Supreme Chef

Chapter 1184 Selling Fakes

Chapter 1184 Selling Fakes (2)

Hearing someone talking about Fumanlou selling fake medicines, Lin Mu couldn't help but change his face slightly.Selling counterfeit medicines is a devastating blow to a pill pavilion.Once this reputation spreads, Fumanlou will be lost forever.

Although Zhu'er couldn't hear their discussion, seeing the change in Lin Mu's face, Zhu'er said very sensiblely: "Big brother, let's pack it up and eat on the way."

Lin Mu glanced at the sensible Zhu'er, nodded his head, and said, "Okay!"

After packing all the things, Lin Mu quickly rushed to the barren state.

Five days later, Lin Mu also arrived in the barren state.After arriving in Huangzhou, Lin Mu also heard more about Fumanlou.

Fumanlou has closed its business at this time, and all the medicines have been sealed up. The craftsmen's union is investigating this matter in Huangzhou.

After listening to Lin Mu, he also rushed directly to the City Lord's Mansion in Tiankui City.

"Brother Wu, it's completely useless for you to try to protect Fumanlou. It's a fact that you sell fake medicines, and it also ruins people's cultivation. Once this matter spreads, your reputation, Brother Wu, may also be affected. Affected." Fang Zhongshan said quietly to Wu Qiong.

Wu Qiong had already taken Luo Mingdan, and was already a half-step Xuanxian at this time, so he was not afraid of Fang Zhongshan anymore.

Wu Qiong snorted coldly, and said: "How could King Lin Dan's medicine be fake? Someone must be behind this matter. Don't let me find out who is behind the scenes. If I find out who is behind the scenes, I will definitely Killed him with his own hands."

Fang Zhongshan looked at Wu Qiong with deep resentment in his heart. Wu Qiong's cultivation base was originally not as good as his own, but because he made friends with Lin Shu, he obtained Luo Mingdan and became a half-step Xuanxian. Xuanxian, when the time comes, it will not be as simple as beating yourself up.

Of course, since Fang Zhongshan dared to come, he has something to rely on, but now is not the opportunity for him to reveal his cards. If he wants to kill, he must, a complete lore will do.

"Brother Wu, it's useless for us to say such things now. The facts are already clear. The elixir is indeed a fake. There are all witnesses and material evidence. Brother Wu, if you want to threaten with force, I'm afraid it will be despised by others, right?" Fang Zhongshan also said quietly.

"If you can't say a word if you are slandered by others, you will be criticized by others. This logic is really funny." As soon as Wu Qiong finished speaking, Lin Mu also stepped into the city lord's mansion.

"Brother Lin, you are back!" Seeing Lin Mu, Wu Qiong was also very pleasantly surprised.

He is not a pill master, he doesn't know where the problem of the pill is.He does have alchemists under his command, but his level of alchemy is more than a star and a half worse than that of Lin Mu, and he can't find out where the problem with the alchemy is.

These days Wu Qiong has been waiting for Lin Mu to come back, because only when Lin Mu comes back can this matter be completely reversed.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Brother Wu, I'm sorry for your trouble!"

Wu Qiong smiled and said: "These are what I should do. Fumanlou has a problem in Tiankui City, and I, the city lord, have no face. I also hope that this matter can be thoroughly investigated."

After finishing speaking, Wu Qiong did not forget to take a look at Fang Zhongshan. As soon as the elixir went wrong, Fang Zhongshan and President Luo of the elixir club came, which made Wu Qiong suspect that this incident had something to do with them.

It's just that Wu Qiong really doesn't understand alchemy, even if he has doubts, it can only be doubts.

Fang Zhongshan's heart also sank, he didn't expect that Lin Mu would come back at this time, and he also had a feeling that something was going to go wrong, but since President Luo of the Danhui said there was no problem, he naturally had to show his calm side.

Fang Zhongshan said: "King Lin Dan is not slandering, now there are all witnesses and material evidence, and the elixir was indeed sold from your Fumanlou."

Lin Mu looked at Fang Zhongshan coldly, and said, "You said it was sold from my Fumanlou, so it was sold from my Fumanlou. Did you buy the elixir?"

"I didn't buy the elixir, but many people can confirm that this elixir flowed from your Fumanlou, and many people saw it with their own eyes." Fang Zhongshan said.

Lin Mu looked at Wu Qiong, and Wu Qiong also nodded. The reason why he didn't attack immediately was because there were indeed witnesses and material evidence for this matter. If he really used force to force him, although he could subdue it, Fuman The signboard of the building is completely stinky.

Lin Mu said: "Where are the witnesses and physical evidence now, take me to have a look."

Wu Qiong said: "Now all the witnesses and physical evidence are in Fumanlou. Fumanlou has been temporarily closed by me, and everyone is prohibited from entering, so as not to be tampered with."

When Lin Mu heard that it was Fumanlou that Wu Qiong had shut down, he immediately felt relieved.

Lin Mu is not afraid of being blocked, but he is afraid that the person who is blocked is not his own, and then he will be in trouble. At that time, everything will be taken away, and he will have no chance to make a comeback.

"Okay! Let's go to Fumanlou to have a look now. I also want to see how one person has all the evidence." After Lin Mu finished speaking, he also glanced at Fang Zhongshan.

Fang Zhongshan looked at Lin Shu, feeling that things might be getting worse, but his face was still indifferent.

Lin Mu and the others came all the way to Fumanlou, and they also saw that a large number of people had gathered here, and President Luo, whom Lin Mu knew well, was also among them.

"Hurry up and untie the formation. As Erchongtian's craftsman union, we have the responsibility to be responsible for all the immortals of Erchongtian. We need to conduct inspections." President Luo also said righteously.

"Hui Luo has been away for a long time." As soon as President Luo's voice fell, Lin Mu also said quietly.

Seeing that Lin Mu had returned, Guild Master Luo's heart inevitably skipped a beat, but his face was still full of righteousness, and he said with a straight face: "King Lin Dan, your Fumanlou sells fake pills, destroying people's cultivation. Because, just because you are here, I hope you can give everyone an explanation, King Lin Dan."

Chairman Luo's words immediately aroused everyone's discussion.

Lin Mu looked at President Luo, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and then said to everyone: "Everyone, I am here to solve the problem, and I can assure you again that all the pills I sell in Fumanlou are free of Any questions, please give me some time, I can prove what I said to you right now."

President Luo looked at Lin Mu and said, "We really need your explanation, but you have people shutting down this place and not allowing us to check what this means. Could it be that you, Fumanlou, want to cover up the truth of the matter."

Lin Mu looked at President Luo and said, "The reason why this place is closed is that we don't want to cover up the truth of the matter. Since everyone is here now, I will show you the truth of the matter."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu asked Wu Qiong to release the restraint of Fumanlou.

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry, I failed to manage Fumanlou well." Just after the restriction was lifted and everyone entered, Yuan Xiu came to Lin Mu with a guilty expression and said.

Lin Mu patted Yuan Xiu's shoulder with a smile, and said, "Brother Yuan, I believe it's not your fault. I'm here to solve the problem. I believe you also believe that our Fumanlou is fine."

After speaking, Lin Mu also asked, "Where are the witnesses and physical evidence?"

(End of this chapter)

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