Supreme Chef

Chapter 1157 The Hot Pill Pavilion

Chapter 1157 The Hot Pill Pavilion (1)

Lin Mu looked at the shadowy old man who had gone and returned, and said calmly: "You still dare to come back, are you here to seek death?"

The old man "quack" laughed twice, looked at Luo Tian and said, "Do you really think that you can compete with the golden fairy by killing a good-for-nothing golden fairy?"

Yuan Xiu looked at the shadowy old man with weird eyes. He really didn't know who gave him such confidence to say such things to Lin Mu.

If he had known that Lin Mu had killed the Golden Immortal when he was at the peak of the Earth Immortal, I am afraid he would not have said these words.

Lin Mu looked at him calmly, and said, "So, you have the confidence to keep us?"

The old man Yin Ya stroked his beard and said, "It's not because I have confidence, but to keep you, it's just a matter of raising my hand."

As soon as the old man's voice fell, he shot directly.

The surging immortal essence surged, and the immortal essence's big hand turned into reality. At the same time, the old man also sacrificed his still embryonic domain, preparing to suppress Lin Mu and Yuan Xiu with one move.


Yuan Xiu stared at the rudimentary domain offered by the old man, and was also filled with envy.

Yuan Xiu is already a Golden Immortal, but he has not been able to evolve his domain.If you can't evolve in the golden immortal stage, you can only wait until the time of Xuanxian. If Xuanxian can still evolve, then the probability of owning your own domain in this life will be extremely small.

The old man Yin Yin was able to evolve his own domain in Jinxian, which shows that his talent is also extraordinary, and his fortune is also considered excellent.

Being able to have his own domain in Jinxian will definitely make the old man Yin Yin proud.After all, even in the middle and upper three days, not everyone can have their own domain in the Golden Immortal period.

But before the old man could wait for his complacency, he heard his domain 'click' and 'click'.

The old man opened his eyes and saw that the trees had also opened up his domain.Moreover, the domain of forest trees, both in terms of area and quality, is dozens of times larger than itself.

Lin Mu rebuilt his own cultivation base, and of course he also rebuilt his own domain. The domain after the reconstruction, both in terms of quality and area, was stronger than before. In it, the domain is naturally even stronger.

His domain was ruthlessly crushed by Lin Mu, far less surprised than he was when he found out that Lin Mu, a fairy, had his own domain.

Yuan Xiu was also shocked when he was enveloped by the forest.The Celestial Immortal has already evolved his own domain in the middle stage, such a monstrosity, I am afraid that only the legendary ruthless man, or the legendary Supreme can compare.

Yuan Xiu was dumbfounded, while the old man Yin Yi was terrified.

He didn't know what kind of evildoer he had offended, but he knew that this evildoer was absolutely capable of taking his own life.


The domain of forest trees crushed his domain, and the last point was crushed.

At the same time as crushing the opponent's domain, Lin Mu also directly blasted out the Wushen Fist. Since he would kill him if he did it, how could he leave any room for him.

"Friends, we..."

Seeing Lin Mu making a move, the old man begged for mercy, but it was too late.

Lin Mu has already punched, so there is absolutely no reason to stop.


The billowing fist light slammed down, and in an instant, the shadowy old man was torn to pieces.

Lin Shu was much stronger than when he was at the peak of the Earth Immortal.And this time, he directly used the advantages of his own domain to come up. If he couldn't be killed easily, then Lin Shu could really die.

Lin Mu took the storage ring of the shadowy old man, rummaged inside for a while, and sure enough, he found the kung fu practiced by the old man.

The kung fu practiced by the old man is called Tun Tian Kung Fu.

After Lin Mu finished watching the Heaven Swallowing Kung Fu, he also found that it was definitely a very superior kung fu method, and the real way of cultivation was not to use people to make cauldron furnaces like the old man did, but this shadowy old man walked on it himself in order to seek quickness. crooked.

After watching the exercises, Lin Mu checked the old man's ring again.

This shadowy old man is also extremely rich. The top-grade fairy stones are worth 500 million yuan, and the fourth-grade fairy grass has dozens of plants. There are also some materials for refining tools.

