Supreme Chef

Chapter 1146 Against Xuan Xian

Chapter 1146 Against Xuan Xian
Let everyone come back, which already represents the surrender of the Eastern Emperor Emperor Sect.At the same time, he also said that the Xuanxian this time is completely unable to explain.But compared to being unable to explain, it's better than being completely dead.


He had just issued an order, and before the two Da Luo Jinxians could transmit their voices, another scream came from below.

A celestial being of the Eastern Emperor Sect was once again beheaded for no reason.

Seeing this, the Xuanxian also changed his face, and then stared at the other Xuanxian, but that Xuanxian didn't change his face, and was not moved at all.Everyone is from Shang San San, and they are all from Emperor Zong, who is afraid of whom.

In the end, only nine of the remaining twelve immortals of the Eastern Emperor Sect withdrew.

He brought thirty people, but nine went back, losing 21 people. Such a expedition record, I am afraid that it has already broken the expedition history of the Eastern Emperor Sect.

The two Da Luo Jinxians and one Xuanxian were all pale at this moment.Although the entire army was not wiped out, it was almost the same. It is no wonder that the three of them were not punished when they returned to the sect.

"You two take people out of here, and I will stay and deal with the scavenger of the Celestial Immortal List!" Xuanxian ordered coldly.


The two big Luo Jinxians responded, and immediately led the people away, leaving only the Xuanxian.

All of this was caused by Lin Shu. If Lin Shu was not killed, the depression in this Xuanxian's chest would really be irreversible.

With the 12 members of the Eastern Emperor Sect missing, everyone is now focusing on the remaining Golden Immortal Peak.

Seeing this, Peak Jinxian also fled in a hurry, not daring to stay at all.

However, although he ran fast, he was still a step too slow, and half of his body was directly blown off.


After a scream, instead of slowing down his speed, it accelerated.

It's okay to lose half of your body, but if you lose your life, it will be a big deal.

In the end, the people on the planet still failed to keep this peak Jinxian, and they were still run away by him.

There were no more targets to be hunted down, but everyone's enthusiasm for Xingchentu did not diminish in the slightest.

However, because of the lessons learned from the past, everyone was worried about becoming the target of hunting, so the purchase price offered was reasonable.

Lin Mu sold twenty grains of star soil in one go, and harvested more than 1000 million high-grade immortal stones.Lin Mu finally felt that he was richer now, so he didn't have to worry about it anymore.

The space turbulence has finally spread to the entire planet, but it continues to spread outwards. People who bought or didn't buy Star Soil all chose to leave.

Lin Mu didn't leave in a hurry, there was still a Xuanxian outside who was eyeing him.The spatial turbulence of this scale will not hurt Xuanxian, so he hasn't left yet, he is waiting for Lin Shu to come out.

Lin Mu's current body is no worse than Xuan Xian's, so Lin Mu also patiently hides in the planet.

One day and one night passed, and the turbulence in the space was already very terrifying. From time to time, space blades would fly by, and even the Xuanxian outside had to be careful.

Seeing that Lin Shu could persist for such a long time, the Xuanxian outside was also surprised.

"Hand over your body training technique, and I will let you go!" finally the Xuanxian said.

Lin Mu was able to persist for such a long time in the realm of the earth fairy, obviously because Lin Mu's body training method was against the sky.

"I'll give your grandma a leg, come in and kill me if you have the ability!" Lin Mu was also rude directly.

Lin Mu is the center of spatial turbulence here, and the pressure he bears is much greater than that of Xuanxian outside, so it is no wonder that Lin Mu is in a bad mood.

Xuanxian outside was not angry at all when he heard Lin Mu swearing. He looked at Lin Mu with a sneer and said, "It depends on how long you can hold on, or how long I can hold on. As long as you come out, I will kill you."

Lin Mu is also extremely depressed at this time, this Xuanxian is really patient.

Another day and night passed, and the scale of spatial turbulence has almost covered the entire secret realm, and the secret realm may rise up and disappear at any time.

And the location where Lin Shu and Xuanxian are located is already dangerous and cannot be more dangerous.

Thousands of feet long space crack, like a demon that wants to choose and devour people, it is shocking to look at.

Seeing that Lin Shu was still able to persevere, the fire in Xuanxian's eyes became even more intense.He had to obtain such a powerful body training technique.

The pressure that Lin Mu was under at this time was almost twice that of the Xuanxian outside. Even with the level of Lin Muxian's divine body in the early stage, he felt that his whole body was being torn apart, and there was some tearing pain.

Finally, after another half day passed, Lin Shu finally couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed directly to the outside of the planet.


Seeing Lin Mu finally couldn't help rushing out, Xuanxian's eyes lit up, and he was ready to attack at any time.


Just as Lin Shu rushed out of the formation on the surface of the planet, he felt a surge of mana like a vast ocean, completely burying himself.

Although Lin Mu had tried his best to overestimate the Xuanxian on the opposite side, Lin Mu found that he still underestimated the strength of Xuanxian.

Facing this ocean-like immortal essence, Lin Mu had no ability to resist at all.

Before, Lin Mu thought that with many means, he could fight against Xuanxian a few tricks, but now it seems that he has overestimated himself.


But even if it is overestimated, Lin Mu can't just catch him without a fight.

Lin Mu directly opened his own domain, and then the killing pattern swept across directly, breaking a passage for himself.

Seeing Lin Shu's tricks, the Xuanxian's eyes suddenly lit up, and there really was a secret in the scavenger of the Celestial Immortal List.

And he felt that his chance had come. Although Immortal Emperor Ziyu temporarily gave up hunting for Lin Shu, he had been here for such a long time, and he hadn't seen anyone protecting Lin Shu. Obviously, this was an opportunity given to him by heaven.

At that time, I only need to catch Lin Mu, force him to find out all the secrets of Lin Mu, and then hand over Lin Mu to Immortal Emperor Ziyu.

At that time, not only his status will be greatly improved, but with the secrets of Lin Mu, his cultivation base will also be greatly improved.

Thinking of this, his heart became even hotter.


Xuanxian opened up his own domain, but also wanted to imprison the trees in his own domain.



The domains of the two collided with each other, making an ear-piercing friction sound.

But this time it was not someone else's domain that was broken, but the domain of trees.Compared with Xuanxian's domain, the trees are still a little worse.



The field was almost crushed, and the trees were coughing up blood.


Xuanxian passed through the edge of the broken domain, and also directly slapped it with a palm, and the immortal essence like a sea immediately bombarded Lin Mu's body.



There was a sound of bones breaking, and almost [-]% of Lin Shu's bones and tendons were broken.

This is the gap, the gap between Xuan Xian and Earth Immortal, if it wasn't for Lin Shu's fairy body, maybe Lin Shu would have returned to the west this time.

"it is good!"

Seeing that he failed to kill Lin Mu with one move, the Xuan Immortal was not surprised, the more miraculous Lin Mu behaved, the more benefits he would get when he caught Lin Mu.

"Fuck you!" Lin Mu spat out two mouthfuls of blood, looked at the expanding crack in the space not far away, and said, "Even if I die, I won't take advantage of you bastard!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu rushed into the space crack with his seriously injured body.

(End of this chapter)

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