Supreme Chef

Chapter 1161

Chapter 1161

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce turned his head to look at Lin Mu coldly, and said, "What do you want me to admit?"

Lin Mu said unhurriedly: "As we said before, if I refine fifty parts of Tianxing Pill. For the parts exceeding ten parts, the medicinal materials for each part will be doubled on the basis of the total amount. If you Tian Lin If the chamber of commerce cannot gather enough of these herbs, it will compensate me with the entire Tianlin chamber of commerce."

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce said with a gloomy face, "Can you find witnesses to prove that I said such a thing?"

Lin Mu looked around, and found that everyone was afraid to look at Lin Mu's eyes.

These people still want to live in Tianlin Castle. It is obviously very unwise to offend the president of Tianlin merchants.

Seeing these people's eyes dodging, Lin Mu was not in a hurry. He took out a memory crystal and said, "I have recorded everything, and I will play it for you now."

After talking about Lin Mu, he turned on the memory function on the memory crystal, and released the original conversation he had with the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce just now.

Seeing that Lin Mu actually used the memory crystal to write down all this, the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce also turned pale and clenched his fists.

"This is completely forged by you. As long as you can find a witness, I will admit it immediately." The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce is also ready to continue to die shamelessly.

Lin Mu sneered, then looked around at the crowd, and said: "Everyone here, please stand up if you see it, I am willing to refine a furnace of elixir for him for free!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking for a long time, no one stood up.Although free pills are tempting, life is even more important.

And the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce had a smug smile on his face again.

Lin Mu was not in a hurry, and looked around at everyone one by one.

Finally, there was a person at the peak of the Celestial Immortal, who hesitated for a long time, but still stood up and said: "Master Lin Dan, I have seen it, and I can prove it for you."

"court death!"

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce changed his face when he saw that someone really dared to stand up, and then he shot directly, ready to kill.


The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce is already at the peak of Jinxian, so his attack is naturally not something that a peak of Tianxian can resist.

The peak of the immortal who stood up did not expect that the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce dared to be so arrogant, and he was also frightened and stunned on the spot.

He thought he was going to die, and even closed his eyes.

But before he closed his eyes, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then a figure stood in front of him.


When this figure appeared, it also directly slapped the palm of the head of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce.

The two confronted each other, and there was a huge explosion, which also knocked away many immortals on the spot, and Lin Mu took a step back in a hurry.

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce did not expect that Lin Mu was able to block his own blow, and he was a little shocked immediately.

"Why do you want to kill someone to silence it?" Lin Mu asked coldly.

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce said proudly: "I just want to kill, such a villain who perjures himself, in my Tianlin Castle, does not deserve to live at all."

Even if Lin Mu performed amazingly, so what, he was the pinnacle of the Golden Immortal, and there were four Golden Immortals behind him, so there was nothing scary about Lin Mu.

"Okay! Since you said that the perjurer is not worthy of living in Tianlinbao, then you don't need to be in Tianlinbao."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he also sacrificed the Shadowless Knife, and at the same time, the fourth slash directly blasted out.

The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce didn't care at all when he saw Lin Shu's random knife.But when Daomang got close to him, he felt chills all over his body, and an unspeakable fear quickly spread in his heart.

"Ah! No, fellow daoists, we..." The president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce's face changed wildly, and he also wanted to be soft.

But Lin Mu had already made a move, how could he stop and cut him down with a single blow.On the spot, the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce also turned into two halves. Both Zhihai and Yuanying were not spared, they were directly split into two halves, and then burned and finally disappeared.

Killing a peak Jinxian with a single blow, everyone didn't react for a long time.

When everyone reacted, all that was left in their eyes was panic.

What kind of strength is needed for a mid-stage Celestial to behead a peak Golden Immortal.

" have hidden your cultivation!" Following behind the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce, the four golden immortals looked at Lin Mu and said in horror.

Lin Mu didn't explain, but just looked at the four Jinxian elders, and said coldly: "Either you quickly count everything in the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce and send it to me, or the four of you will go on the road together with your president. "

"We are willing to pledge our allegiance!" The four golden immortals were not stupid, and it was obvious that Lin Shu was strong. If he didn't express his sincerity at this time, he would be a fool.

Lin Mu nodded, put away the ring of the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce, and said, "Don't try to deceive me. If you deceive me, you will die miserably."

"I don't dare!" The four golden immortals also hurriedly expressed their sincerity, and then quickly went to count everything, for fear that they would be slow in counting, and others would take the first step, which would make Lin Mu unhappy.

After the people from the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce left, the rest of the people looked at Lin Shu with awe in their eyes.

They never thought that Lin Mu is not only a powerful alchemist, but also has such a powerful cultivation base.

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life!" The angel who stood up also clapped his hands in haste to express his gratitude.

Lin Mu looked at the fairy, and said, "What kind of pill do you want to refine, just report the name to Brother Yuan. If you can't think of it today, you can go back and think about it slowly. It will be effective within a month."

"Thank you, senior!" Hearing Lin Mu's promise, the angel felt that even if he died, it was worth it.

Seeing the treatment this celestial being received, everyone regretted it in their hearts. If they had known this earlier, they would have stood up a long time ago, why should they wait for him?

But what Lin Mu said next made them regret it so much that they almost committed suicide.

"Except for him who can get a furnace of my alchemy for free, the rest of the people present will have their fees five times!" Lin Mu's tone was cold, without any emotion.


Hearing Lin Mu's words, someone immediately questioned him.

Lin Mu looked at the questioner coldly, and said, "You should ask this when the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce is about to deny it."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the person who spoke also froze immediately.

When the president of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce wanted to deny it, he didn't make a sound. Now he has no right to speak out.

"If you think my price is high, you can find someone else. I will only stay in Tianlin Castle for a month." After Lin Mu finished speaking, he left behind a group of immortals who were full of regrets, and he returned to the room .

Lin Mu was not worried at all that they would not ask him to make alchemy, because the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce had already collapsed, and now the entire Tianlin Castle could help them make alchemy, and he was the only one.They are not looking for themselves, but someone else.

Lin Mu waited in the room for half a stick of incense, and the four elders of the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce returned quickly.

The four of them finished counting everything in the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce, and then handed everything over to Lin Mu for review.

Lin Mu didn't even look at these things, so he directly handed them over to Yuan Xiu, saying, "Brother Yuan, the Tianlin Chamber of Commerce will be renamed Fumanlou, and everything will be taken care of by you."

Yuan Xiu was also dazzled by the great happiness, and he didn't react for a long time.

"Brother Lin, I don't have any experience, so I absolutely can't do it." After Yuan Xiu came to his senses, he quickly declined.

(End of this chapter)

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