Supreme Chef

Chapter 1155 Breakthrough

Chapter 1155 Breakthrough
The reason why Yuan Xiu was shocked was because Yuan Xiu saw that Lin Mu's whole body was surrounded by Dao voices.

This sound is like a cassock, covering Lin Shu's body, a vague kingdom of Dao appears behind Lin Shu, and everyone in the kingdom is chanting the "Tao Te Ching".

At the same time, a faint green lotus also appeared on the seat of the tree, supporting the tree.

If such a scene is seen by outsiders, it will be absolutely shocking.Yuan Xiu had never seen too powerful a fairy cultivating, but he knew that even Jinxian, Daluo Jinxian, or even Xuanxian would not have such a miracle when they practiced.

Even Yuan Xiu suspected that even the Immortal King and Immortal Monarch would not cause such a commotion.As for the Immortal Emperor and Immortal Emperor, that was something Yuan Xiu couldn't speculate or imagine.

Yuan Xiu watched like this, until half a month later, all the scriptures on Lin Mu's body were restrained, and all the wonders disappeared.

Yuan Xiu felt that Lin Mu had become more miraculous, but he couldn't tell where it was.

Lin Mu opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of Dao Yun.

Guanghua was introverted, Lin Mu looked at Yuan Xiu next to him, and said, "Brother Yuan, let's find a place and go through the tribulation together."

Yuan Xiu nodded dully, and then followed Lin Mu to leave the room, ready to find the place to cross the catastrophe.

Just as Lin Mu and Yuan Xiu left the room, Big Brother Lu and his master had already received the news.

"I've been a coward for almost two months, and finally I can't take it anymore. Now I'll kill you and see what else you can do." Brother Lu's eyes flickered with killing light.

After finishing speaking, Big Brother Lu also turned his head, cupped his hands to the master beside him and said, "Please also ask the master to sweep the formation for the disciple."

The old man Yin Yi nodded and said, "Okay."

Brother Lu and his party also left Tian Linbao very quickly. Lin Mu didn't deliberately hide his whereabouts at all. If someone wanted to die, Lin Mu would definitely not stop him.

"Brother Yuan's place is the most suitable place to cross the tribulation. Go through the tribulation first and I will protect the law for you." Lin Mu and Yuan Xiu came to an open and uninhabited place, Lin Mu also said.

"it is good!"

Yuan Xiu didn't have Lin Mu's god-defying consciousness, so he didn't notice Brother Lu and the others who were following behind. Lin Mu said that this place is suitable for crossing the robbery, so he naturally wouldn't have any objections.

At this time, in Yuan Xiu's eyes, Lin Mu was completely like the demeanor of a senior expert. To Yuan Xiu, Lin Mu's words were almost equivalent to an imperial decree.

Naturally, Lin Mu also discovered Yuan Xiu's changes, and Lin Mu was helpless about it, but the fairyland is inherently hierarchical, and some things cannot be changed overnight.

Lin Mu took out some of the fairy stones he had obtained in Tianhai City, and set up a spirit-gathering formation, which also made Yuan Xiu prepare for the tribulation.

Yuan Xiu also didn't hesitate, and directly operated his kung fu with all his strength to sense the catastrophe.

Yuan Xiu's aptitude is actually not bad. The reason why he hasn't crossed that step in more than 1000 years is mainly due to his poor skills.

If it is not for the "Tao Te Ching" left by Lao Tzu as the core, I am afraid that it is still impossible to break through.

Lin Mu looked at Yuan Xiu, and thought of finding a more advanced exercise for Yuan Xiu.Of course, the premise is that Yuan Xiu can really be trusted.


Soon Yuan Xiu's Heavenly Tribulation also came down, and the fairyland was just like the realm of a cultivator.Every time you cross a large level, there will be a catastrophe.

However, there is also a difference, that is, there is no catastrophe from the Sanxian to the Earth Immortal. This may be the mercy of God, who did not allow the Sanxian to bear the boundless power of heaven just after becoming a fairy.

