Supreme Chef

Chapter 1188 Sea of ​​Fire

Chapter 1188 Sea of ​​Fire (2)

Huangzhou became the biggest winner because of the trees, and a total of 200 people including trees went to Huoyun Island.

The sea of ​​fire is at the junction of the second heaven and the mysterious area. No one knows why it is formed here, but top-notch immortal materials often appear here.

There are different opinions about the origin of these fairy materials. Some say that they came out of the mysterious area, and some say that these geniuses are due to the influence of the mysterious area, which caused some ordinary fairy materials to mutate and become top-level fairy materials.

But no matter what it is said, in short, it is certain that there will be top-level immortal materials here, and Lin Mu came this time because of these top-level immortal materials.

The Shadowless Knife has just barely reached the level of a fairy weapon, and it is completely unable to keep up with his own cultivation.As a personal fairy treasure to fight against him, the level of the Shadowless Knife must be raised.

Standing on the fairy boat, Lin Mu frowned as he looked at the blazing sea of ​​fire and the strong fire poison rising in front of him.

Although the flames in the sea of ​​fire are scorching hot, they are not as good as the sky fire, but the fire poison here is deadly enough.With Lin Mu Tianxian's cultivation base in the later stage, he couldn't stop the erosion of this fire poison at all.

"In another three hours, [-]% of the fire poison will dissipate, but the fire poison pill is also needed to get close to Huoyun Island in the center of the sea of ​​fire." Wu Qiong introduced to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded, also waiting for the time to come.

While Lin Shu was waiting, the fairy ships from the other eight states also arrived one after another.

When the governors of the eight states arrived, they all greeted Lin Mu enthusiastically, and their tone was slightly respectful.

Danhui's downfall is already doomed, President Luo's reputation has been completely stink in Erchongtian.The number of people looking for President Luo to make alchemy will definitely drop sharply, and besides President Luo, Lin Mu is the only known fifth-rank alchemy king in the Second Heaven now.

And the most important thing is that Fumanlou is now absorbing a large number of alchemists, and a large number of alchemists have poured into Fumanlou.Fumanlou seems to be the second Danhui now.If you don't have a good relationship with Lin Mu now, when will you wait?

Lin Mu responded to everyone's enthusiasm one by one.Everyone agreed to invite Lin Mu to open a Fumanlou branch.

Three hours passed in an instant, the fire poison gradually dissipated, and the temperature of the sea of ​​fire also dropped a lot.

"Brother Lin, you must be careful. Although there are top-quality immortal materials in Huoyun Island, the danger is not small." Wu Qiongqian said in admonishment.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I still cherish my own life very much. If anyone loses, I will be the first to run away."

Wu Qiong said: "That's fine."

After Lin Mu took a fire poison pill, he threw himself into the sea of ​​flames.

Seeing the trees entering the sea of ​​flames, Fang Zhongshan said respectfully to a young man in the Tianzhou fairy ship where Fang Zhongshan was, "It's all up to you, my lord."

The young man said: "It's just a little fairy, you can grab it with your hands."

Fang Zhongshan said: "My lord, don't be careless, this kid is very cunning..."

The young man frowned displeasedly and said: "In the face of strength, all cunning is false. I just hope your news is accurate, there must be a sunflower stone in it."

Fang Zhongshan couldn't help shaking when he heard the young man's words, and then said quickly: "Don't worry, my lord, the sunflower stone is inside. I have seen it a thousand years ago, but there are powerful fairy beasts guarding it, and I can't do it." Bring it back."

The young man waved his hand impatiently, and said, "Okay, I understand, you just wait outside for the news, as long as I get the sunflower stone, I will tell the sect to turn you into a Xuanxian, but You also have to remember that in the future, you must do things for the sect with all your heart."

After Fang Zhongshan listened, he nodded and bowed again and again said yes.

After the young man took a fire poison pill, he also entered the flames.

After the young man left, Fang Zhongshan's eyes flashed a stern light, and he said in a sinister tone: "Ling Mu, I have paid so much this time, I hope you are not dead. As long as you become a Xuanxian and unify the second heaven, even if you are What about the dog!"

The trees moved quickly through the sea of ​​flames. The normal temperature of the sea of ​​flames did not pose any threat to the trees, not to mention that the temperature had dropped so much now that there was no threat to the trees.

Lin Mu quickly got rid of the large army.

After walking for about a stick of incense, Lin Mu also saw an extremely huge avenue.

Seeing Huoyun Island, Lin Mu also understood why this Huoyun Island got its name.

Fire Cloud Island seems to be separated by a layer of formations. The flames cannot burn on the island, so they are all attached to the formations to burn. From a distance, it really seems that clusters of fire clouds are floating in the sky Floating in general.

The area of ​​Huoyun Island is incomparably huge, its length and width are at least over a hundred thousand miles.

Lin Mu was the first person to arrive, but Lin Mu didn't follow in. Instead, he combined the map Wu Qiong gave him to observe the sky above Huoyun Island.

The area of ​​Huoyun Island is too large, and the probability of encountering top-level fairy materials is too small to search inch by inch, so Lin Mu also wants to observe a good place first, and then go in to fight for it.

The trees were outside Huoyun Island, and combined with the map, they finally determined an area where top-level fairy materials might appear, and plunged into it.

Lin Shu walked through the fire cloud and the formation, and stood on the fire cloud island, and felt that this place was quite magical.

Outside the Fire Cloud Island, flames and poisonous flames filled the sky, but inside the Fire Cloud Island, it was unusually cool.Moreover, the spiritual energy on Huoyun Island is also abnormally sufficient.

Lin Mu didn't stay where he was, but immediately set off to look for fairy materials. Although there were five years, Lin Mu didn't plan to stay on Huoyun Island for five years.After collecting enough fairy materials to upgrade Wuying Dao, Lin Shu was ready to withdraw.

And for some reason, Lin Mu feels that there seems to be some change in Huoyun Island, but Lin Mu can't say what the specific change is, it's just an intuition.

"Is this just my illusion? Or does everyone who goes to the island feel this way?" After a while, Lin Mu also felt that uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

"It doesn't matter, find the fairy material first, and leave immediately after you find it." Lin Mu thought hard to no avail, and shook his head and said to himself.

Lin Mu continued to move forward, and did not think about those changes for the time being, but concentrated on finding the top fairy material.


Outside of Huoyun Island, the governors of Kyushu stood on their respective fairy ships, and they were all relieved to see that the people sent by them all entered the island safely.


But just now everyone breathed a sigh of relief, there was a sudden change in the sea of ​​flames, the originally weakened sea of ​​flames burned instantly, and the weakened fire poison also instantly rose to the peak, forcing their fairy ships to retreat thousands of miles.

"What's the matter? How could there be such a change?" The Governor of Kyushu said almost in unison.

"Unfortunately, we have completely lost contact with it. The divine consciousness and the jade slips cannot be transmitted at all." The state lord of Xuanzhou, after trying to contact his disciple who entered Xuanzhou, couldn't help but change his face.

(End of this chapter)

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