Supreme Chef

Chapter 1158 The Hot Pill Pavilion

Chapter 1158 The Hot Pill Pavilion (2)

The area of ​​Tianlinbao is not large, and Linshu's offer of such favorable conditions spread throughout Tianlinbao in an instant.

Such a favorable condition, not to mention their small Tianlinbao, even in the big chambers of commerce in those big cities, no one would dare to offer such a condition.

In a short time, a large number of immortals had gathered outside Lin Mu's Fuman Building.These immortals have all kinds of cultivation bases, including earth immortals and heavenly immortals, but there are almost no golden immortals.

After all, this is not a city, and the highest cultivation level is only the golden immortal, and most of these golden immortals belong to the three major forces, and they will not come out easily.

"Is this signboard real?" A fairy looked at the signboard and asked loudly.

Yuan Xiudao: "We dare to put up such a sign, it is naturally true, as long as you have medicinal materials, we can refine medicine, and we will pay full compensation for the waste of refining."

After a pause, Yuan Xiu said, "Of course you have to pay, and the reward is the same share of medicinal materials."

Such a price is not high, after all, the average alchemist dare not say that they are 100% successful, and often they need to prepare more than two copies of medicinal materials.So the price is quite reasonable.

"You are golden immortals, even if alchemy really fails, how dare we ask you for it." Youdixian said nonuo.

Hearing the words of the Earth Immortal, many Earth Immortals and Heavenly Immortals also nodded.Yuan Xiu is a golden fairy, if Yuan Xiu and the others renege on their debts, they really dare not do anything to Yuan Xiu and the others.

"Everyone, don't worry, I, Fumanlou, put my reputation first, and I will never bully others. I, Yuan Xiu, can swear that if I, Fumanlou, bully others because of my failure in alchemy, I, Yuan Xiu, will never recover!" Yuan Xiu had 100% confidence in Lin Mu. Confidence, so he dared to make such a heavy oath.

Hearing Yuan Xiu swear such a heavy oath, the surrounding immortals were all moved.

The immortal's oath is not a simple matter of lip service.If the oath made by the immortal cannot be fulfilled in the end, the punishment he will receive will be more terrifying than the oath.

"I want to refine fifty copies of Tianxing Pill!" Just as Yuan Xiu finished speaking, someone said loudly.

Then the crowd dispersed, and a group of people came over.

Seeing the leader, the expressions of the onlookers couldn't help but change.

"This is the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce. How did he come here?"

"It's no wonder he didn't come. The Tianlin Chamber of Commerce is the largest supplier of pills in Tianlinbao. Now that someone has directly touched the interests of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce, it's no wonder the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce didn't come."

"Oh I got it!"

The leader, with a peak cultivation of Jinxian and dressed in fine clothes, is the richest and most powerful Tianlin Chamber of Commerce among the three major factions of Tianlinbao.

In addition to the president, the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce also has four elders of the Golden Immortals, and there are nearly a hundred shopkeepers at the peak of the Celestial Immortals. They are the most powerful among the three.

If he didn't feel that he was no match for big brother Lu's master, he would never allow that surnamed Lu to do whatever he wanted on his own territory.

Yuan Xiu obviously knew the other party, the president of the largest chamber of commerce in Tianlinbao, and the cultivation base of Jinxian Peak, he was definitely not an opponent, but with Lin Shu, he didn't need to be afraid of him.

Yuan Xiu said politely: "I'm sorry, our alchemist Lin can only concoct ten pills at most every day."

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce said: "Those who open the door and do not do business, I will refine fifty copies today."

"The Celestial Star Pill is a must-have pill for an Earth Immortal to advance to a Celestial Immortal, and it consumes the alchemist's consciousness the most. Fifty copies of the Celestial Star Pill may not be enough for even a fifth-rank immortal alchemist's consciousness."

There is someone who knows alchemy and said to everyone in private.

When the people below heard what this person said, they all started talking.

"If you say that, the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce is clearly here to find fault."

"It goes without saying that if they don't take it, the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce will have a reason to do it. But if the other party takes it, with the alchemist's cultivation base, even if he doesn't get exhausted, he will probably have his consciousness Big loss."

"Great loss of consciousness? It's really easy for you to think, he can only refine fourth-rank pills, obviously he is only a fourth-rank alchemist. For a fourth-rank alchemist, refining ten parts of Tianxing pill is already the limit. Fifty copies, he can only die."


Everyone understood the reason behind this, and felt sorry for the alchemist who had just appeared.

They originally thought that they had a new choice and would no longer be restricted by the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce, but now it seems that this new alchemist can't grow a rabbit's tail.

Yuan Xiu also had a bad face at this time, ready to attack at any time, the opponent was clearly looking for trouble, so Yuan Xiu would naturally not be polite.

"Fifty copies of Tianxing Pill, right? I took it, but because it exceeds the quantity I stipulated, so the price has to be adjusted?" Lin Mu also walked out of the room and said as he heard the voice outside the room. .

Seeing the alchemist appearing, everyone also looked at Lin Mu.Lin Mu is so young, and he is only in the mid-stage of Celestial Immortal, and he can be a fourth-rank alchemist, which is really an exaggeration.

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce also looked at Lin Mu.He was also a little surprised to see Lin Shu so young.

"How do you adjust?" The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce asked with his eyes narrowed.

Lin Mudao: "It's very simple. If it is less than ten copies, you will pay the normal price. For the part that exceeds ten copies, the price will be doubled for each additional copy."

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce thought for a while, and said, "Yes, but it's just a few dozen more medicinal materials, and the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce can still get them out."

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "You may not understand what I mean. What I said is that every additional portion will double the total price."

"What do you mean?" The president of Tianlin Chamber of Commerce asked with a frown.

Lin Mudao: "It's very simple. If the price is less than ten shares, the price of each share is one share; for the part exceeding ten shares, the price is ten shares; for two shares, it is twenty shares; for three shares, it is forty shares. Four is eighty, and so on."

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce, after hearing the price of Linmu, his expression completely changed.

Because according to Lin Mu's algorithm, after the fifty shares, the price he would have to pay would be an astronomical figure, even if he paid Lin Mu his entire Tianlin Chamber of Commerce.

Lin Mu looked at the other party and said: "If you agree, I will start alchemy now. If you don't agree, please do it now."

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce, staring at Lin Mu, also hesitated.If it was only a few dozen copies, he really wouldn't hesitate.But now, what he has to pay is the entire Tianlin Chamber of Commerce, and it may not even be enough.

If Lin Shu could really be refined, then he would have to pay the entire Tianlin Chamber of Commerce.

"President, we might as well promise him first and let him refine it. No matter whether he can refine it or not, we can find a reason to get rid of them." A golden fairy behind the president said through voice transmission.

"it is good!"

(End of this chapter)

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