Supreme Chef

Chapter 1183 Selling Fakes

Chapter 1183 Selling Fakes (1)

The change of the spaceship also alarmed everyone on the spaceship, Zhu'er also jumped into Lin Mu's arms in fear, and said in horror: "Big brother, I'm afraid."

Lin Mu held Zhu'er in his arms, patted Zhu'er's back lightly, and said: "It's okay, big brother is here, don't be afraid."

Lin Mu carries Zhu'er to the window of the first-class cabin, the first-class cabin is the place with the widest view in the entire spaceship.

When Lin Mu reached the window, he finally saw clearly what was happening outside.

However, when Lin Shu saw clearly, his color changed immediately.

In the outer sky, a jet-black boat was floating in the sky, and an immortal with no visible cultivation was fighting against the jet-black boat.

"Ghost ship!"

When Lin Mu saw the jet-black boat, he immediately thought of what it was.

When I was crossing the Heartless Sea, I had encountered this small boat. I never thought that I would encounter such a ghost ship in the Immortal Realm.

Lin Mu has seen the ghost ship before, but who is this old man who directly fought against the ghost ship?

According to legend, the ghost ship is so mysterious that even if the emperor accidentally falls into it, there will be no way out.But this old man was able to fight against the ghost ship, and it was amazing that he could not lose the wind.

"You have crossed the Demon Realm!"

The old man didn't see any movement, but with a shake of his palm, he beat the boat erratically, as if it might capsize at any time.

"Demon Realm? The ghost ship belongs to the Demon Realm? Impossible?"

When Lin Mu heard the old man's words, many question marks popped up in his mind.

The ghost ship is related to the Netherworld. Although the Demon Realm is its own world, it is far from the legendary Netherworld.

The legendary Netherworld, even the Immortal Realm plus the known Myriad Realms, cannot be compared with it.

Such a powerful world can have something like a ghost ship, how can the mere demon world have it.

In Lin Mu's mind, there were four hundred and four hundred spins, but he still couldn't figure out the key point.

"Don't get in the way of old things, this life is not something you can stop." There was also a piercing sound in the ghost ship, and at the same time, the demonic energy was overwhelming, as if to turn this place into a demon realm.

The old man flicked his fingers, which immediately shattered the demonic energy, and said: "In this life, I really can't stop it, but it's not a problem to block you."

"Old man, you are looking for death yourself. Your lifespan is running out. Being so angry will only make you die faster." The person in the ghost ship also said.

The old man smiled lightly and said: "You don't have much lifespan. If you can take a backrest and go on the road together before you die, I don't think the road to Huangquan will be lonely anymore, old man."

"Old man, don't want me to go to hell with you. I won't be able to die if you die. Aren't you determined to protect the fairy world? Then I'll kill the people in the boat behind you first, and I'll see how you protect it!" The existence in the ghost ship also said ruthlessly.

Lin Mu, at least said that there are tens of 10 people, and he said that the extermination is about to be exterminated, which is simply cold-blooded.

Lin Mu holds Zhu'er in his arms, and is also ready to run away at any time.Those who can be among the ghost ships and can also control the ghost ships don't need to think about it, and they can't handle it by themselves, so Lin Mu only has 36 moves as the best plan.

But even though he said so, facing the existence of such an unknown level, Lin Mu himself did not have confidence in whether he could escape.

"How dare you!" The old man shouted sharply when he heard what the man in the ghost ship said.

"Hey! I don't dare. If you dare to stop me here, I will destroy the fairy ship behind you. Now I will show you."

After talking about the ghost ship, a streak of devilish energy shot out directly.

Lin Mu couldn't describe the speed of this demonic energy. Lin Mu almost didn't even have time to think. The fairy ship he was in was directly pierced through an extremely huge hole.

Although the fairy ship does not have a strong attack power, its defense power is comparable to that of a ninth-grade fairy treasure.

Seeing that half of the fairy ship was pierced with a finger, Lin Mu was also shocked beyond words.What kind of strength is needed to destroy half of the fairy ship with a flick of the finger.

Half of the fairy ship was pierced through, and the people inside didn't even have a chance to hum, they were just wiped out. With such strength, Lin Mu felt that he had no chance to escape even if he escaped.


The one from the devil world in the ghost ship obviously made the old man furious, and the old man also punched out directly, causing the ghost ship to roll over in an instant.

The ghost ship may seem small, but every time it rolls over, a large piece of space will collapse, and the scene is also extremely terrifying.

After the old man overturned the ghost ship with one palm, he also turned his head and stretched out his hand, and an incomparable space channel appeared in front of the fairy ship.

"Fortunately, this old man will give you a ride." After the old man finished speaking, he clapped his hand, causing the fairy boat to speed up and rush into the space passage.

Lin Mu witnessed all this, but Lin Mu couldn't express it in words.

The ghost ship of the devil world?The mysterious Xeon old man?Lin Mu felt that there seemed to be no less secrets in the fairy world than in the cultivation world.

With the help of the old man, the speed of the fairy boat has also been accelerated several times.

When the fairy ship rushed out of the space channel, Lin Mu also found that the fairy ship had reached the second heaven.

However, except for the first-class cabin where I am, the rest of the place is almost broken. It can be said that this immortal ship with inestimable value has been completely scrapped. I'm afraid I'm going to cry.

Except for a few people in the fairy ship, such as Lin Mu, who knew what happened, the rest of the people simply didn't know anything about what happened just now.

Lin Mu didn't stay on the fairy ship, but was going back to the barren state directly.

The place where the fairy ship is located is Yuzhou, and the distance between Yuzhou and Huangzhou is constant, and Lin Shu must hurry up.

But even though he was on a hurry, if he encountered something Zhuer was interested in, Lin Mu would definitely stop.Because Lin Mu feels that he owes Zhu Er too much, if possible, Lin Mu will try his best to compensate Zhu Er.

But Zhu'er is too sensible, if Lin Mu didn't see her interest in this place and stopped actively from her eyes, Zhu'er would never take the initiative to give Lin Mu any request.

Arriving at a bustling city again, Zhu'er is obviously very interested in this place, Lin Mu also took the initiative to stay here, planning to take Zhu'er to play here for a few days.

Lin Mu and Zhu'er found a tea house, and Lin Mu also ordered a lot of delicious fairy fruits and delicacies.

Seeing the food being served, Zhu'er immediately served it with both hands, and began to feast on it.

Lin Mu looked at the happy Zhu'er, and a knowing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, when Lin Mu's mind moved, he also caught some interesting conversations.

"Did you know that Fumanlou actually sold fake pills, and now they have been held accountable. Although the main force in Huangzhou and Xuanzhou protects Fumanlou, Tianzhou and Danhui are not relentless. I'm afraid Fumanlou will be mysterious this time!" In the teahouse, there were also people talking about Fumanlou in low voices.

(End of this chapter)

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