Supreme Chef

Chapter 1145 Kill Dogs and Trade for Stars and Soil

Chapter 1145 Kill Dogs and Trade for Stars and Soil
Everyone was running away, and after everyone ran away, the place where the Star Grass was located also directly turned into a turbulent space.

The frantic escape began, but no one was as fast as Lin Shu.

Lin Mu was the first person to rush out of the Yuan magnetic storm, but Lin Mu was not in a hurry to leave the big star.

There are two big Luo Jinxians and a Xuanxian guarding outside, leaving now is a dead end.

Moreover, it will take a certain amount of time for the space turbulence to spread, and the time is still within time.

After Lin Shu rushed out, building boats rushed out one after another, and the last ones who rushed out were the immortals of the Eastern Emperor Sect who had lost their building boats.

"It's a waste of time to fetch water from the bamboo basket!"

Everyone looked at the Yuan magnetic storm that had begun to fluctuate, and they were also emotional.

They spent so much effort and used so much manpower and material resources, but in the end they got nothing.

"It's not that everyone fetches water from a bamboo basket, at least I've seen some people get a lot of star soil!" The golden fairy peak of the Eastern Emperor Emperor Sect said, looking at the trees.

"What star soil!"

"How could we forget this!"

"If you don't get the star grass, if you can get even a grain of star soil, it will be a great fortune!"

Hearing the words of the Golden Immortal of the Eastern Emperor Sect at this time, many people thought of it and regretted it.

"Brother Guo, who is so lucky to get the Star Soil? Is it someone from your Eastern Emperor Sect?" This person obviously did it on purpose. Will you say it with great fanfare?

"This person is far away in the sky and right in front of us. He is the Earth Immortal who is known as the scavenger of the Celestial Immortal List." The surname Guo sneered, also pointing the finger at Lin Mu.

"My fairy friend, did you really get the star soil?" Jin Xian, who was asking the question just now, also turned to Lin Mu and asked.

The Golden Immortal peak of the Eastern Emperor Sect looked at Lin Mu and sneered for a while, aren't you crazy?Now that I have successfully brought hatred for you, how crazy are you?
Lin Mu was also generous, and said directly: "I did get some star soil, and I am willing to sell some of it. If you are interested, you can bid for it!"

Hearing that Lin Mu was willing to sell, the Golden Immortal was also ecstatic, and immediately said: "I am willing to pay one hundred thousand high-grade immortal stones to buy a grain of star soil!"

"I'll pay 20 million!"

"I'll pay 30 million!"

When Lin Mu heard such an offer, his expression sank. This is not buying star soil, it is completely ready to grab it.

How could the value of star soil be 20 or [-], not to mention tens of millions, but a million would definitely not be bad.

The Golden Immortal Peak of the Eastern Emperor Sect looked at Lin Mu and sneered. He also wanted to see how Lin Mu ended up. He had already said about the sale. If he didn’t sell it now, the people present would definitely give Lin Mu alive torn.

Lin Mu glanced at the peak of the Golden Immortal, and cupped his hands, saying: "Everyone, I don't think I need to tell you about the value of the Star Soil..."

Before Lin Mu could finish speaking, the first person to ask for the price, his face darkened, said, "Why do you want to go back on your word and don't want to sell?"

Lin Mu didn't have a good temper at first, but now he was choked by this golden fairy, Lin Mu also snorted coldly: "That ear of yours heard me say that I won't sell it?"

"court death!"

The golden fairy was choked by the trees, and he shot directly, about to destroy the trees.


Lin Mu snorted coldly, and then made a similarly strong move.


The celestial bodies of the two clashed in mid-air, and Lin Shu was also directly sent flying.

Physical trees are stronger than Jinxian, but in terms of immortality, trees are much weaker than Jinxian.

So Lin Mu also suffered a small loss in this counter attack, but Lin Mu was not injured due to his strong physical body.

Seeing that his palm didn't hurt Lin Shu, the golden fairy couldn't help but frown.