This is also the reason why Lin Shu directly entered the Earth Immortal, but was not baptized by the Heavenly Thunder.

From a heavenly immortal to a golden immortal, one has to endure twenty-nine heavenly calamities.

A round of nine thunderbolts fell, and Yuan Xiu reluctantly endured it.

"Brother Yuan, you can use this!"

Lin Mu also saw that Yuan Xiu's immortal essence was a bit weak, and if it was difficult to resist the next round of nine thunders, he also threw the round jade shield he got from the Lord of Tianhai City to Yuan Xiu.

Yuan Xiu was not polite to Lin Mu either, holding the jade shield in his hand, he was also preparing to resist the catastrophe.

The reason why Yuan Xiu was not polite was that in Yuan Xiu's eyes, Lin Mu was already on the same level as a master and a master. The master helped the apprentice, and the master helped the servant. Is there any need to be polite?

"You are really rich, and you can throw out any defensive fairy treasures, all of which are mid-level four. It seems that we did not make a mistake this time." Brother Lu and the others showed their figures, and looked at Lin Mu with a sneer. Said to Yuan Xiu.

When Yuan Xiu saw someone following him, he was shocked and almost lost his mind.


Lin Mu also roared loudly, waking Yuan Xiu up.

"Brother Yuan, just go through the calamity with peace of mind, these stinky fish and rotten shrimps can't stand me!" Lin Mu also said loudly.

Awakened by Lin Mu's drink, Yuan Xiu also focused on dealing with his own catastrophe with all his strength.

Brother Lu looked at Lin Mu and said, "You are really conceited. If you want to deal with us all by yourself, then I will send you on the road first, and then send Yuan Xiu on the road."

After Big Brother Lu finished speaking, he directly attacked Lin Mu.

Seeing Brother Lu make a move, Lin Mu was even more puzzled, but Lin Mu still went to pick it up, because he also wanted to see how good Brother Lu was.


The two of them faced each other with palms together, Lin Mu's immortal energy surged, his body just swayed, while Brother Lu flew upside down.

This confuses Lin Mu even more. The other party is clearly a golden immortal. If you have more immortal energy, it is equivalent to the peak of the heavenly immortal. There is still a gap with the golden immortal. A palm was blown away by himself.

Brother Lu was blown away by Lin Mu's palm, and he was also shocked.I am a Golden Immortal, but the other party is only an Earth Immortal, even at the peak of an Earth Immortal, it is only an Earth Immortal, how could I blow myself away with a single palm.


Brother Lu didn't believe this fact, and made another move to suppress Lin Mu.

Facing Big Brother Lu's strike, Lin Mu also responded in the same way, and threw out the same palm.


The results were generally the same, Brother Lu was sent flying again, while Lin Mu's body was only shaking.

Lin Mu's thoughts changed sharply, and he quickly figured out the reason behind it.

Thinking through all this, Lin Mu also looked at Big Brother Lu pitifully, and said: "It's really sad, it's about to become someone else's cauldron, and it's still showing off its power here, and I don't know that the time of death is near."

The shadowy old man's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Lin Mu's words, and then he made a bold move.

Lin Mu looked at the old man who made the shot, and sneered, "What? I broke it, and I became angry from embarrassment."

The old man Yin Yin made strange noises from his mouth, and said to the people behind him, "Everyone go up together and capture him."

Brother Lu heard his master's order before he could digest Lin Mu's words, and immediately stepped forward, not daring to neglect.

Seeing everyone rushing towards him, Lin Mu sneered, and said, "It's just in time, so I'll catch them one by one."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu also directly activated the kung fu, making the kung fu run to the limit.

And with the operation of the forest technique, the robbery cloud in the sky is also formed instantly.

"Madman! He wants to take us through the tribulation together!" The timid Tianxian also screamed in fright when he saw Lin Mu's crazy scene.

(End of this chapter)

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