Supreme Chef

Chapter 1195 Shadowless Knife Upgrade

Chapter 1195 Shadowless Knife Upgrade
Although Lin Mu's punch hurt him very much, the excitement in Lin Mu's eyes could not be concealed.

"It's done!"

Mana immunity is a heaven-defying stunt. In today's fairy world, there are fewer and fewer body-refining immortals, and spells are rampant. If trees can be mana-immune, it will be invincible.

After the excitement, Lin Mu quickly calmed down.Although Qiongqi's flesh and blood did allow him to comprehend the true meaning of magic immunity, but Lin Mu's current cultivation level is too low, and at most he is immune to Da Luo Jinxian's magic attacks.

If it exceeds the strength of Da Luo Jinxian, his magic immunity will be invalid.And even in the face of Da Luo Jinxian, there is a limit to this magic immunity, and it can only withstand three times at most.More than three times, this magic immunity will be invalid.

"Three times is enough. With the many means I have now, three times should be enough for me to kill an ordinary Da Luo Jinxian." Lin Mu clenched his fist instead, and his eyes sparkled.

Glancing at the still majestic Blood Spirit Dragon, Lin Mu didn't wake up the Blood Spirit Dragon, but entered the chaotic world by himself, preparing to upgrade the Shadowless Knife.

The level of the Shadowless Knife cannot match his own cultivation, this shortcoming has been exposed many times, Lin Mu must solve this problem today.

This time, Lin Mu is going to use Chaos Fire to upgrade Wuying Knife. Chaos Fire itself contains chaos, which can kick out impurities one step further, which is only good for Wuying Knife's promotion.

Lin Mu first threw the Shadowless Knife into the Chaos Fire, and let the Chaos Fire melt the Shadowless Knife first.

After melting the Shadowless Knife, Lin Mu threw all the top-level immortal materials he had obtained into the Chaos Fire.

With the continuous fusion of these top immortal materials and the Shadowless Knife, the aura of the Shadowless Knife in the chaotic fire is also constantly improving and rising.

Level [-] Immortal Artifact!

Level [-] Immortal Artifact!

Level [-] Immortal Artifact!

In the end, the aura of the Shadowless Knife stabilized above the fourth-level peak fairy weapon.

Wuyingdao made an empty trill, as if expressing strong dissatisfaction with his failure to enter the fifth-level fairy weapon.

Between the fourth-level and fifth-level fairy weapons, although there is only one level difference, but the fairy weapons that surpass the fourth level are eligible to be called the soldiers of the king, and they can already bear the immortal essence of the fairy king. Can withstand the full blow of the Immortal King, this is a qualitative change.

Sensing Wuyingdao's dissatisfaction, Lin Mu hesitated for a moment, and also took out a bowl-sized sunflower iron crystal and threw it into the Chaos Fire.


With the investment of Kuishui Iron Crystal, the Shadowless Knife also broke through the shackles in an instant, from an ordinary fairy weapon to a king's weapon.

Level five peak!

This is the final level of Wuying Dao, and Lin Mu also knows that this is already the highest level of immortal weapon he can refine so far.

Even if this is the case, it is still thanks to the top-level fairy materials and chaotic fire I used, plus the magic of the Shadowless Knife itself.

Otherwise, relying on Lin Mu's own strength, it would be the limit to be able to refine level [-] immortal soldiers.

Lin Shu removed the Chaos Fire, and the Shadowless Knife was reshaped, and the reshaped Wuying Knife also emitted bursts of precious light that can only be found in kingly weapons.

Lin Mu looked at the bursts of precious light, and raised his hand to flick it, and then the shadowless knife also returned to calm.

The Shadowless Knife is too miraculous, if it is so brilliant, I don't have to do anything else, just be remembered by others every day.


Wuying Dao was obviously dissatisfied with Lin Mu's hiding his precious light, and was also shocked.

