Supreme Chef

Chapter 1196 Killing Da Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1196 Killing Da Luo Jinxian (1)

Lin Mu's expression is not so exciting, it is more accurate to say that he is shocked.

Because in the Xuanxian's jade slip, there is a map recorded, and this map does not lead to any treasure land, but a place that is more valuable than the treasure land. It is a map pointing to the mysterious chaotic and uninhabited area. .

Since ancient times, there have been many legends about the uninhabited chaotic area, but all the legends have the same conclusion in the end.

The no-man's land may be related to the disappearing Era of Eternal Life. It is extremely dangerous inside. Even if the emperor goes deep, there is no hope of living. Of course, the treasures inside are also extremely powerful. Any one taken out is enough to shock the past and the present.

Leaving aside, the few innate treasures in the legend are said to have flown out of no-man's land. These innate treasures that have disappeared are all peerless existences that have been rampant for countless epochs.

And the jade slip in the hands of the third-level Tianxuan immortal recorded a map that could penetrate [-] miles into no-man's land.

Going [-] miles into no man's land, such a map is absolutely valuable. Although no one can be sure that there will be geniuses and treasures within the [-] miles, it is amazing enough to be able to enter.

"The value of this map is absolutely huge. It seems that Erchongtian will not be peaceful again." After reading the map, Lin Mu also sighed.

Because Lin Mu saw that at the end of the jade slip, it was written that it was given by the sect, and he came to Erchongtian only to explore the way, because the no-man's land pointed by this map is connected to Erchongtian .

He came here alone, and the powerful existence of the three heavens has formed a joint fleet, ready to come across the domain, and work together to explore the [-]-mile uninhabited area.

The powerful existence of the third heaven is not comparable to that of the second heaven. This time, in order to explore the uninhabited area, the three heavens sent are definitely masters, and they are all existences that can sweep the second heaven.

Of course, when these powerful beings came over, Lin Mu would also bear the brunt of being the target of killing.

But Lin Mu is not afraid at all, Lin Mu will be killed if he kills them.

Of course, not all the news is bad news. The good news is that only the powerful of the third heaven knows this news, and the powerhouses of the middle and upper three days do not know, so the strong who come are only the three heavens. only the strong.

This is already considered good news for Lin Mu. Whether it is in the middle three days or the first three days, Lin Mu has already made enemies. If they also know that the news is coming from across the domain, then he may start to flee again.

Of course, Lin Mu also knew that if he was not absolutely certain of killing him, he would not have sent someone easily in the last three days.

After all, the cost of crossing domains is not small, especially when crossing from a high-level sky domain to a low-level sky domain, the consumption is even greater, and even the Emperor Sect cannot afford such consumption.

The soldiers came to cover the water and soil, and after Lin Mu finished reading the jade slips, he also put away the jade slips casually. What should come will always come, and Lin Mu has nothing to be afraid of.

After wandering around Huoyun Island for another half a month, he found a few more pieces of top-notch immortal materials, and Lin Shu was also about to leave.

Although soldiers came to block the water and cover them with soil, Lin Mu had to prepare in advance, at least to help Wu Qiong and Xuanzhou's governor become Xuanxian, so that he would be more secure.

As for his own Lin Mu, he is also preparing to seize the time to break through the Celestial Immortal, but before breaking through, Lin Mu has to further improve his domain.

The forest trees passed through the fire cloud and crossed the fire sea, and came out of the fire sea again.

Seeing the safe return of Lin Mu, Wu Qiong and Kuang Feng's hanging hearts finally fell to the ground.

"Brother Lin, you finally came out. If you don't come out again, I will go in to find you." The mutation of the sea of ​​fire also made Wu Qiong really worried about Lin Mu.

Lin Mu smiled, shook his head, and said, "It's nothing, it's just a little trouble."

When Lin Mu said this, he also looked at Fang Zhongshan, which made Fang Zhongshan's heart skip a beat.

"What does Lin Mu mean by looking at himself? Could it be that Lin Mu killed Master Xuanxian?"

"But how is this possible, Master Xuanxian, how could he be killed so easily!"

Fang Zhongshan's heart was full of thoughts, and he didn't know what happened to the celestial being whom he relied on.

"Master Fang, what compensation do you think you should give me this time?" Before Fang Zhongshan could ask, Lin Mu was the first to attack.

This Fang Zhongshan wanted to put himself to death again and again, Lin Mu didn't intend to let it go any longer.

Fang Zhongshan smiled awkwardly, and said, "Where did King Lin Dan say this?"

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "I met a Xuanxian wearing Tianzhou costume in Huoyun Island. I think this person must have something to do with Fang Zhou?"


When Fang Zhongshan heard that Lin Mu took the initiative to mention that Master Xuanxian, he also realized that the situation might be bad.

After pondering for a while, Fang Zhongshan also said: "King Lin Dan, you met Master Xuanxian, then you..."

Lin Mu said lightly: "He wanted to kill me, but I killed him instead."


Seeing Lin Mu casually saying that he killed a Xuanxian, everyone present could not help but gasp.

" killed Lord Xuanxian!" Fang Zhongshan was trembling as he spoke.

Lin Mu said, "So what?"

Fang Zhongshan said: "Lin Mu has already caused a catastrophe for the second heaven, do you know where that Xuanxian lord comes from?"

Lin Mudao: "Isn't it from the third heaven? I don't care about it at all. What I'm curious about now is, what kind of compensation are you planning to give me, Master Fang? I have never met that Xuanxian, but he wants to Killing me was obviously ordered by you, Master Fang, how do you think we should calculate this account?"

When Fang Zhongshan heard Lin Mu's words, he was also furious, and said: "Lin Mu, you have already caused a catastrophe, and you dare to threaten me for compensation. You know that the person you killed was the most outstanding genius of the Xuanyuan Sect of the Third Heaven. You kill Getting rid of him is equivalent to dragging the entire Second Heaven into the boundless flames of war."

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "Fang Zhongshan, your ability to scare people is indeed much better than your ability to act. I killed him, but the fuse was you. If you weren't playing tricks, how could we meet? How could there be a series of things going on?"

Lin Mu paused, and said, "But I'm not interested in these things now, I'm just interested in how much money you're going to spend to buy your own life."

Fang Zhongshan couldn't help being startled when he heard Lin Mu's words, but he quickly calmed down and said, "Lin Mu, what you have to do now is to abolish your cultivation and appease the anger of the Third Heaven. You dare to threaten me here, you This is not just looking for death, but also wanting to kill Brother Wu and Brother Kuang!"

This Fang Zhongshan also continued to pull the banner and pull the tiger's skin, preparing to turn Lin Mu against himself.

Lin Mu shook his head, and said: "Fang Zhongshan, it seems that you have never repented. It seems that I can only ask you for compensation."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he also rose directly from the ground, and then rushed towards Fang Zhongshan.

When Fang Zhongshan saw Lin Mu rushing over, he yelled angrily, and said, "I will capture you now, so that Erchongtian will not suffer from the chaos of war!"


Fang Zhongshan's direct shot is also absolutely strong.

However, in the face of Fang Zhongshan's ocean-like magical attack, Lin Mu also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.


Fang Zhongshan's heart sank when he saw the smile on Lin Mu's mouth. At the same time, he made heavy moves, wanting to capture or even kill Lin Mu.


All the magical attacks hit Lin Shu's body, emitting a dazzling light, but in the end all the light disappeared like fireworks, and Lin Shu didn't suffer any damage at all.

(End of this chapter)

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