"The little guy is not bad, he was able to take my blow. No wonder he is called the Scavenger of the Celestial Immortal List, but the Earth Immortal is the Earth Immortal, and in the end he still exists like an ant!"

After finishing talking about the Earth Immortal, he made another move, preparing to capture Lin Shu alive.

Lin Mu directly activated the speed rule to escape, and then looked at the Jinxian who made the shot, and said coldly, "I decided not to sell you the star soil."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu said loudly: "Everyone here is fine, I will take out thirteen fist-sized star soil, as long as everyone present, who can kill that dog and the twelve dogs over there?" Now, who owns these thirteen stars!"

Hearing Lin Mu calling himself a dog, the Jin Xian who made the move just now, and the twelve immortals from the Eastern Emperor Sect all turned pale.

But when they felt the unkind eyes from both sides, the expressions of the 13 people all changed.

"Everyone, don't believe what this little bastard says. Wouldn't it be better for us to take him down together and share the stars and land together!" Seeing this, the Jinxian who made the move quickly said loudly.

"That's right!" The Golden Immortal peak of the Eastern Emperor Sect also agreed loudly, and then directly shot to grab the forest.

"Just because you dogs still want to catch me, it's a beautiful idea." After finishing speaking, Lin Mu directly activated the speed rule, and immediately pulled a thousand feet away from everyone.

"What I said is always valid, as long as someone can kill one of the thirteen dogs, they can come to me in exchange for a piece of star soil!" Lin Mu said loudly.


Hearing Lin Mu's words, the Golden Immortal Peak of the Eastern Emperor Sect and the Golden Immortal Peak who had just shot at the same time attacked Lin Mu, wanting to capture Lin Mu alive.

This matter must not be delayed, the longer it is delayed, the more hostile the people around will be towards them, so it is necessary to seize the trees as soon as possible.

However, although Lin Mu may not be the opponent of the two of them, it is delusional for the two of them to catch Lin Mu.

Lin Mu ran away from Huan in front, and the people behind also chased Huan.

After chasing and fleeing, it was a day in the blink of an eye.

As time passed, the twelve immortals of the Eastern Emperor Sect and the golden immortal who made the move felt that the atmosphere was getting worse.

Although they are from the Emperor Sect of the Upper Three Heavens, none of the people present are from the Upper Three Heavens, and the East Emperor is not the only one from the Emperor Sect.

If these people kill themselves, they are killed. There is no need for any explanation at all. Everyone is a person with a background. If you kill a disciple, it will not cause any chaos at all.

"Ah! How dare you kill me!"

Finally, in the evening of the next day, a celestial immortal from the Eastern Emperor Sect was targeted by a celestial immortal disciple who also came from the Emperor Sect.

"You are belittling my junior sister, I can't kill you yet, a scum like you deserves to die!" After finishing speaking, this immortal at the peak of heaven didn't even give the other party a chance to speak, and cut him off with a single blow.

What kind of frivolous junior sister, this is completely a hands-on interface, and now everyone is dead, there is no proof of death.

Lin Mu naturally saw everything in front, and took out a piece of star soil according to the agreement, and then threw it over directly, and said loudly: "Well done, I will send a piece of star soil as promised!"

The Celestial Immortal, who killed the man just now, got the Star Soil, and was immediately overjoyed.

With such a precedent, the others looked at the remaining twelve people, their eyes were even more fiery.

Outside the planet, the Xuanxian of the Eastern Emperor Sect was almost mad, looking at the other Xuanxian who also came from the Upper Heavenly Emperor Sect, who had beheaded his disciple just now, and said coldly, "Aotian, you Tianyan! What does valley mean?"

Aotian said with a blank face: "I, Tianyan Valley, have no interest, but you are a disciple of the Eastern Emperor Sect, and my behavior is too indiscreet."


The Xuanxian on the side of the East Emperor Sect had an angry face, but he couldn't do it directly. Everyone's cultivation level was about the same, and now it was clear that many people were eyeing his East Emperor Sect, and he must be the one who suffered the disadvantage.

"Let everyone come back!" In the end, Xuanxian could only grit his teeth and gave the order to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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