Supreme Chef

Chapter 1154 The scriptures left by Lao Tzu

Chapter 1154 The scriptures left by Lao Tzu

Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw Lin Mu take out a bunch of five-level grass jelly.

Five-level fairy grass is very rare in the second heaven.For Tianxian, the fifth-level fairy grass not only means a breakthrough in cultivation, but also means a small life.

"Aren't you going to leave after you get it?" Lin Mu took out a green grass and said.

Brother Lu looked at Lin Mu greedily, but finally said: "Let's go!"

"Brother Lu looks like he's very rich, so we just let him go?" A fairy said beside Brother Lu.

Brother Lu's eyes flickered, and he said: "Of course we can't just let him go, but he has already handed over the Qingkongcao, so it would be unreasonable for us to do it again. Now the three major forces in Tianlinbao are very dissatisfied with me and the master , If we make a move like this, the three families will find an excuse to attack us, and when the three families unite, it will be difficult for us."

"Then what should we do? There are so many five-level fairy grasses, it's eye-catching."

Brother Lu's eyes sparkled, and he said in a cold voice: "Of course we won't just let them go like this. They won't stay in Tianlinbao all the time. As long as they leave Tianlinbao, our chance will come."

"Brother Lu is still wise." Tian Xian was also flattering at the side.

Brother Lu's master walked behind, his eyes constantly changing, and he didn't know what to think about.

When everyone was far away, Yuan Xiu also closed the door immediately, and then complained to Lin Mu: "Brother Lin, you are too careless. Although this Tianlin Castle is not a city, it still has masters. Except for Lu Tianming and His master, Tian Linbao also has three major forces.

These three major forces are also governed by Jinxian.If you expose your wealth like this, others will definitely covet it, and we will be in even more trouble at that time. "

Lin Mu didn't explain either, and raised his hand to place another restriction on top of Yuan Xiu's restriction.

Then Lin Mu opened his mouth and said, "Brother Yuan, I will show you something, and you will know why I did this."

Yuan Xiu really didn't understand what Lin Mu did, and with doubts, he followed Lin Mu into the room behind him.

After entering the room, Lin Mu directly slapped the empty space with his palm.

"Brother Lin, this is..."

Before Yuan Xiu could open his mouth to ask, he saw the empty space in his room change for a while, and then a scripture appeared in mid-air.

"The way can be said, but it is not the eternal way!"

This is the beginning of the Tao Te Ching. Lin Shu has seen it many times on the earth, and he has benefited a lot from it.

Of course, this article hidden in the mid-air is somewhat different from the one on earth. Obviously this is Lao Tzu's new understanding of Tao Te Ching in the later period.


Yuan Xiu looked at the scriptures hidden in mid-air and was also dumbfounded.

With Yuan Xiu's in-depth study, the dignified look on his face also deepened.

Because Yuan Xiu discovered that this scripture is simply the supreme scripture of Taoism.Although the text inside is plain, every word is in harmony with the way of heaven, and it is absolutely the supreme scripture.

Lin Mu also read each word carefully.

At the same time, Lin Mu also lamented Lao Tzu's splendor, and this newly improved Tao Te Ching is obviously more in line with the way of heaven.

Although this is still not perfect, it is of great value, and since Laozi can perfect it for the first time, it is obvious that he can perfect it for the second and third time.

After Yuan Xiu studied it, he also let out a deep breath.

From his point of view, this scripture, even in the eyes of Jinxian, even in the eyes of Daluo Jinxian, is of great use.

"That Li Er is really amazing and talented. I really don't know when he wrote it down." Yuan Xiu also felt emotional in his heart.

But Yuan Xiu was still puzzled, what did this piece of scripture have to do with Lin Mu exposing that he had a fifth-level elixir?
Seeing Yuan Xiu's puzzled gaze, Lin Mu also explained: "I can discover the secret here, and I think the master surnamed Lu can also discover it. His cultivation of spiritual consciousness is no worse than mine. Do you think if he knows After learning the secret here, will you leave happily like this?"

Yuan Xiu is not stupid, Lin Mu understood Yuan Xiu as soon as he said it.

If the master surnamed Lu discovers the secret here, he will definitely fight for the secret here first.After all, immortal medicine can still be found, but such priceless scriptures are not easy to come by.

When Lin Mu took out the fairy medicine, he successfully diverted everyone's attention, letting everyone focus on the fairy medicine first, and not to check the secrets in this room for the time being.

Only in this way can the secrets in the room be preserved.

But now that the elixir has been exposed, the one surnamed Lu will not let him and Lin Mu go.

Lin Mu looked at Yuan Xiu who was hesitant to speak, and said, "Brother Yuan, don't worry, as long as we are in the room, they will not dare to find fault with you. Didn't you say that there are three major forces in the castle? If I were the three major forces , as long as someone surnamed Lu is caught by me, I will hit him mercilessly. So we are absolutely safe here."

Yuan Xiu nodded after hearing Lin Mu's analysis.

Lin Mu looked at Yuan Xiu and said, "Brother Yuan, don't waste time. The scriptures are here. Why don't we comprehend these scriptures first. If Brother Yuan can pass these scriptures and successfully break through, then we will Don't be afraid of them any more."

"Yes!" Yuan Xiu heard Lin Mu's words and realized that in the end, his cultivation was too low.

If I can really pass this scripture, break through my cultivation base of the peak of the celestial immortal, and successfully enter the golden immortal, I will be a golden immortal, plus Lin Mu, a heaven-defying immortal who can kill the peak of the golden immortal, the surname is Lu What else is there to be afraid of with his master.

As soon as Yuan Xiu thought of this, he immediately sat cross-legged to comprehend.

Lin Mu saw Yuan Xiu sitting on the ground to comprehend enlightenment, and he was also sitting on the ground, and began to carefully read the scripture left by Lao Tzu.

Laozi is the founder of Taoism, and the "Tao Te Ching" left behind is definitely the sacred scripture of Taoism.

And even from Lin Mu's current perspective, he can benefit a lot from it.


Lin Mu, who was studying, suddenly felt the chaotic green lotus in his sea of ​​consciousness tremble, and the people in the country who had collected the Tao began to recite the changed "Tao Te Ching" at the same time.

Following the high-pitched recitation of scriptures, Lin Mu was also blessed to his soul, and then he closed his eyes and tried his best to comprehend.

Following the Dao sound, Lin Mu also felt that his cultivation base began to loosen continuously.

Because Lin Mu has rebuilt his cultivation, the bottleneck of promotion has become extremely strong. Lin Mu has also tried several times, but all of them ended in failure.

But this time, the scriptures left by Lao Tzu really made Lin Mufu feel a breakthrough in his heart.

Lin Mu and Yuan Xiu sat for half a month, their bodies were covered with dust, but they didn't intend to move.

Another half month passed, and Yuan Xiu opened his eyes first.Yuan Xiu's eyes suddenly brightened, and his excitement was beyond words.

It has been almost a thousand years since Yuan Xiu reached the peak of the Celestial Immortal, but he has never found the opportunity to break through. Now he finally got his wish and felt the possibility of breakthrough.

But when Yuan Xiu looked at Lin Mu, his eyes were full of shock.

(End of this chapter)

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