This shadowy old man is richer than the genius disciple Lin Mu had dealt with for three days before.

After sorting out his trophies, Lin Mu stuffed all the rings of everyone except the old man to Yuan Xiu.

"Brother Lin, you absolutely can't do this. You killed these people. I didn't contribute at all. I can't take your things." Seeing the dozens of rings in his hand, Yuan Xiu quickly declined.

Lin Mu said with a smile: "The old man's ring alone is already worth everyone's. And brother Yuan, you just broke through, and it's time to strengthen it. You can use the resources in it."

Seeing that Yuan Xiu was still embarrassed, Lin Mu also said with a straight face: "Brother Yuan is like this, why don't you treat Lin Mu as a brother?"

When Yuan Xiu heard this, he also hurriedly said: "How can I not treat you as a brother, Brother Lin, you saved my life."

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Since you regard me as a brother, then don't refuse my kindness again, not to mention that I also need your help, brother Yuan?"

When Yuan Xiu heard that Lin Mu needed help, he quickly said, "Brother Lin, you can tell me anything, as long as I, Yuan Xiu, can do it, I, Yuan Xiu, will definitely do my best."

Lin Mu nodded and said: "I want to start alchemy in Tianlinbao to consolidate my alchemy cultivation so that I can participate in the second heavenly alchemy event in four months, so I need Brother Yuan to help me make arrangements. At that time, I will be in charge of alchemy, and you, Brother Yuan, will be in charge of the transaction. We will split the elixirs and rewards we get at that time."

When Yuan Xiu heard this, he didn't want to help himself, it was clearly to benefit himself.

Yuan Xiu immediately shook his head and said, "Brother Lin will help you get things done, I am obliged to do so, so don't mention the matter of splitting the accounts."

Seeing Yuan Xiu's refusal, Lin Mu nodded inwardly, thinking that Yuan Xiu was available.

Although I have saved Yuan Xiu's life, if I were an ordinary immortal, if I felt that I would not have any intersection with myself in the future, I would definitely not refuse to share the three levels of accounts. After all, this is a huge sum .

Lin Mudao: "Brother Yuan, we are brothers, how can I ask you to help me for nothing? If you don't want this share of accounts, you don't treat me as a brother. And I don't take this share of accounts seriously, maybe you will need Brother Yuan in the future , help me manage our own pill pavilion?"

Even if Lin Mu said so, Yuan Xiu still shook his head in rejection, saying that he would only help for nothing, even if he helped Lin Mu take care of the pill pavilion in the future, he would not ask for any benefits.

Although Yuan Xiu's cultivation base is not high, he still has eyesight.

Lin Mu has shown such a monstrous talent, how could he be ordinary in the future, he will definitely not be wrong to follow Lin Mu.

Although Lin Mu knew what Yuan Xiu was thinking, he didn't want to treat Yuan Xiu badly, and in the end forced Yuan Xiu to accept a tier of dividends.

The two of them returned to Tianlinbao very generously. Although there are still three factions in Tianlinbao, Yuan Xiu is confident that with Lin Mu, those three factions are not enough to fear.

When Lin Mu returned to Yuan Xiu's residence, he also gave away the name of Fumanlou Pill Pavilion.

Although the name Fumanlou sounded like a restaurant, Lin Mu didn't care at all.

Originally, Yuan Xiu thought that Lin Mu, who had just hung up the Pill Pavilion, needed to promote it by himself.

But I didn't expect Lin Mu to hang up another signboard at the same time as hanging out the pill pavilion.

"Refining pills below the third grade has a [-]% success rate. If you don't succeed, you will return the fairy grass!"

"Refining the fourth-grade elixir, the success rate is 70.00%, refining and scrapping two pieces in a row, and returning all the celestial herbs!"

Lin Mu reckons that he should be a fourth-rank elixir teacher now, but after all, he has never refined a fourth-rank elixir, so it is safe to say that he has a 70.00% success rate.

When Yuan Xiu saw Lin Mu's sign, he immediately understood that there was no need to promote it by himself, and he just had to wait for the account to be distributed.

Sure enough, just as the forest plaque was hung up, there was an uproar in Tianlinbao.

(End of this chapter)

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