable.

While collecting star soil, Lin Mu carefully observed the star grass, and finally Lin Mu discovered the reason why the star grass didn't leave.

It turns out that the star grass is continuously releasing the medicinal fragrance, and this medicinal fragrance is like a string of ropes, spreading continuously to the entire Yuantian secret realm, binding the entire Yuantian secret realm layer by layer.

"This is to leave with the entire Yuantian Secret Realm!" Lin Mu was also stunned when he discovered such a thing.

It's unbelievable that a small grass is going to take the whole secret place away, but the Star Grass is indeed doing this.

"Where is it going to take the secret realm!" Lin Mu was puzzled.

But no matter how Star Grass intends to bring Yuantian Secret Realm there, Lin Shu will not follow it.

After discovering these, Lin Mu also accelerated the collection of star soil.

Another half day passed, and Lin Shu had already collected a square meter of star soil.

If you take it outside, you can buy a few of them at a sky-high price.

And the people who were fighting above their heads in full swing seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and they all stopped to observe the stars and soil.

Finally, they also discovered the mystery. They were also shocked when they found out, and changed their strategy at the same time, changing to attack the star grass.

Let's attack the Star Grass together, obviously because we don't want the Star Grass to leave.

Those present are all masters, coupled with the attack power of Lou Chuan, such an attack gathered together, the power is so vast.

But even this ocean-like attack, all bombarding the star grass, did not shake the star grass.

The Star Grass just opened up the miniature star field conceived in the middle of its leaves, which contained all the attacks.

Don't look at the star field as small, but when this vast energy enters, it will disappear immediately.

One flower one world, one leaf one bodhi.

These two Buddhist mottos are vividly reflected on the star grass. This is the real one flower one world.


However, being attacked by everyone, Star Grass also started the process of leaving in advance.

After bursts of roaring, everyone felt that the space they were in began to shake violently, as if they were really about to stand up from the ground.


Lin Mu looked at the people above who seemed to be fine, and also cursed, these bastards seemed to be fine to attack the star grass, so that he couldn't collect the star soil happily.


I don't know who was the first to take the lead in escaping, and then everyone left quickly.

No one knows where the Star Grass is going. If they enter that mysterious area, they will never come back.

Moreover, such a large-scale migration will definitely cause spatial turbulence and spatial cracks. At that time, such dangers are not something they can bear.

Lin Mu had no choice but to run away, because Lin Mu had already felt the fluctuation of space by virtue of the rules of space, and the next step was the turbulent flow of space.

(End of this chapter)

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