Supreme Chef

Chapter 1187 Sea of ​​Fire

Chapter 1187 Sea of ​​Fire (1)

Lin Mu looked at President Luo who was like a frightened bird, and he also found it funny, and said: "I stopped you, just want to get back my own reward. As for your punishment, that is your Danhui's own business. Besides, for I really have no interest in such a disgraceful Danhui like yours."

After a pause, Lin Mu said, "So now, please, take out my purple candle."

When President Luo heard Lin Mu's words, he also gritted his teeth in hatred, but he had already admitted that the purple candle was in his own place, and if he didn't take it out now, Lin Mu would have more reasons to do it.


President Luo reluctantly took out the purple candle, and then left the barren state with unwillingness and anger.

"Brother Fang, you are so active in this matter, did you know the truth of the matter long ago?" The truth of the matter has been revealed, and Wu Qiong will be able to attack Fang Zhongshan.

Fang Zhongshan looked embarrassed, and said: "Brother Wu, I really don't know about this matter at all. It's just that President Luo came to me. I came with President Luo because I was responsible for Er Chongtian. For King Lin Dan and Fu I am willing to compensate for the loss caused by the full building."

This Fang Zhongshan is smart, he directly compensates when something happens, and doesn't let anyone catch him at all.

"Brother Yuan, go and count how much we lost during the closure of Fumanlou. At the same time, we will also count the possible losses due to this incident and hand it over to Governor Fang."

After a special pause, Lin Mu said emphatically: "Brother Yuan, although Governor Fang promised to compensate, we can't open our mouths like a lion. Of course, it can't be too little, so that some people will gossip about Governor Fang, as long as we seek truth from facts. .”

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Yuan Xiu also smiled knowingly, and said, "I understand, I will bring people down to make statistics now, and I must seek truth from facts."

Lin Mu also smiled slightly, and said, "That's fine."

Fang Zhongshan was watching from the sidelines, and his teeth were itching with hatred. This tree was clearly planning to trick him, and he said it so honestly.

But who can blame this, the original seamless plan, who would have thought that after Lin Mu came back, three times, five times and two times would be overturned.

Finally, after Fang Zhongshan left a considerable amount of compensation, Lin Mu and Wu Qiong let him leave.

After Fang Zhongshan and Chairman Luo left, Lin Mu also bowed his hands to those who were still watching, and said: "Everyone, I am blessed with the elixir, which guarantees that children will not be deceived, and at the same time, it is also guaranteed to be safe. You can definitely buy it with confidence. "

After a pause, Lin Mu said: "I also want to announce one more thing. Today I have a feeling that I am afraid that I will break through and become a sixth-rank alchemy king soon, so I decided to recruit alchemist disciples before retreating. Anyone who is willing to join me For alchemists in Fumanlou, as long as they can pass the test, I will pass on my alchemy experience."


Lin Mu's words are like a depth bomb, the conditions offered by Lin Mu are fatally attractive to alchemists.

A person who is about to become a sixth-rank alchemy king, if he can get the alchemy experience, will definitely bring his alchemy one step closer, and even turn a person who doesn't know alchemy into an alchemist.

"I would like to ask everyone to help publicize this matter. Of course, you can also bring alchemists here. Every time you bring an alchemist, you can get a [-]% discount on the purchase of pills. If this alchemist can be hired, then You can get any pill for free." Lin Mu also took out marketing methods on the earth to arouse everyone's enthusiasm.

"I went to find the alchemist!"

I don't know who was the first to react, and after a 'hula', all the people dispersed to find the alchemist.

"Brother Lin, I really admire you more and more. A few words not only resolved the crisis, but also let everyone help you grow Fumanlou together." Wu Qiong was also very excited when he saw Lin Mu's miraculous comeback.

Lin Mu smiled slightly, and said: "It's nothing. With the matter of the surname Luo, the prestige of the alchemy club will definitely drop to the extreme. This is a good time to officially expand, and I believe that some alchemists who have joined the alchemy club are very likely to I will also choose to quit. If I don’t take advantage of this time to absorb everyone, then it’s really nothing.”

"Brother Wu, you should also prepare now?" Lin Mu said to Wu Qiong.

Wu Qiong asked in confusion, "What am I preparing for?"

Lin Mudao: "At that time, a large number of alchemists will flood in. If you don't prepare a place not inferior to the alchemy society, let everyone settle down. How can I keep these alchemists? Brother Wu, don't you want to open up another alchemist in your barren state? Can a Dan of the Second Heaven do it?"

When Wu Qiong heard Lin Mu's words, his eyes were also fiery. This prospect is really too attractive.

If the new Dan will really settle down with him, then his barren state will have the strength and power to fight against Tianzhou.

"Brother Lin, I'll have someone prepare it right now. I'll build another alchemy tower next to my City Lord's Mansion!" Wu Qiong also said excitedly.

Lin Mu called Wu Qiong who was about to leave in a hurry, and said, "Brother Wu, don't rush to leave, Huoyun Island is about to open, when are we going to leave?"

Wu Qiong looked at Lin Mu and said: "Brother Lin, Huoyun Island is a place of trial, but the danger inside is not just for fun. If you need anything, I'll let someone help you go in and get it. Why bother yourself?" What about risk?"

Lin Mudao: "I need to collect some materials to repair my alchemy furnace, but these materials are very strange, even if I tell you, many people may not know them, so I should go by myself."

Seeing that Lin Mu insisted on going, Wu Qiong said, "Huoyun Island is in the sea of ​​flames in the second heaven. The sea of ​​fire burns poisonous fire all the year round. The fire poison is so overwhelming that it is impossible to enter on weekdays. Only once every thousand years, you will be able to enter." There are five years when the fire poison is at its weakest before you can enter. There is still half a month before the fire poison is at its weakest, and I will lead the team to set off after half a month."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "After half a month, Brother Wu, let's go together."

"By the way, Brother Lin, besides your own quota, you still have four quotas. Brother Lin, are you going to give it to the Fumanlou people, or are you going to sell it?" Wu Qiong said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mudao: "For the time being, Fumanlou's strength has not yet gathered, so it is not suitable for sending people in. I can go in by myself. Brother Wu, you can help me sell the remaining four places."

Wu Qiong nodded and said, "Okay!"

Half a month passed quickly, under Lin Mu's powerful marketing methods, hundreds of alchemists came to Fumanlou, asking to join Fumanlou, and even 30 of them were from Danhui.

For these alchemists who came, Lin Mu did not accept all of them, but only after screening their qualifications and conduct, finally kept 20 people.

Although Lin Shu's elimination rate is high enough, but also because of this, it makes those famous alchemists flock to him.

Because Lin Mu was going to enter Huoyun Island, after recruiting 20 people, the recruitment was temporarily stopped, and everything was decided after Lin Mu came out of Huoyun Island.

(End of this chapter)

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