Lin Mu looked at the Wuying Knife showing a vision, and said softly, "If you don't want me to be hunted down every day, and you end up in other people's hands, you'd better keep a low profile."

After a pause, Lin Mu said: "But you don't have to worry, one day, I will let you shine brightly, illuminating the entire fairy world, so that no one dares to look directly at your light."

Wuyingdao seemed to understand Lin Mu's meaning, and at the same time, he was also moved by Lin Mu's last hope, and even automatically hid the precious light on his body, becoming plain and unpretentious.

Seeing this strange transformation, Lin Mu was also amazed.

It is well known that the innate treasure has spirits. Now that the Wuying knife has just become a fifth-level fairy weapon, it has shown such miraculousness. It is not impossible for it to surpass the innate treasure in the future.

Glancing at the Heavenly Dragon Bow deep in the chaos, Lin Mu felt that it might be possible for Wuying Dao to surpass the Heavenly Dragon Bow in the future.


As if feeling the contempt of Lin Shu, the Heavenly Dragon Bow also shook violently, breaking a lot of chaos.

Seeing the appearance of Tianlong Bow, Wuying Dao was also eager to try.

Lin Mu patted Wuying Dao and comforted him: "You are not an opponent yet, but one day, I will make you the strongest."

Lin Mu's consolation obviously worked, and Wuying Dao also became quiet.

Lin Mu came out of the chaotic world, and the blood spirit dragon had already woken up, and was circling around the medicine king cauldron.

The two bowls of precious soup had already benefited Xue Linglong a lot, but at this moment Xue Linglong was also hesitating, not knowing whether he should continue to drink.

The energy of treasure soup is too great, if you drink too much, although the benefits are endless.But if you drink too much, you may be eager for quick success and end up hurting yourself.

"How much did you drink just now?" Seeing Lin Shu coming out, Xue Linglong raised his head and asked.

"Eleven bowls!" Lin Mu didn't hide anything, and said truthfully.

"What a monster! As a dragon clan, I only drank two bowls." Xue Linglong also sighed after hearing Lin Mu's words.

"Then have you realized the root of magic immunity?" Blood Spirit Dragon asked.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I have realized something."

When Xue Linglong heard it, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said: "Then pass it on to me, I am wondering whether I should drink two more bowls desperately, now that you have realized it, then I don't have to desperately, these soup bases You can eat hot pot later."

After listening to the words of the blood spirit dragon, Lin Mu also had a black line on his forehead.It is a waste to use such treasure soup for hot pot in the future.

But Lin Mu thought, if there are any top-level elixir or holy medicine in the future, and then catch a few descendants of ancient beasts, it would be good to use such a soup base for hot pot.

Lin Mu put away the medicine king cauldron, temporarily sealed the 'soup base', and then directly taught the blood spirit dragon what he had realized.

After imparting the skills, the fire curtain outside also turned into a fire cloud again. Obviously, after the Kwai Shui iron crystal was taken by Lin Mu, the change here would be over.

"Collect a little more things, and it's time to leave." Lin Mu said looking at the gradually dissipating fire curtain outside and the less toxic fire poison.

"Haven't you seen what's in the Xuanxian's ring?" Xue Linglong said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mudao: "What can there be in a Xuanxian ring of the third heaven?"

It is true that Lin Mu has even taken the ring of Da Luo Jinxian for the last three days, but Lin Mu is really not very interested in the Xuanxian storage ring for the next three days.

"If you don't look at me!" After the blood spirit dragon finished speaking, he also snatched the ring, broke the ring three times, five times and two times, and then began to check.

Halfway through the inspection, the blood spirit dragon's expression also became very exciting.

Seeing the color change of the blood spirit dragon, Lin Mu also felt something, and asked, "Did you find anything?"

Xue Linglong took out a jade slip, handed it to Lin Mu and said, "You'd better look at this yourself, right?"

Lin Mu took the jade slip, and after taking a look at it, his expression also changed, and it also became very exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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