Supreme Chef

Chapter 1185

Chapter 1185
Hearing Lin Mu's question about witnesses and physical evidence, Yuan Xiu quickly took out a jade bottle and said, "Brother Lin, this is the person whose dantian was destroyed, who said he bought the elixir from us. But this elixir is nothing but jade The bottle belongs to us, and the medicine in it is not ours at all."

President Luo looked at Yuan Xiu and said, "How can you prove that the elixir here is not yours. There are so many people present who can prove that this elixir came from you, what else do you want to deny? What's more, besides King Lin Dan, who can refine this fifth-grade Heavenly Golden Pill, the huge Second Heaven?"

Lin Mu had been looking at President Luo calmly, and President Luo felt a little hairy, and closed his mouth halfway through speaking.

Lin Mu smiled slightly and said, "President Luo, have you finished?"

President Luo snorted coldly and said, "I'm done talking, does King Lin Dan have any advice?"

Lin Mudao: "I don't dare to give advice, but I want to talk about the evidence first. I don't want to talk about witnesses, after all, everyone saw things with their own eyes, and they went out from my Fuman building. But this physical evidence is really something to say Head, I admit that this jade bottle belongs to me, but the elixir inside is not made by me at all."

President Luo sneered, "What evidence do you have to prove that you did not refine this elixir. Although Erchongtian has a vast area, it is not likely that there are many fifth-rank alchemy kings. Besides you, Fumanlou also has Another fifth-rank alchemy king?"

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "Of course not, but although Fumanlou doesn't have one, Danhui does?"

There is only one fifth-rank alchemy king in the alchemy club, and that is himself. When Lin Mu said this, he clearly meant that he made the pill by himself and framed Lin Mu. President Luo immediately said angrily: "King Lin Dan, you have to be responsible for what you said. , you can’t even prove now that this elixir was not made by you.”

Lin Mu said: "Who said I don't have any? Brother Yuan, go and get a bottle of the elixir I refined."


When Chairman Luo heard Lin Mu say that he had a way to prove it, he immediately had a bad premonition in his heart.

Yuan Xiu quickly brought a bottle of elixir refined by Lin Mu. Lin Mu took the elixir, and then randomly selected one person among all the testimonials, and said, "This fellow Taoist, I can ask you to do me a favor." ?"

The golden fairy who was hit by Lin Mu also nodded, and said, "What orders does King Lin Dan have?"

Lin Mu picked out one of the elixirs he had refined, and handed it to the golden fairy, saying: "This fellow Taoist, I hope you can use your own spiritual consciousness to inject this elixir, and then look at it. Let's see how the pill will change."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, the Jinxian released a trace of spiritual consciousness and poured it into the elixir.

Immediately, the elixir also changed, but it was not the elixir that changed, but the three golden characters of 'Fumanlou' appeared in the empty space in front of the elixir.

Chairman Luo saw that there was such a change in the elixir, and his expression couldn't help but change.

Lin Mu pointed to the three big golden characters in the air, and said, "Everyone, this is the imprint of spiritual consciousness that I added to the elixir when I was concocting alchemy. But I was in a hurry that day, so I forgot to tell Brother Yuan, so That’s why there was a misunderstanding today.”

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu took out another pill from the bottle of fake medicine and said, "Friend Daoist, try this again."

After the golden fairy took over, he did the same thing, but there was no change.

Lin Mu smiled slightly and said, "Everyone, have you seen the right and wrong of the matter at a glance?"

This is not clear, and everyone's discussion immediately turned around. Lin Shu was clearly wronged, and he still used such low-handed methods, which is simply disgusting.

"President Luo, I don't know if things are clear now?" Lin Mu looked at President Luo and smiled contemptuously.

President Luo's complexion changed a few times, but he still said, "Even if you leave a brand of spiritual consciousness, how can you guarantee that you keep every bottle? Maybe you forgot to leave this bottle?"

Lin Mu said loudly: "I dare say that all the pills I refined for Fumanlou have left this imprint of spiritual consciousness. I can ask everyone to inspect every bottle of medicine that I have refined in Fumanlou by myself. For pills, as long as there is one pill that does not leave a mark of spiritual consciousness, this matter is my fault."

Lin Mu speaks so eloquently and with such confidence that one cannot but be convinced.

Listening to the discussion below, President Luo and Fang Zhongshan also had very ugly faces. They thought they could bring down Lin Mu this time, but they didn't expect Lin Mu to have such a skill.

In fact, this imprint of spiritual consciousness was learned by Lin Shu when he was on Earth.When Lin Mu was on the earth, he saw all kinds of anti-counterfeiting marks, and wanted to make some anti-counterfeiting for his elixir.

Unexpectedly, what I had done on a whim at the beginning has now become life-saving evidence.

"Since this matter has nothing to do with Fumanlou, then our Danhui will not investigate, and we will return Fumanlou's innocence." President Luo could only reluctantly say what the people wanted.

"Wait!" Just as President Luo turned to leave, Lin Mu also called to stop President Luo.

"Does King Lin Dan have anything else to do?" President Luo also turned around and asked.

Lin Mudao: "Fake pills harm people, and some people's dantians are destroyed because of it. I feel that as an alchemist, I have the responsibility to seek justice for the victim. We must find out the truth about this matter."

"Yes! The truth of this matter must be found out. This is not only to restore King Lin Dan's innocence, but also to find out who is so vicious. In order to frame King Lin Dan, he would not hesitate to cause trouble in other people's dantian. Such a vicious person must eradicate!"

"Yes! It must be eradicated!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he immediately got everyone's response.

President Luo raised his hand and said, "I, Danhui, will definitely investigate this matter and give everyone a justice for the victim."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Since Chairman Luo wants to investigate, why not investigate now, and this matter is not difficult to investigate at all."

President Luo turned his head and looked at Lin Mu viciously, and said, "King Lin Dan, do you have any evidence?"

Lin Mudao: "President Luo, you have a good saying. Although the area of ​​the second heaven is huge, there are indeed not many fifth-rank alchemy kings, and it seems that only you and I are known. You say this elixir, It wasn’t refined by me, but could it be refined by that fifth-rank Alchemy King?”

When President Luo heard Lin Mu's words, his expression changed drastically, and he said angrily, "You are spitting blood, what evidence do you have?"

Lin Mu smiled, and smiled very happily, and said, "Coincidentally, I do have evidence. And this evidence is on top of the so-called evidence."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he didn't wait for President Luo to ask questions, and took out a pill, saying: "You are not alchemy masters, so I won't explain it to you in a complicated way, I will choose some that you can understand. Let's talk. Alchemy must use flames, and no matter how clever an alchemist is, there will be a little fire mark in the elixir.

And the fire marks themselves are the most important part of the pill.You may not feel it when you eat it, but in front of a skilled alchemist, these fire marks cannot be hidden at all. "

After a pause, Lin Mu looked at President Luo with a pale complexion, and continued: "The fire marks left on this elixir are the fire marks of the purple candle fire. Everyone knows that the purple candle fire is the fire of heaven, and it is also the fire of this kind. Dan Hui promised me a reward at a Dao Dao event. But after the competition, Dan Hui refused to give me the reward for various reasons. Looking at it now, I think I should know why Dan Hui withheld my purple candle Fire."

(End of this chapter)

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