Supreme Chef

Chapter 1160 What are you going to pay me

Chapter 1160 What are you going to pay me (2)

The president of Tianlin Chamber of Commerce sneered when he saw Yuan Xiu blocking his way, and said, "Do you think you, a newly promoted Jinxian, can stop me?"

After the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce finished speaking, the coercion of the Jinxian peak was fully revealed.


Yuan Xiu was indeed not his opponent. Feeling the coercion, Yuan Xiu also snorted and took a step back involuntarily.

"The person who will touch me before the time is up, are you worried that I won't be able to lose?" Lin Mu's voice came from the room, and the descendants also walked out of the room slowly.

"Have you finished refining your elixir?" The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce asked when he saw Lin Mu come out.

Lin Mu raised his hand, took out fifty jade bottles, and said, "You have fulfilled your mission, check it out, and you will pay."

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce changed his expression immediately when he saw Lin Mu take out fifty jade bottles.

"Go and check it out." The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce said to a golden fairy behind him.


The Jinxian nodded, and then went over to check the jade bottles that Lin Mu took out.

Jin Xian opened the jade bottles one by one. At the beginning, his expression was quite normal, but when he checked the eighth jade bottle, the expression on his face became extremely exciting.

"What's the matter? Are these pills fake?" the president of Tianlin Chamber of Commerce asked in a cold voice.

"no no……"

After checking the fifty jade bottles, the golden fairy was trembling when he spoke.

"What's going on?" the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce asked coldly.

"Except for the first six bottles, all the rest are... all... special pills!"


The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce was shocked when he heard the report from his subordinates.

As for the other onlookers, when they heard what the golden fairy said, they all instantly became dumbfounded.

how can that be.

In two days, not only the refining of all the elixirs was completed, but all the other elixir except six bottles were special-grade elixirs.

The Tianxing Pill was already very difficult to refine. Even if Lin Mu refined fifty bottles of inferior pills, they already thought it was inconceivable.

However, Lin Mu refined fifty bottles of super-grade pills, and they couldn't even imagine how Lin Mu did it.

I don't know how they would feel if they knew that in the end, Lin Mu was refining several elixirs together, and all of them produced special elixirs.

"And..." The golden fairy murmured for a while, not knowing how to continue.

"What else!" The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce also had an unusually ugly expression at this time.

Jin Xian swallowed, and said, "Except for the six bottles in front, all the rest are sixteen pills!"

Sixteen elixirs in one furnace, this is the limit that can be refined from a single elixir, an ordinary alchemist.Twelve pills in one furnace are already very good, fourteen pills, that is already a top alchemist, and sixteen pills, it may only last three days, the legendary ninth-rank immortal alchemist, can do it.


Hearing this Jinxian's words, everyone including the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce gasped.

Except for the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce, the rest of the people looked at Lin Mu with awe.

An alchemist who can refine sixteen super pills in one batch is definitely the top existence, and his future achievements are absolutely limitless.

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce also looked ugly at this time.He also saw that Lin Mu was definitely not an ordinary alchemist, and his future achievements would definitely not stop there.If I offend such a promising alchemist, I will definitely not end well.

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce changed his face a few times, and finally gave up his heart, saying: "You cheated! These pills must have been prepared by you a long time ago!"

Since you want to offend, you might as well offend and die.

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "The people here are not fools. You only need to find an alchemist to test whether the elixir was made within two days."

"it is good!"

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce agreed, and then winked at the alchemist behind him.

The alchemist was reminded and nodded, and then stepped forward to check the elixir.


Lin Mu raised his hand to stop the alchemist from saying.

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce looked at Lin Mu and said, "Why are you afraid? Or are you going to admit that all your pills are fake?"

Lin Mu smiled slightly and said, "Of course not. I just hope that he can swear a heavy oath before the inspection. If he lies after the inspection, he will be robbed forever, and he will be robbed on the spot!"

The alchemist who came out to check, did not expect Lin Mu to be so ruthless, and his face immediately changed wildly.

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce did not expect that Lin Mu would be so confident and so ruthless.

"Why does my alchemist make such an oath?" The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce also said in a cold voice.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "So, are you planning to let your alchemist cheat?"

"I don't even bother to do such a thing." The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce said with a cold snort.

Lin Mu asked back: "Then you don't bother, why don't you make your alchemist swear?"

"My alchemist doesn't need it!"

"That means you are going to let your alchemist cheat!"

"I don't care!"

"Then you make your alchemist swear?"


The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce felt that he was being tortured madly, and this tree was too difficult to deal with.

"You swear." Annoyed by Lin Mu, the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce finally chose to compromise.

"President, this..." The alchemist couldn't help but change when he heard the president made himself swear.

The president snorted coldly and said, "If I ask you to swear, you swear."

The alchemist had no choice but to swear a heavy oath.

After Lin Mu waited for the alchemist to swear, he also smiled and said, "Okay, now you can check."

The alchemist agreed, and checked the bottles one by one. Following his inspection, his expression also changed drastically.

After the alchemist finished inspecting all fifty bottles of pills, the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce also hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

The alchemist's face was covered with cold sweat, and finally he cupped his hands and said: "Guild Master, all these elixirs were refined within two days."


Hearing the alchemist's words, everyone gasped again.

Some people suspected that Lin Mu was cheating before, but after testing, everyone completely believed that Lin Mu was a top elixir teacher.

This made everyone look at Lin Shu with a strange brilliance.

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce, when he heard the alchemist's words, gave him a hard look, and then said coldly: "Tomorrow I will send someone to send you the fairy stone!"

"What? Are you leaving now?" Lin Mu called the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce and said in a cold voice.

"Is it wrong for me to buy it with immortal stones?" the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce asked without giving in.

Lin Mu sneered and said, "It doesn't seem like we agreed just now, did we?"

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce said: "I remembered, buy a bottle of elixir for one elixir, right? I'll send someone to bring you fifty elixir tomorrow!"

Lin Mu looked at the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce and sneered: "Why do you want to deny it? Do you want to deny it?"

(End of this chapter)

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